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The Fall of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms

The Fall of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms . Step by Step through the OT Rev. Shawn P. Ellis Spring 2013. Two Kingdoms. Northern Kingdom. Southern Kingdom. Judah Davidic Line Capital Jerusalem Rehoboam first king. Israel Capital Samaria Jeroboam first King. Kings of Israel .

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The Fall of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms

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  1. The Fall of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms Step by Step through the OT Rev. Shawn P. Ellis Spring 2013

  2. Two Kingdoms Northern Kingdom Southern Kingdom Judah Davidic Line Capital Jerusalem Rehoboam first king • Israel • Capital Samaria • Jeroboam first King

  3. Kings of Israel Northern Kingdom

  4. JEROBOAM • I Kings 12:25-14:20 • First king of first dynasty • Reigned 22 years(931-910) • Established false worship-set up two golden calves in Dan and Bethel (1Kings 12:26-33) • Family condemned by prophet(1Kings 13:1-3) • Appointed priest to high places(1Kings 13:33-34)

  5. NADAB • 1 Kings 15:25-31 • Reigned 2 years (910-909) • Son of Jeroboam • Followed in father’s sins (1Kings 15:26) • Killed by conspirator Baasha (1 Kings 15:27-28)

  6. BAASHA • 1 Kings 15:32-16:7 • Reigned 24 years (909-886) • First king of second dynasty • Killed all of Jeroboam’s family • Continued idolatry • Condemned by the prophet Jehu (1Kings 16:1-7)

  7. ELAH • 1 Kings 16:8-14 • Reigned 2 years (886-885) • Second king in Baasha’sdynasty –Baasha’s son • More idols • Killed by his captain Zimri(1Kings 16:9-10)

  8. ZIMRI • 1 Kings 16:15-22 • Reigned 7 days (885) • Only king in third dynasty • Continued in the ways of Jeroboam • When Omri plotted to kill him, he went to Tizrah and set the palace on fire and died.

  9. OMRI • 1Kings 16:23-38 • Reigned 12 years (885-874) • First king in the fourth dynasty • Established Samaria as capital (1 Kings 16:24) • Sinned more than all the kings before him (1 Kings 16:25)

  10. AHAB AND JEZEBEL • 1 Kings 16:28-34;20:1-22:40) • Reigned 22 years (874-853) • Second king in fourth dynasty-Omri’s son • Married Jezebel the daughter of the Sidonian king Ethbaal. (1Kings 16:31) • Served Baal • Set up an alter and temple for Baal in Samaria • Made an Asherah pole.

  11. AHAB AND JEZEBEL CONT. • Defeated Syria twice (1 kings 20:1-34) • Jezebel tried to kill all of God’s prophets. • King during the time of Elijah (1Kings 17-19,21;2Kings1:1-2:11) • Ahab died in battle

  12. AHAZIAH • 2 Kings 1:2-18 • Reigned 2 years (853-852) • Third king in Omri’s dynasty-Ahab’s son • Followed after Jeroboam and Ahab

  13. JORAM • 2 Kings 3 • Reigned 12 years (852-841) • Fourth king in Omri’s dynasty-Ahab’s son and Ahaziah’s brother • Time of the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 2:13) • Got rid of sacred stones of Baal but held on to sins of Jeroboam

  14. JEHU • 2 Kings 9:11-10:36 • Reigned 28 years (841-814) • First king of fifth dynasty • Anointed king by prophet Elisha (2 Kings 9:6-13 • Promised dynasty to fourth generation • Continued to follow Jeroboam • Destroyed worshippers of Baal and the house of Ahab-Omri’s Dynasty

  15. JEHOAHAZ • 2 Kings 13:1-9 • Reigned 17 years (814-798) • Second king in Jehu’s dynasty-son of Jehu • Sought the Lord but did not turn a way from ways of Jeroboam.

  16. JEHOASH • 2 Kings 13:10-25;14:15-16 • Reigned 16 years (798-782) • Third king in Jehu’s dynasty-son of Jehoahaz • Followed the practices of his father • Elisha died during his reign

  17. JEROBOAM II • 2 Kings 14:23-29 • Reigned 41 years (793-753) • Fourth king in Jehu’s dynasty-son of Jehoash • Followed Jeroboam • Regained land • Time of material prosperity • Time of Jonah, Amos and Hosea

  18. ZECHARIAH • 2 Kings 15:8-12 • Reigned 6 months (753) • 5th king in Jehu’s dynasty – son of Jeroboam II • Killed by Shallum (10) • End of 4th generation of Jehu as prophesied.

