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BREEAM NL BREEAM NOR BREEAM ES BREEAM SE BREEAM DE National Scheme Operators BREEAM AT BREEAM CH BREEAM LU The Netherlands – the Dutch Green Building Council operates BREEAM NL Spain – the InstitutoTecnológico de Galicia operates BREEAM ES Norway – the Norwegian Green Building Council operates BREEAM NOR Sweden – the Swedish Green Building Council operates BREEAM SE Germany – the German Institute for Sustainable Real Estate (DIFNI) is operating BREEAM DE Austria – DIFNI is operating BREEAM AT Switzerland – DIFNI is adapting BREEAM CH Luxembourg – DIFNI is adapting BREEAM LU
BREEAM rewards performance above regulation which delivers environmental, comfort or health benefits. BREEAM awards points or ‘Credits’ and groups the environmental impacts as follows: • Energy: operational energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) • Management: management policy, commissioning, site management and procurement • Health and Wellbeing: indoor and external issues (noise, light, air, quality etc) • Transport: transport-related CO2 and location related factors • Water consumption and efficiency • Materials: embodied impacts of building materials, including lifecycle impacts like embodied carbon dioxide • Waste: construction resource efficiency and operational waste management and minimisation • Pollution: external air and water pollution • Land Use: type of site and building footprint • Ecology: ecological value, conservation and enhancement of the site • The total number of points or credits gained in each section is multiplied by an environmental weighting factor which takes into account the relative importance of each section. Section scores are then added together to produce a single overall score. CATEGORIES Environmental Impact Groups
BREEAM New Construction is the BREEAM standard against which the sustainability of new, non-residential buildings in the UK is assessed. Developers and their project teams use the scheme at key stages in the design and procurement process to measure, evaluate, improve and reflect the performance of their buildings. BREEAM International New Construction is the BREEAM standard for assessing the sustainability of new residential and non-residential buildings in countries around the world, except for the UK and other countries with a national BREEAM scheme (see below). This scheme makes use of assessment criteria that take account of the circumstances, priorities, codes and standards of the country or region in which the development is located. BREEAM In-Use is a scheme to help building managers reduce the running costs and improve the environmental performance of existing buildings. It has three parts – Parts 1 (building asset) and 2 (building management) are relevant to all non-domestic, commercial, industrial, retail and institutional buildings. Part 3 (occupier management) of the BREEAM In-Use certification scheme is currently restricted to offices. SCOPE The focus areas of BREEAM
BREEAM Refurbishment provides a design and assessment method for sustainable housing refurbishment projects, helping to cost effectively improve the sustainability and environmental performance of existing dwellings in a robust way. A scheme for non-housing refurbishment projects is being developed and is targeted for launch in early 2014. The launch date will be announced once the piloting and independent peer review processes has been completed. BREEAM Communities focuses on the master planning of whole communities. It is aimed at helping construction industry professionals to design places that people want to live and work in, are good for the environment and are economically successful. SCOPE The focus areas of BREEAM * there are additional criteria for achieving a BREEAM Outstanding rating
Minimum Standards BREEAM General Information
BREEAM Score Card BREEAM General Information
Innovation Credits Innovation credits are awarded for either complying with pre-defined BREEAM issue exemplary level requirements, through the appointment of a BREEAM Accredited Professional or Suitably Qualified Assessor or via application to BRE Global to have a particular building feature, system or process approved as ‘innovative’. Fees On top of the BREEAM assessor fees for the time allowance, BRE certification fees must be paid. Currently these are £1,230 (for the design stage and post construction – same cost if just doing the post-construction stage assessment). Additional fees apply for BREEAM Other Buildings. Timeframe The time for completing the process (design stage and post-construction stage) may take anything from three months to three years depending on the type of building, type of assessment, project programme and how quickly the required documentation is provided by the project team to the BREEAM Assessor. BREEAM Criterias
Registration: It is essential to ensure that the scheme is appropriately registered with the BRE. This is done by completing and returning the registration checklist. Once registered, the scheme is then protected from future changes and updates to the scheme. Pre-Assessment: This stage is undertaken by design teams wanting to establish a realistic baseline for a development from which they can explore the options available to enhance its performance. Pre-assessments are normally undertaken for funding, planning or viability purposes and are generally undertaken as early as possible in the design process, before the design and servicing options have been confirmed. The process starts with the assessor meeting with the design team to talk through the BREEAM criteria and to develop a score based on commitments made in the meeting and using any other information available at that time. This meeting can take 2-3 hours. After the meeting the design team will be given a period of time to review the commitments made in the meeting and to respond to the assessor with any further comments or information. After this point, and with the rating agreed, the assessor will complete and issue the pre-assessment report. The Pre-assessment report is designed to show how, based on the information and commitments provided, the development is capable of achieving a certain score/rating and to provide information with regards to the next steps of the BREEAM assessment process. ASSESSMENT Stage Wise Procedure
