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What are the 40 competencies?. Where do I start?. How do I acquire them?. Officer Learning Continuum. http://navmedmpte.med.navy.mil/courses/OfficerLC.htm. ENS. LCDR. LTjg. CDR. LT. CAPT. Choose your mentors. Provide Mentorship. Professional Activity.
What are the 40 competencies? Where do I start? How do I acquire them?
Officer Learning Continuum • http://navmedmpte.med.navy.mil/courses/OfficerLC.htm
ENS LCDR LTjg CDR LT CAPT Choose your mentors Provide Mentorship Professional Activity Patient Admin Course Asst Specialty Leader/Specialty Leader Board Cert in Healthcare Mgmt or Admin SME: National Professional Assoc BMDOC MEDREG/POMI/FMMTC Capstone AMDOC C4/Disaster Management Inter Agency Command & Staff Flt Hospital Any Service War College OIS Serve on Board Any Capacity Master Degree PhD/MD DUINS/Internship/Director Programs NPGS Lg/Teaching MTF as DIVO Sm/Med MTF (CONUS or OCONUS) as Dept Head HQ/BUMED or NAVMED Dept Hd Lg or Teaching MTF DFA/OIC Director BUMED PAD Executive Medicine MAO Carrier or AMPHIB FST/MRCO CASEVACOfficer/GPMRC Disaster Management Bus Case Analysis RVU Clinic Mngt Information Mngt Preparing Business Plan Analytical Decision Making Project Management Financial Management
MSC All HCA Roadmap Officer within Prof Association DFA/OIC operational/BUMED staff O-4 Building the Toolbox Lane (Earned outside of PCS orders) BMDOC Officer within Prof Association Follow on DUINS tour DFA/OIC operational/BUMED staff During 2nd MTF tour: Pt. Admin/Fiscal/Supply school a must Professional association PERFORMANCE O-1 to O-3 Duins/2nd MTF tour HQ staff During 1st MTF tour: POMI school a must deployment if available PCS Billets Lane (Permanent Job/Orders by detailer) Operational tour Recruiting Jr. Staff – EA Non MTF (research) Initial MTF tour DP DUINS – Further specialization of HCA in technical filed IPP/HSCP
MSC All HCA Roadmap PCO PXO Building the Toolbox Lane (Earned outside of PCS orders) Post CO/Policy O-6 Interagency/Capstone Active Mentor CO/Senior Staff PERFORMANCE MEDCEN DFA XO/Senior Staff Specialty Leader (or Asst) O-5 AMDOC Active Mentor Director Large MTF/Senior Operational/BUMED HQ staff Large clinic OIC PCS Billets Lane (Permanent Job/Orders by detailer) OIC Senior Operational/ BUMED/HQ Staff
Navy Medical Department Officer Executive Medicine Matrix - Draft 19 OCT 2000
40 CompetenciesCompetency Based System • Primary knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes determined necessary for successful command • Applicable to all services • Required prior to assumption of duty • Validated every 3 years
Congressional Mandate Congressional Direction: H.R. 251, SEC 8096, 3 Jan 1991: None of the funds appropriated in the Act may be used to fill the commander’s position at any medical treatment facility with a health care professional unless the prospective candidate can demonstrate professional administrative skills. The direction was broadened in 1998 when Managed Care (MC) Coordinators and Deputies were added. Joint Statement of Managers: H.R. Ret 102-328, pp. 198-199: Formal training should be established to ensure that all commanders have consistent skills necessary for this important, complex task. Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute: hosted by the AMEDD Center and School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The Joint Medical Executive Skills Program began with studies in 1991/1992, and continues under the supervision of the TRICARE Management Activity and the oversight of the JMESP Oversight committee.
Medical DoctrineMilitary MissionJoint Operations and Combined OperationsTotal Force ManagementNDMS Management/Department of Veterans Affairs RoleMedical Readiness TrainingContingency Planning General Management Competencies Strategic PlanningOrganizational DesignDecision MakingChange and InnovationLeadership Health Law and Policy Competencies Public Law Medical LiabilityMedical Staff By-LawsRegulationsExternal Accreditation Health Resources Allocation and Management Competencies Financial Management Human Resource ManagementLabor-Management RelationsMateriel ManagementFacilities Management Information Management and Technology Ethics in the Health Care Environment Competencies Ethical Decision-Making Personal and Professional EthicsBioethicsOrganizational Ethics Individual and Organizational Behavior Competencies Individual BehaviorGroup DynamicsConflict ResolutionCommunicationPublic SpeakingPublic and Media Relations Clinical Understanding Competencies Epidemiological Methods Clinical InvestigationIntegrated Health Care Delivery Systems Performance Measurement Competencies Quality Management Quantitative AnalysisOutcome MeasurementsPatient Safety Italics designate the Managed Care Competencies (Navy only) Military Medical Readiness Competencies
JMESI Products and Services • 40 competencies • Core Curriculum • Competency Catalog • Capstone Symposium • Distance Learning Modules • Website www.jmesi.org or www.jmesi.army.mil
Established in 1998 Senior 06-07s, MTF Commanders To date 360 graduates 2002 Changed name to symposium Objectives Added a VA seat 2003 Complete curriculum revision Added USPHS seat Higher level speakers Community of Practice CME/CEU/ACHE/AMAA 2004 Moved site Blended learning Roundtable discussions Coast Guard seat 2005 Leadership staff ride Capstone Symposium
History Since 21 June 2003 646 Navy Students 3042 Applications 81% Completion Rate 1300 Hours of CEU Awarded
Navy Data Base http://nshs.med.navy.mil/eme2/home.asp
www.jmesi.org E-Learning on NKO http://www.nps.edu/DL/Degree_Progs/index.htm l
http://www.dau.mil http://www.leadership.opm.gov/geninfo.html
http://www.dl.odu.edu/partnerships/navycollege/ http://mil.ccc.cccd.edu
Financial www.teleologic.net/IDEA/FM/ https://www.saffm.net/public/spd.cfm/spi/courses
http://www.doiu.nbc.gov/index.html http://www.grad.usda.gov/
Where To Go From Here • Honestly assess your needs • Locate those that can help • Set goals • Design a program • Act • Follow up