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Virginia Social Studies Review Jamestown 1607 – Twentieth Century

Virginia Social Studies Review Jamestown 1607 – Twentieth Century. Developed by: Miss Whiteoak March 2003. Read each question. Click on the answer. Question 1. Which body of water is shown by 1 on the map?. A Chesapeake Bay. 2. B Atlantic Ocean. 3. 1. C James River. 4.

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Virginia Social Studies Review Jamestown 1607 – Twentieth Century

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  1. VirginiaSocial StudiesReviewJamestown 1607 – Twentieth Century Developed by: Miss Whiteoak March 2003 Read each question Click on the answer Click to Continue

  2. Question 1 Which body of water is shown by 1 on the map? A Chesapeake Bay 2 B Atlantic Ocean 3 1 C James River 4 D Potomac River 6 5 Click to Continue

  3. Question 2 What state does NOT border Virginia? A Maryland B Pennsylvania C North Carolina D Tennessee Click to Continue

  4. Question 3 The Appalachian Plateau is located: A in northeast Virginia B in southeast Virginia C in southwest Virginia D on the border of Virginia and Maryland Click to Continue

  5. Question 4 Many early Virginia settlements were located along rivers because: A goods and products could be shipped easily B gold was usually found near rivers C the water was used for irrigation of crops D the settlers needed the water for drinking and cooking Click to Continue

  6. Question 5 The Cherokee Indians lived in the southwestern mountains of Virginia and belonged to which language group? A Iroquoian B Algonquian C Siouan D Powhatan Click to Continue

  7. Question 6 The first permanent English settlement in North America was: A Jamestown B Roanoke C St. Augustine D Williamsburg Click to Continue

  8. Question 7 The Virginia Company was able to buy the ships and supplies needed to start the colony by: A selling shares of stock in the company B asking the King for money C obtaining a loan from Parliament D using the government’s ships and supplies Click to Continue

  9. Question 8 The charters granted to the settlement were important because they: A gave English rights to the colonists B established religious freedom C outlawed taxes D gave all colonists the right to vote Click to Continue

  10. Question 9 One important job of the House of Burgesses was to: A build a church B trade with the Indians C make the laws D plant the crops Click to Continue

  11. Question 10 Slave labor became very important to the colony because the settlers needed the slaves to: A help build their homes B work in the tobacco fields C do the cooking and cleaning D take care of the children Click to Continue

  12. Question 11 The Indians traded food, furs, and leather to the settlers for: A land B metal tools C tobacco D wheat Click to Continue

  13. Question 12 As the number of colonists increased and the colonists needed more land to raise tobacco, they took more land from the Indians which caused the Indians to: A attack the settlers B destroy the tobacco fields C find more land for tobacco farming D help the colonists raise and sell more tobacco Click to Continue

  14. Question 13 John Rolfe made an important contribution to the Virginia colony by: A mapping the rivers of the colony B requiring all colonists to work C growing a type of tobacco that could be sold in England D speaking against the King and taxes Click to Continue

  15. Question 14 Tobacco was grown as a cash crop. Cash crops are: A very expensive to grow B grown to be sold for profit C only paid for with cash D very difficult to grow Click to Continue

  16. Question 15 The Germans and the Scotch-Irish settled primarily in the: A Tidewater region B Piedmont region C Shenandoah Valley area D Blue Ridge Mountains Click to Continue

  17. Question 16 The Africans settled mainly in areas where agriculture required a great deal of labor such as in the: A Tidewater and Piedmont B Blue Ridge Mountains C Shenandoah Valley D Appalachian Plateau Click to Continue

  18. Question 17 Which of the following statements about the economy of colonial Virginia is false? A Banks provided currency and coins B Barter was commonly used C Colonists could buy goods on credit D Tobacco receipts were used as money Click to Continue

  19. Question 18 One of the main ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence was that: A authority to rule belongs only to the king B all people are created equal and have rights C countries should not be allowed to have colonies D taxes are unfair and not needed Click to Continue

  20. Question 19 Many of Virginia’s slaves fought in the American Revolution because they were promised: A freedom B guns C money D land Click to Continue

  21. Question 20 The words, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.” encouraged many Virginians to demand freedom from the British. These words were spoken by: A Thomas Jefferson B Patrick Henry C James Madison D George Washington Click to Continue

  22. Question 21 The American victory at Yorktown was important because: A it convinced the French to fight with the Americans B the colonists gained control of Philadelphia C the Americans were able to capture needed weapons and supplies D it resulted in the surrender of the British army Click to Continue

  23. Question 22 Due to his skills at compromising and keeping of detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention, what Virginian became known as “Father of the Constitution”? A Benjamin Franklin B James Madison C Thomas Jefferson D George Washington Click to Continue

  24. Question 23 The idea that all people should be able to worship as they please was outlined by Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the : A Bill of Rights B First Charter of Virginia C Emancipation Proclamation D Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom Click to Continue

