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East Asia Test Review

East Asia Test Review. #1.

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East Asia Test Review

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  1. East Asia Test Review

  2. #1 • At least two countries in East Asia today are _Communist_______ countries that have different degrees of strained relationships with America and European countries. This strain resulted from a history of wars, including World War II, the Korean War, and a lengthy __Cold War_____.

  3. #2 • The North Korean government's belief in maintaining a strict communist system and its focus on developing a strong military has led to what possible problems? • Low use of personal technology

  4. #3 • Which sentence uses the term innovation correctly? • The development of the computer chip is a major innovation of the twentieth century.

  5. #4 • Several economic developments by Japanese innovators have gained worldwide popularity. Which Japanese innovation relates to Japan’s population density? • development of small, compact cars

  6. #5 The western region of China is thinly populated

  7. #6 • The island of Taiwan is directly east of which nation? • China

  8. #7 • How have China, Japan, and South Korea been affected by cultural diffusion? • Religion and Religious beliefs

  9. #8 • All of these groups have contributed to the diversity of China EXCEPT— • Judaism

  10. #9 • In recent years China's economy has been moving from a ___Command______________ ___Economy____________ to ___Capitalism________________

  11. #10 China Japan Which countries in East Asia BEST represent countries “A” and “B”?

  12. #11 • Immigrants from China come to the United States to live, and U.S. citizens move to China for business. All of the following are examples of cultural diffusion between America and China EXCEPT— • Chinese officials censoring newspapers

  13. The Silk Road was an important trade route for China centuries ago. What physical barriers to transportation likely slowed the traders' movement? #12 Mountain Ranges

  14. #13 • Why would the Great Wall be built in the northern part of the country instead of the southern or eastern portion? • Protect against Mongol invasion

  15. #14 • Why does China often dismiss claims of human rights abuses? • The say that their guiding principles outweigh certain rights

  16. #15 • What kinds of events are often discouraged by the Chinese government? • Demonstrations and marches against the communist government

  17. #16 Many human rights supporters view China's policy that limits each family to one child as a likely violation of which article?

  18. #17 Which two countries are most similar in economic development levels?

  19. #18 There is an error in the chart. What would correct the error?

  20. What should go in the box labeled "II"? #19 Products are sold in large quantities to businesses

  21. #20 • Whose economy is most likely being described? • Japan

  22. #21 • What new construction is being described? • Three Gorges Dam

  23. #22 • What industry in China likely will be most affected by this project? • Agriculture

  24. #23 Brilliant Leader The cartoon shows Admiral Togo from Japan. He had just won a big naval battle with the Russian navy in the Russo-Japanese War. Admiral Dewey of America was a naval hero of the Spanish-American War, and Lord Nelson was an English naval hero. What point of view is being communicated in this cartoon?

  25. #24 • A person is influenced by his frame of reference. A frame of reference can include many things, such as attitudes, events, and ideas that may have influenced someone at a specific time period. • What probably influenced the illustrator of this cartoon in 1905? • It was the Age of Imperialism

  26. #25 • What symbol helps you to understand that Japan was being viewed as a world power? • The Globe

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