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Intervention Plan School For Working Children. Jjade project.
Intervention Plan School For Working Children Jjade project
The ineffective education system hasn’t been able to customize the education modules as it has never analyzed the need or the worth of retaining the traditional skills in the industry and the Private Sector Industry Players had realized the worth of it but never had formulated the idea of addressing the question of education because of lack of expertise Market analysis for the intervention Intervention for School for Working Children and the Corresponding Business Models explored in the IP Identify Market Players with Incentives to work for it MARKE T I NFORMA T I ON Organizations promoting skill based education, Private School CSR Consultants, Individual Jewelers, Community itself. Analyze underlying causes of why It wasn’t addressed earlier Identify Constraints Lack of educated, skilled force in the industry There is a demand for a educated skilled workforce who is more market responsive and receptive towards newer technology to make the Value Chain more competitive Analyze Market Condition
1. Stage of intervention: We are at the Pilot stage 2. Rationale: Improved skills and knowledge for the working children for improved employment opportunities leading to a competitive and better informed workforce with better working conditions. 3. Sustainable solution: the sustainability would come when the private sector would take up the idea of the model school and replicate it in different areas, also the trade body/Companies and Govt. setting up more such schools in the future. • Target business – Children of the Stone Artisans who are also working with their parents. • Business service solution or solutions – a nominal fee to be charged for running such a school, the Govt., trade bodies and skill institutes investing in these schools (these children would become the skilled workforce), CSR funds of private sector, the community itself taking up the responsibility of running the school. • Service model/ provider: NGOs, Design Institutes and Private Schools see opportunity in investing in the school. School
The curriculum of the school would be teaching Four components- Non Formal Education + Life Skill Training+ Technical Trainings+ Financial Literacy The Non Formal Education here would be teaching all the main stream subjects, whereas currently Financial Literacy is being imparted through the functioning of the Child Development Khazana. The Skill Up-gradation Workshops would be beginning for the age group of 14-18 years old. Under life Skill trainings, certain practices are being inculcated informally in terms teaching day to day etiquettes, familiarity with computers, English speaking etc. Will this intervention have an impact on the working conditions- It is also believed that the access to education would improve working conditions by improving the future prospects of the students. Why use the Phrase “Child Bank”- The phrase “Child Bank” is a patented phrase used by the parent NGO of this concept and hence JJADe would prefer using it just the Is there a focus on the gender ratios in the school- Though there is no specific focus on enrolling more number of girls but for records there are 60% girls attending the school as against 40% boys. Mainstreaming the children falling in the primary school age bracket- The intervention has to deal with the children falling in the age bracket of primary school (because they come to the school with their elder brothers and sisters) and hence the school functions for them as a preparatory ground where they would be mainstreamed with the regular mainstream education after an year or so. About the School (curriculum etc.)
For sustenance of the school- • Private sector using their CSR funds to open and run more such schools • Community using their own resources to sustain the school • Interested Member(s) from the Trade • Making the school a fee based model • Private Schools invest in this model Examples of service delivery models for the SCHOOL intervention
Causal Chain- Pilot A certain Number of Children go for Mainstream education Improved Incomes and Improved working conditions Better skills and knowledge through better inputs from external institutes Impact Design Institutes provide fee based short term technical trainings Private Schools take up the school as a fee based model or take students from model school on their roll Service level Outcomes NGOs get more Funds for running similar schools Identification of NGOs as Service Agents to run the activities of the school Identification of Design and Technology Institutes for providing the technical trainings Identification of Private school who would run the activities of the school or takes up the management of the school Service level Outputs A CTIVITIES Model school Curriculum development is a continuous activity, onus of which would lie on the management of the school Curriculum development for the school Enrolment and profiling of students Sensitization of children’s families and constant counseling of the parents Baseline to identify working children in the catchment area ACCESS sensitizes NGO partner about the model school Recruitment of staff/teachers Sensitizing and briefing of NGO personnel about the model school 6
Does the school responds to the cultural demand of the target communities, for example in being able to include religious education etc. • The school was established in this area only because there is a concentration of lapidary artisans in this area and there were number of working children present in the same. The mosque was chosen for as the site for the school because of the availability of a space where everybody would feel secure and safe to send their children and at the same time is affordable to the project, and not because of any religious or cultural affiliations in the curriculum. • What is the track record for this kind of business model in the area – has anyone tried it? Are there issues? - This is the first time this kind of a model is being tried with this community and hence the learning and the challenges of this initiative are all going to be for the first time. • What is the role of the consultants at the pilot stage? How are they involved now so they can be prepared for their role later? - The consultants at pilot stage would help the project in fine tuning the strategies for implementation and for building the long term vision of the schools. There consultant visits are currently subsidized by the project. Answer to Review Questions
