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Explore network codes, commercial aspects, and SRG applications in the day-ahead capacity allocation processes. Learn about regulatory frameworks and capacity allocation mechanisms in natural gas transportation services.

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  1. DAY-AHEAD CAPACITY ALLOCATION San Donato Milanese, 5th- 6th March 2013


  3. I Introduction– Evolution of the Transportation Service Evolution of communicationmethods PAPER MANAGEMENT CAPACITY PORTAL Jul 2001 Jun 2006 Sep 2008 Apr 2013 Jul 2009 Dic 2011 3


  5. Regulatoryframework • Resolution 536/2012/R/gas of ‘Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas’ • Day-aheaddailycapacityat Tarvisio Entry/Exit Point available from 1st April SRG • Opened access to SRGNetwork Users: • fulfilling with contractual Network Code obligations • provided with appropriate guarantees • certificate proving ownership of import contract(s) not required by the TSO • Regulatedtariff (Monthlycapacitycharge) on a dailybasis • SRG Network Code update proposal • AEEG-E-Control Guidelineon a day-aheadallocationmechanismat the Austrian/Italianborder

  6. Regulatoryframework • AEEG- E-Control Guideline • Day-aheaddailytransportationcapacityallocationcriteria (primary market): • Dailycapacityproduct for TSOscoordinatedallocation(BundledDailyCapacity) at the IP AT-IT border • Interruptiblecapacityofferedonlyiffirmcapacityisnotavailable or sold out day-ahead • Bundledcapacitydeterminedasthe minimum availablecapacitybetweenTSOsSysts • The TSOs join a common booking platform for the capacityallocation • Allocationheldthroughauctionmechanismaccording to CAM provisions • Revenuessplittedbetween the TSOsaccordingto agreements approved by NRAs  • Contractssubscription with each TSO

  7. SNAM RETE GAS Network Code Day-aheaddailycapacityallocationatinterconnections with foreigntransmission Systems Capacityallocationprocess SRG Network Code, Chapter 5, par. 5.4 Renomination of dailyprogrammes

  8. CHAPTER5 Capacityallocation (1) • Allocationcriteria • DailyFirmcapacityallocation • InterruptibleDailyCapacityallocationwhere Daily Firm Capacity notavailable/sold out • Specificaccessrequirements to transportation service • Abilityto operate on PRISMA Platform • Capacityallocationcriteriaaccording to CAM • auctionmechanismusing a ‘uniformprice’ algorithm • Reserve Price (regulatedtariffon a daily basis) • Bidsselectedaccording to the economicvalue up to the capacityoffered by SRG; • finalprice = price of the lowestsuccessfulbid • auctionpremium (unitarychargeof the last acceptedbid) • Clearing Price = Reserve Price + Auction premium

  9. CHAPTER5 Capacityallocation (2) • Scope of Dailycapacityallocation • Natural gas transportationcapacity on SRG Network for a Gas-Day • atALLEntry/Exit Pointsinterconnected with foreign import/export pipelines • Firmdailytransportationcapacity and • interruptibledailytransportationcapacityiffirmcapacityisnotavailable or sold out day-ahead • Capacityin Sm3/day • Dailycapacitydefinition (each gas day ‘D-1’) • Entry/Exit Points with foreign import/export pipelines • FirmDailyCapacity = notallocatedcapacity for Gas day D • InterruptibleDailyCapacity= notnominatedbookedcapacity for Gas day D • Tarvisio Entry/Exit point • FirmDailyCapacity= bundledFirmDailyCapacity+ unbundledFirmDailyCapacity • InterruptibleDailyCapacity= bundledInterruptibleDailyCapacity+ unbundledInterruptibleDailyCapacity

  10. CHAPTER5 Capacityallocation (3) • Dailycapacitydeterminationat Tarvisio: example* FirmDailyCapacity offered by SRG • U N B U N D L E D SRG Availablefirmcapacity for Gas day ‘D’ B U N D L E D FirmDailyCapacity offered by SRG TAG Availablefirmcapacity for Gas day ‘D’ • N.B. Example scheme for the sole purpose of showing the determination of unbundled capacity • (surplus available at Italian or Austrian side, dependingeachday on the availablecapacity in each System)