  19. SHALLUM • 2 Kings 15:13-15 • Reigned one month (752) • Only king in the 6th dynasty • Killed by Menahem

  20. MENAHEM • 2 King 15:16-22 • Reigned 10 years (752-742) • 1st king of the 7th Dynasty • Became a vassal to Assyria (2 Kings 15:19-20 • Ripped open all the pregnant woman • Followed ways of Jeroboam

  21. PEKAHIAH • 2 Kings 15:23-26 • Reigned 2 years (742-740) • 2nd king of Menahem Dynasty- son of Menahem • Killed by his captain Pekah • Followed the ways of Jeroboam

  22. PEKAH • 2 Kings 15:27-31 • Reigned 20 years (752-732) • Only king in 8th Dynasty • Followed the ways of Jeroboam • Pul took the land and deported the people to Assyria • Killed by his conspirator Hoshea

  23. HOSHEA • 2 Kinds 17:1-6 • Reigned 9 years (732-722) • Only king in the 9th dynasty • Last king of Israel • Rebelled against Assyria and lost • Israel incorporated as an Assyrian providence

  24. Kings of Judah Southern Kingdom

  25. REHOBOAM • 1 Kings 14:21-31 • Reigned 17 years (931-913) • Solomon’s Son, David’s Grandson • Caused the kingdom to split • Had the sacred stones, asherah poles and shrine prostitutes • Egypt attacked Jerusalem during his reign and took all royal and temple treasures.

  26. ABIJAH • 1 Kings 15:1-8 • Reigned for 3 years (913-911) • Committed sins of his father, not fully devoted to Lord • Went to war with Jeroboam and won

  27. ASA • 1 Kings 15:9-24 • Reigned 41 years (911-870) • Did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and was fully committed. • Expelled male prostitutes, got rid of idols, burned Asherah poles, but didn’t remove the high places. • Made a treat with the King of Aram to ward off Israel.

  28. JEHOSHAPHAT • 1 Kings 22:41-50 • Reigned 25 yrs (873-848) • The son of ASA • He did right in the sight of the Lord, but still had the high places. • He made an alliance with Israel and married his son Jehoram to Ahab’s daughter Athaliah

  29. JEHORAM • 2 Kings 8:16-24 • Reigned 8 years (853-841) • Son of Jehoshaphat • He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel • Edom revolted against Judah

  30. AHAZIAH • 2 Kings 8:25-29; 9:27-29 • Reigned 1 year (841) • The son of Jehoram, grandson of Ahab • Followed the house of Ahab and also worshiped the Edomite gods. • Killed by Jehu

  31. ATHALIAH • 2 Kings 11:1-3 • She reigned 6 years (841-835) • Not a descendant of David, but the wicked daughter of Jezebel and Ahaziah’s mother. • Installed the Baal cult in Judah. Killed her grandchildren to seize the throne, but failed to kill Joash. • Killed by the followers of Jehoiada

  32. JOASH • 2 King 12 • He reigned 40 years under Jehoiada’s leadership he repaired the temple, but didn’t remove the high places. • Paid tribute to the king of Aram with the treasures from the temple.

  33. AMAZIAH • 2 Kings 14: 1-20 • He reigned for 29 years (796-767) • The son of Joash • Followed his father, but still had the high places. • He defeated the Edomites

  34. USSIAH (AZARIAH) • 2 Kings 14:21-22, 15:1-7 • He reigned for 52 years (791-739) • Punished with leprosy for trying to being a priest and then didn’t want to repent.

  35. JOTHAM • 2 Kings15:32-38) • He reigned 16 years • He was right with God, the 4th good king in a row, but he did not remove the high places.

  36. AHAZ • 2 Kings 16 • Reigned 16 years • Did evil in the sight of God and followed the kings of Israel. • Sacrificed his son burning him in fire • Paid tribute to Pulwith temple treasures.

  37. HEZEKIAH • 2 Kings 18-20 • Reigned 29 years • Approved of God • Removed the high places, broke the bronze snake, smashed the Baal stones and Asherah poles. • He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him. • He gave the temple gold to Assyria after they attacked. • A praying man

  38. MANASSEH • 2 King 21:1-18 • Reigned 55 years (697-642) • Worshiped Baal, the stars, sacrificed his son, rebuilt the high places and Asherah poles and put one in the temple, practiced witchcraft, consulted mediums and spirits and aroused the Lords anger.

  39. AMON • 2 Kings 21:19-26 • Reigned 2 years (642-640) • Evil in the eyes of the Lord and followed his father Manasseh • Killed by his servants.

  40. JOSIAH • 2 Kings 22:1-23, Chapter 30 • Reigned 31 years (640-609) • He was right in the sight of the Lord. He followed David. • He renewed the covenant with the Lord and removed the high place and alters.

  41. JEHOAHAZ • 2 Kings 23:31-33 • Reigned for 3 months (609) • Replaced by his brother at the command of Pharaoh Neco of Egypt.

  42. JEHOIAKIM • 2 Kings 23:34-24:7 • Reigned 11 years (609-597) • During his reign they were invaded by Babylon and he became a vassal for 3 years and then rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar

  43. JEHIOACHIN • 2 Kings 24:8-16 • Reigned for 3 months (597) • Did evil in the sight of the Lord • Conquered and surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon • Taken as a prisoner to Babylon with 10,000 Judeans exiles.

  44. ZEDEKIAH • 2Kings 24:17-25:21 • Reigned 11 years (597-586) • Put on throne by king of Babylon • Rebelled against Babylon by trying to align with Egypt • Nebuchadnezzar broke through the walls of Jerusalem, captured Zedekiah and killed his children while he watched and then put Zedekiah’s eyes out.

  45. What legacy are we leaving?They followed after insert your name?

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