1. Causal chain: Inserted in the previous slide 2. What service provision models are you testing actively? We are exploring the following Service Provision models: • NGOs running the school on a fee based model • Private school Entrepreneurs adopt this model as a sustainable model 3. What service provision models are you exploring broadly that have potential? The service provision model which has a potential is where the NGOs run the school on a fee based model Pilot:
4. 4.a. Service delivery model 1: Interested Members from the Trade Body investing in the school • Biz model for each service delivery model (who pays in the short and long term) Since this school would ultimately increase the skilled workforce in the Jewelery sector with the younger generation possessing better knowledge and skills, Interested Trade Body Member(s) would either invest in the existing school or initiate similar schools in different parts of the city. For the long term sustenance of the school, the school would be a fee based model. • How will the service be developed by ACCESS? ACCESS would idenitfy the interested members from the trade body to invest in the school. On the other hand, it will develop business orientation of the NGOs to run the school on a fee based model. • How will providers be strengthened by ACCESS? ACCESS would assist the NGO to leverage funds from Govt and Private sources to run the school, and would also link them with CSR Consultants. ACCESS would also help NGOs in developing the business plans for the school. • How will demand be stimulated by ACCESS? Demand would be stimulated by ACCESS by documenting the benefit of having such a school for the working children in the community. They would also be responsible for disseminating information about the school to a larger platform like the private sector, the Govt. , etc. Contd…
What kind of subsidies be offered at this phase by ACCESS? The cost of running the school in terms of daily operations and HR (Teaching and non Teaching staff), is being completely funded by the project. But at the same time, it is important to acknowledge that these children are attending this school at an opportunity cost of Rupees 200, which their parents would have received, had they enrolled their child to the National Child Labor Project (NCPL) school running in the same vicinity. • What level of outreach you will target? Although the given funds are sufficient for enrolling 50 students, but the school has already enrolled 120+ students. How will you know whether to go forward with strategy or to end it? Number of children attending the school, and the level of parent’s motivation to send more children to the school would decide whether the strategy should be taken forward or not. RA plan for this: What indicator will decide the above IRAP Uploaded http://value.worktodos.com/index.cfm?page=files&fId=78774 Contd…
Market Uptake Causal chain for School Better informed and skilled workforce in a more competitive Value Chain A certain Number of Children go for Mainstream education Improved Incomes and Improved working conditions Better skills and knowledge through better inputs from external institutes Strengthening and Establishment of more such model schools by the private sector Interested JAJ members invest in such models Partner NGOs also market this model and get more players interested Govt. programmes , CSR funds invest in such models Consulting Cos. market the model to other private sector Ethical / Fair trade corporate buyers will support the models
Market uptake causal chain – inserted in the previous slide Who will continuously stimulate demand and how? The consulting companies would interest more private companies to invest their CSR funds in setting up and running more such schools. Govt. funds will be used through more NGOs in the field becoming service providers to set up more such schools What is target outreach? The target outreach would be reaching out to all those children who are working in this trade and provide them with this inclusive education What elements of the program are still in hand of the project at this point? The school has been started and at present all the activities related to school are in the hands of the project. Market uptake
What indicators tell you that the program is going well? • Industry Members and Community members invest in more such school • More children getting enrolled in such schools • More Private schools taking up the model • Other NGOs initiating the school What is the frequency of review of these decisions or this initial piece? • Since the school is still in the hands of the project, the monitoring is done on a daily basis by the implementing NGO. Formal monitoring is done on a monthly basis. Program Operations Management
Who does what in the team? Project Director– Providing guidance in the IRAP and stratising for the intervention. Liasoning and developing networks ith Govt. agencies, design institutes and engaging with consulting Cos. and private players. Program Coordinators- Regular monitoring of the school activities would be done at the Program Coordinator’s level. The Program coordinator would also do the follow up for the networks created by the Program Director. The Program Coordinators would also provide assistance to the NGO Partners in development of the Curriculum. Entry stage activities: Conceptualising the model for the school and Sensitization of the Core Partner NGO, implementing the Intervention on the same. Exit stage activity: The exit stage activity would be to make the school a fee based model or the private school investing in it. How do you coordinate this with other activities? Since the Interventions in the project are correlated to each other, hence the other Intervention activities like Insurance and Artisans ID Cards, etc are simultaneously delivered.