Initial Guidance / Design & Procurement Assessment: The Design and Procurement (D&P) assessment is the first official stage in the BREEAM assessment process and is undertaken for the majority of BREEAM projects. A D&P assessment should be started as early as possible in the design stage in order to ensure that the development picks up as many credits as possible in the most pragmatic and cost effective way. The first stage in the D&P assessment process is for the assessor to meet with the design team in order to establish an ‘agreed’ list of credits to be pursued which will enable the required rating to be achieved. This meeting can take between 2 and 3 hours. After the design team meeting, the assessor will prepare a guidance report which will detail the performance requirements for each credit. In addition the assessor will provide an information required schedule (IRS) which will confirm the documentation required for each credit. The design team will then have an agreed period in which to supply the relevant information to the assessor. Throughout this time, the assessor will continually update and re-issue the IRS to reflect the information received. The assessor will also be available during this time to provide support and assistance to the design team. Once all the information has been received/the agreed target has been achieved, the assessor will submit the D&P assessment report to the BRE for quality assurance and issue of the D&P (Interim) certificate. It is recommended that the design stage assessment is completed prior to the start of works on site or as soon as possible after works commence. ASSESSMENT Stage Wise Procedure
Construction: Whilst there is no formal BREEAM construction stage, Peak Sustainability continues to offer support to the design team to ensure that, if not yet complete, the appropriate information is provided for the design stage assessment and also to provide ongoing advice with regards to the preparation and recording of evidence for the post construction review. Post Construction Review: The post construction review (PCR) is undertaken upon practical completion of the development. The main purpose of the post construction review is to ensure that the ‘as built’ development meets the standards committed to during the design and procurement stage. ASSESSMENT Stage Wise Procedure
The post construction review starts with a site visit by the assessor. This visit can take 2-3 hours as the assessor collects photographic evidence of the various systems, materials and features of the development. It is recommended that the site visit takes place as soon after PC as possible in order to prevent credits being lost as a result of changes made by future occupants. After the site visit, the assessor will prepare a post construction information required schedule (IRS) which will confirm the ‘as built’ documentation required for each credit. The design team will then have a period of up to 12 weeks in which to supply the relevant ‘as built’ information to the assessor. Throughout this time, the assessor will continually update and re-issue the IRS to reflect the information received. The assessor will also be available during this time to provide support and assistance to the design team. Once all the information has been received/the agreed target has been achieved, the assessor will submit the PCR assessment report to the BRE for quality assurance and issue of the PCR (Final) certificate. ASSESSMENT Stage Wise Procedure
Clients are required to pass an on-line test prior to registering an their first asset. The cost of the test is 75 GBP. • BREEAM New construction certification is based on an on-line self assessment which is audited by an independent BREEAM Assessor. The assessor charges a market based fee dependent upon the complexity of the audit which is generally in the range of 5,000 GBP. Engaging an external auditor is a mandatory part of the process. • Project Consultant – Typical fees range from 5,000 – 10,000 GBP for a BREEAM assessor to assist in preparing the necessary documentation. Use of a consultant is not a requirement for BREEAM certification, indeed the system is designed so that the client can complete the initial assessment in-house. The assessor acting as consultant does not need to be independent and is often an in-house resource, however this assessor can not also audit the Assessment. FEE For New Construction
Project team details Client: Waitrose Limited. Employers Agent: Underwood Carpenter Contractor: RG Carter Limited Architect: Bamber & Reddan Architects Building Services: Synergy BSS Limited. Background This Waitrose supermarket at Stratford City forms part of the new Westfield Shopping Centre. Waitrose took on the empty shell and fitted it out to the company’s own specification. Waitrose operates an in-house policy that all of its stores are BREEAM assessed, with the minimum requirement being a ‘Very Good’ rating. As there was opportunity at the Westfield site to connect into the development’s ‘Energy Centre’, Waitrose decided to do this and to strive for an ‘Outstanding’ rating for the fit-out work. CASE STUDYWaitrose Supermarket,Stratford City
Key facts BREEAM rating: Outstanding Score:Design Stage – 89.27%. Final – 86.29% Size: 3012m² Stage: Design Stage Complete, Post Completion Stage Complete BREEAM version: Retail 2008 Version 4. Overview of environmental features Connection to Westfield’s Energy Centre resulting in a CO2 reduction of more than 20%. No use of traditional refrigerants – hydrocarbons only, which have a much lower detrimental effect on the environment. Fit-out materials all carry EMS certification. Excellent public transport links, with Stratford and Stratford International train stations, the Underground, DLR and bus links in close proximity. Water saving sanitary ware and technologies, such as sanitary supply shut-off valves, installed as standard specification. Free cooling in the form of cold air retrieval from the refrigerated cabinets used. An ‘A’ rated Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) – CO2 index of 24. No electric heating, thereby minimizing the NOx emissions associated with the store. CASE STUDYWaitrose Supermarket,Stratford City
