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Eating In The Shadow

Explore biblical insights on the Last Supper where Jesus ate with his disciples before his crucifixion. Reflect on the deep symbolism and meaning of this significant event and its relevance for believers today, emphasizing the solemn and sacred nature of partaking in the Lord's Supper.

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Eating In The Shadow

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  1. Eating In The Shadow Of The Cross Biblical Reflections On The Lord’s Supper

  2. When The 12 Ate With Jesus… • They did so literallyLk 22:15 • The shadow of the cross loomed large that evening…it was very near • All Jesus had talked about was at hand • They ate 12-15 hours before His death

  3. When The 12 Ate With Jesus… • It was Thursday night Mt 26:20 • Jesus words were “disturbing” • There was “trouble” at the table Mk 14:18-21 Lk 22:21 • There was a real element of sorrow

  4. When The 12 Ate With Jesus… • This meal was emblematic of “true sacrifice” Lk 22:19-20 cp. Jn 15:13 • How dark this night must have seemed • How keenly they must have felt the “shadow of the cross”

  5. As We Eat With Jesus… • We do so virtuallyMt 26:29 • We eat with a resurrected Lord • We eat with others who also believe in His death & resurrection 1 Cor 11:33

  6. As We Eat With Jesus… • It is something to be “taught” and “received” and “done” 1 Cor 11:23-25 • It is both a proclamation of what He did as well as an anticipation of His eventual return 1 Cor 11:26

  7. As We Eat With Jesus… • It is to be faithfully observed to avoid falling into judgment 1 Cor 11:27-29 • To us, the cross and its “shadow” may seem distant • Far removed…much time has passed by

  8. As We Eat With Jesus… • The cross needs to seem near for us • We need to be aware of its “shadow” • The Supper Jesus instituted and the inspired accounts detailing it are meant to make Calvary real to us

  9. As We Eat With Jesus… • Whether we see the “shadow of the cross” or not…it still lingers to this day • We need to sense it every time we gather around the Lord’s table & eat His Supper • To eat wrongfully = to “despise the church of God” 1 Cor 11:22

  10. As We Eat With Jesus… • Passages that can help us eat well… Phil 2:7-8 • Emphasizes the type of death He died • The extent He was willing to go to for man to be redeemed back to God

  11. As We Eat With Jesus… • Passages that can help us eat well… Heb 12:2 • Something He “endured” because of the “…joy set before Him” Exaltation again at God’s right hand Phil 2:9-11 Eph 1:19-23

  12. As We Eat With Jesus… • Passages that can help us eat well… Heb 12:2 • A shame He “despised” (thought little of) • Usually disgrace (shame) of something undesirable is enough incentive to avoid it

  13. As We Eat With Jesus… • Passages that can help us eat well… Heb 12:2 • Not so re: Christ is His death • He “thought little” of the shame & disgrace of being crucified so that we might be saved

  14. Conclusion… • There is no more serious moment in our worship assembly than when we gather around our “family table” • It is the “Lord’s Supper” 1 Cor 11:20 • It is not our “own supper” 1 Cor 11:21

  15. Conclusion… • There is no more serious moment in our worship assembly than when we gather around our “family table” • It is for His purpose, not ours • It is to memorialize Him, not please us

  16. Conclusion… • As we prepare to eat this morning… • …can you see the hill where they nailed Him to His cross? • …can you envision the “shadow” of that cross as they lifted Him up to die?

  17. Conclusion… • We eat in that “shadow” every Lord’s Day • We remember the most important thing… He died that death to set us all free

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