  25. Question 24 Many of the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence and in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights can be traced back to the: A Emancipation Proclamation B Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom C Dunmore Proclamation D Virginia Declaration of Rights Click to Continue

  26. Question 25 As the country grew and expanded, new states wanted to become part of the United States. New states which did not want slavery were called: A patriot states B slave states C free states D loyalist states Click to Continue

  27. Question 26 A person who was in favor of doing away with slavery was called: A abolitionist B indentured servant C loyalist D patriot Click to Continue

  28. Question 27 The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 caused cotton to become a valuable crop and: A the North to become an agricultural area B made slave labor more important in the South C led to an increase of slavery in the North D created a rapid rise of factories in the South Click to Continue

  29. Question 28 The slave rebellion of 1831 that resulted in harsher laws to control slaves was led by: A Nathaniel Bacon B Crispus Attucks C Frederick Douglass D Nat Turner Click to Continue

  30. Question 29 In an attempt to get weapons for slaves to use in their fight for freedom, a raid on Harper’s Ferry was led by the abolitionist: A John Brown B Dred Scott C Nat Turner D Nathaniel Bacon Click to Continue

  31. Question 30 One reason Virginia decided to join the Confederate States because it did NOT want to: A fight other southern states B give women the right to vote C pay taxes on slaves D buy manufactured goods from northern factories Click to Continue

  32. Question 31 The first major battle between the armies of the North and South was fought at: A Gettysburg B Richmond C Fredericksburg D Bull Run Click to Continue

  33. Question 32 The Confederate general who received a nickname for standing firm with his troops against the Union soldiers at the first battle of Bull Run was: A Robert E. Lee B Stonewall Jackson C George Pickett D JEB Stuart Click to Continue

  34. Question 33 “On to Richmond” was often the battle cry of the Union. The Union troops wanted to capture Richmond because: A an important naval shipyard was located there B it was the capital of the Confederacy C many textile factories were located there D it was known as the “bread basket of the Confederacy” Click to Continue

  35. Question 34 The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when General Lee surrendered at: A Antietam B Appomattox C Gettysburg D Yorktown Click to Continue

  36. Question 35 The government plan for rebuilding the South was called: A Emancipation Plan B Reconstruction C Segregation D Integration Click to Continue

  37. Question 36 Following the Civil War, Virginia faced all of the following problems EXCEPT: A Confederate money had no value and the economy had collapsed B Buildings, bridges, crops, and railroads were destroyed C Newly freed slaves received no help from the Freedmen’s Bureau D Banks were closed Click to Continue

  38. Question 37 After the Civil War, Virginia was in ruins and there was little money. Landowners could not afford to pay workers so they formed a system in which workers would give the landowners part of their crop in exchange for tools and food. This practice was known as: A black codes B segregation C sharecropping D federation Click to Continue

  39. Question 38 After Reconstruction ended in 1877, blacks in the South: A held many government offices B were treated fairly C lost many of their rights D enjoyed the full privilege of citizenship Click to Continue

  40. Question 39 The practice that separated the blacks and whites in the South called: A segregation B emancipation C ratification D integration Click to Continue

  41. Question 40 Which of the following was not an effect of the “Jim Crow” laws? A African Americans were forced to use separate drinking fountains B African Americans and white children attended separate schools C African Americans found it difficult to vote and hold public office D Poll taxes and voting tests were prohibited Click to Continue

  42. Question 41 After the Civil War many small towns grew into cities due to the building of: A airports B canals C interstate highways D railroads Click to Continue

  43. Question 42 New industries developed in Tazwell and southwest Virginia after the Civil War due to the discovery of: A coal B gold C silver D oil Click to Continue

  44. Question 43 Many people left farms and moved to the cities at the beginning of the 20th century because: A city life was more exciting B food and housing was cheaper in cities C there were more jobs with better pay there D Indians were taking the best farm land Click to Continue

  45. Question 44 During the 20th century, Virginia changed from an agricultural to an industrial society because: A crop prices were high B farm land was too expensive C old systems of farming were no longer effective D railroads took all of the best farm land Click to Continue

  46. Question 45 The cities in the Northern Virginia region have experienced growth due to: A jobs in the federal government and computer technology B the interstate highway system C the large number of museums and parks in the area D the development of the Metro, an underground system of mass transit Click to Continue

  47. Question 46 Many Virginians were against integration and decided to fight against the Supreme Court’s ruling to integrate public schools. Their movement was called: A Massive Resistance B Abolitionist Movement C Reconstruction D Emancipation Click to Continue

  48. Question 47 The first African American to be elected Governor of Virginia and any state is: A Martin Luther King, Jr. B Robert Scott C L. Douglas Wilder D Jesse Jackson Click to Continue

  49. Question 48 Virginia’s coal is mined primarily in the: A Tidewater region B Piedmont region C Blue Ridge Mountains D Appalachian Plateau Click to Continue

  50. Question 49 Although tobacco is grown in all areas of the state, it is a major product of: A Tidewater B Piedmont C Blue Ridge Mountains D Appalachian Plateau Click to Continue

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