Building services The Westfield Energy Centre provides the Waitrose supermarket with its primary means of heating and cooling – all of the store’s heating demand is provided via the Centre, and cooling to the back-of-house areas is provided via the chilled water supplied from the Energy Centre. The Centre also provides the cooling demand for the water cooled food refrigeration system. All of the sales area’s cooling demand is met via cold air retrieval from the refrigerated food cabinets located in the sales floor. Green strategy The strategy of connecting with Westfield’s Energy Centre has delivered reduced CO2 emissions and a reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels. A focus on sustainable management and on waste has resulted in maximum BREEAM credits being awarded in the management and waste categories. CASE STUDYWaitrose Supermarket,Stratford City
The BREEAM assessment These BREEAM scores are based on the final assessment, which is currently with BRE Global awaiting audit: Management –100% Waste – 100% Materials – 85.71% Transport – 84.62% Pollution – 80% Health & Wellbeing – 77.78% Energy – 68% CASE STUDYWaitrose Supermarket,Stratford City
BREEAM’s Relative Strengths • Minimum Standards BREEAM’s minimum standards, pertaining to specific credits or specific criteria for credits, are tiered based on the target rating, ranging from four to 26 credits or criteria. Whereas LEED has a fixed number of eight prerequisites applicable across all rating classifications (plus one of the seven Minimum Program Requirements pertaining to sharing energy and water usage data considered to be comparable). • Energy Consumption / CO 2 Reduction BREEAM encourages reduction in CO 2 to zero net emissions in relation to Building Regulations Part L 2010 to achieve maximum points worth 10.56% of the total score. LEED targets energy reduction, instead of CO 2, based on improvement over an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 baseline, and offers maximum points worth 17% of the total score for an energy cost reduction of only 48%. • Energy Sub-Metering BREEAM has a compulsory minimum standard of sub-metering substantial energy uses for Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding ratings. LEED has no energy sub-metering prerequisite. COMPARISION BREEAM vs LEED
• Life-Cycle Cost Analysis There are no LEED credits for life-cycle costing, therefore it may not encourage the most environmentally efficient allocation of capital. • Materials In relation to sustainable materials and life-cycle impacts, BRE has produced the Green Book Live and the Green Guide to Specification (8) which provide useful information for designers, whereas under LEED, designers must rely on a multiplicity of manufacturers’ and/or third parties’ product evaluations/certifications (Reed et al., 2010, p.147) or relatively simplified checklists (Saunders, 2008, p.25). • Transport BREEAM’s travel plan credit is more rigorous in relation to actual accessibility of public transport compared to LEED which does not take account of the routes, hours of service and frequency of service. COMPARISION BREEAM vs LEED
LEED’s Relative Strengths • Transparency LEED’s approach is more consensus-based and transparent compared to BREEAM’s. For example the technical criteria proposed by the various LEED committees are publicly reviewed for approval by USGBC’s c. 15,000 member companies and organizations. • Resources LEED provides more extensive publicly accessible resources, research and case studies than BREEAM. This includes, for example, the Green Building Information Gateway (9) , a “map-centric” portal providing LEED certification data and analysis at national, state, city and project level. BREEAM does not publish data on numbers of buildings certified by type and rating achieved. • Post-Occupancy Evaluation Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) provides the scheme operators with valuable feedback on the effectiveness of particular credits in terms of their take-up and actual environmental impact, which it can use to disseminate best practice and inform future development of the assessment method LEED is more rigorous in this regard. Under the compulsory Minimum Program Requirements, all certified projects must commit to sharing with USGBC/GBCI all available actual energy and water usage data for the whole project for a period of at least five years from occupancy. COMPARISION BREEAM vs LEED
• Heat Island Effect LEED has credits for reducing the heat island effect (for example through shading by trees and specifying high solar reflectance materials). BREEAM does not address this, and although it offers credits for green roofs, it is for the purposes of mitigating ecological impact and reducing surface water run-off. • Thermal Comfort Although both methods address thermal comfort through design, only LEED offers an additional credit for verification – by way of a survey of occupiers between 6 to 18 months of occupancy, and a corrective action plan in the event that more than 20% are dissatisfied with thermal comfort. • Indoor Air Quality LEED’s indoor air quality credit requirements are more sophisticated than BREEAM’s, driven by the USA’s climate and greater reliance on mechanically ventilated and air conditioned buildings. Furthermore, LEED addresses indoor air quality (IAQ) and mold prevention post-construction but prior to occupancy by offering a credit which requires either a full air flush-out in accordance with specific air volume, temperature and relative humidity parameters, or IAQ testing consistent with EPA or ISO methods. BREEAM has no such requirements. COMPARISION BREEAM vs LEED