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Literature of the Middle Ages

Literature of the Middle Ages. Manuscript books began to replace papyrus scrolls in MIDAGES Rare surviving books of the Fourth Century are surprisingly similar in general appearance to works written a millennium later.

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Literature of the Middle Ages

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  1. Literature of the Middle Ages • Manuscript books began to replace papyrus scrolls in MIDAGES • Rare surviving books of the Fourth Century are surprisingly similar in general appearance to works written a millennium later. • Until the late Middle Ages, the great majority of western books were written in monasteries by scribes, who enjoyed the highest social status in their communities.

  2. Stop Discussion Time • How does the control of information affect a groups influence and power within a society? • How does the ability to read and write add to this? • Majority of population were illiterate

  3. Illuminated Manuscripts • These early books were mostly written on vellum, a fine grade of goat, calf, or sheep skin. • Fortunately for collectors, it is an extremely durable substance which generally survives the centuries • It was an expensive material • production of a complete Bible, for example, might require years of a scribe's time, and the skins of several hundred animals, thus making books a rare and expensive commodity.

  4. The works are, generally, attributed by the style of the script and ornamentation • They are unique to their time and place of origin and can readily be recognized. • surviving works can be attributed with authority to the correct city or region, and to their period within a date range of a generation or so.

  5. ‘coloured inks are heavenly grace’ • "You write with the pen of memory on the parchment of pure conscience, scraped by the knife of Divine fear, smoothed by the pumice of heavenly desires, and whitened by the chalk of holy thoughts. The ruler is the Will of God. The split nib is the joint love of God and our neighbor. Coloured inks are heavenly grace. The exemplar is the life of Christ.” • 12th century English Bishop to the monks of Durham Cathedral

  6. The introduction of printing from movable type in 1455 ended the need for elaborate and decretive books the printed word was now available to a wide range of economic classes

  7. Role of Guilds/Fairs • What impact did guilds and fairs have on the growth of towns have on the society and economy of the middle ages ? • What groups were involved? • What groups were impacted? • Who gained influence?

  8. Trade Route Activity • The economy of Europe was steadily progressing due to an agricultural revolution. Explain • Your Task is to explain and answer. • How trade contributes to economic interdependence •  Explain how the level of development of transportation, communication networks, and technology affect economic interdependence. • Explain the importance of the establishment of trade during middle ages. • Your last and most important taskwill be a to construct a system for trade and barter along with the ability to profit from this, thus identifying and comprehending a market economy. • In doing so you willcompare the roles individuals and groups played on the economic development of the medieval (European) economy.

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