  11. CHAPTER 5 Capacityallocationprocess (1) • ParticipationRequirements • TransportationContract with SRG • Abilityto operate on PRISMA Platform • Adequatetransportationservice guarantee (‘Limite di Conferimento’) • Network Code obligations • conditionEPSuK < MEPSuK • settlement of the payments • TransportationContract with TAG (for bundledcapacityrequest, only) • Allocationrules for the relevantIP countersignedby the concerned network users • Request • Binding request • Maximum 10 bids per auction • capacity to be offered • minimum acceptablecapacity • price (additional value as compared to the Reserve Price) • Σbidsnotexceeding the ‘Limite di Conferimento’ 11

  12. CHAPTER5 Capacityallocationprocess (2) • Capacityallocationthroughauctionprocess • One or more auctionaccording to • capacity on offer • requests Allocationresult AuctionresultAllocationresult • notification to eachparticipating party • allocatedcapacity, and • relatedpriceat the conclusion of the auction process • publication of finalaggregatedallocationresults • Bundledcapacityconfirmationsubjectto verification with the interconnectedTSO • N.B. Withoutprejudice to the Guidelines, the allocationwill be notvalidated in case the Network User doesnotsubscribe the capacitycontract with the interconnected TSO 12

  13. SNAM RETE GAS Network Code Renomination of dailyprogrammes Capacityallocationprocess Renomination of dailyprogrammes SRG Network Code, Chapter8, par. 6.7

  14. CHAPTER 8 Nomination and Renominationof daily programmes in the Gas-day D-1 By 19:00 of the Gas day D-1, the Network User can reformulateitstransportationprogramme for the Gas day D for all SRG transmission network points 14:00/16.00 12:00 11:30 13:00 19:00 21:30 t D-1 Report Provisional Allocation Data day D-1 Nomination deadline Confirmation of nomination Renomination deadline • Confirmation • of • renomination PSV registrations deadline Publication of TSO information Publication of TSO information By 21:30 of the Gas day D-1 SRG verifies the transportationprogrammeasriformulated and notifies to the Network User the confirmed programme N.B. The allocation of bundledcapacity by SRG doesnotautomaticallyimply a capacityallocation for the interconnectedsystemsand vice versa. 14

  15. CHAPTER 8 Renominationof daily programmes in the Gas-day D By 17:00 of Gas day D, the Network User can reformulateitstransportationprogramme for the Gas day D for Entry/Exit Storage Points and RedeliveryPoints 16:00 16:30 19:00 20:00 14:00 17:00 t G Update ofTSO information PSV registrations deadline Update of TSO Information • Deadline for presentation of offers • atthe PB-Gas Renomination of dailyprogramme for Entry/Exit Storage and RedeliveryPoints Publication of TSO information

  16. SRG network code -Updatingproposal n. 18 http://www.snamretegas.it/en/services/Network_Code/Aree/Area_Aggiornamento.html Thankyoufor yourattention


  18. Agenda Booking processrequirements Day-aheaddailycapacityauctions timing Day-aheadcapacity on offer Day-aheadcapacityrequest AllocationCriteria Eventualcapacityinterruption Allocation results on the Capacity Portal III SRG - COMMERCIAL ASPECTS AND SRG APPLICATIONS 18

  19. Booking processrequirements (1/3) • Requirements for participating at day-ahead booking process • Ownership of a TransportationContract with Snam Rete Gas  Credentials for the access to the Capacity Portal • Registration at PRISMA European Capacity Platform • Presentation of appropriate transportation guarantees (Credit Limit) • Compliance with Network Code obligations • EPSuK< 90% MEPSuKcondition • Regular payments • Subscription of a Transportation Contract with both SRG and TAG (in case of bundledcapacityrequest) • Ownership of a valid Trading rule countersigned by the Users and uploaded on Entry Allocation Portal

  20. Booking processrequirements(2/3) Credit Limit SnamRete Gas determines and transmits to the PRISMA Platform, on a daily basis, the Credit Limit for each User. It will not be possible for Users to bid beyond its Credit Limit. Each bid made by Users will be accepted by the Platform only after having passed the credit limit check. The credit limit check will not be applied to those Users holding a Credit Rating certification compliant with Snam Rete Gas Network Code. 20

  21. Booking processrequirements (3/3)Trading Rule The Trading Rule at the Interconnection point must be entered in the Entry Allocation Portal by 10:00 of day D-1

  22. Day-ahead daily capacity auctions timing The day-ahead capacity will be auctioned through two daily sessions: 1° session: allocation of firm capacity 2° session: allocation of interruptiblecapacity Snam Rete Gas willpublish the capacity on offer for day-ahead booking process in due time for the Usersrequests: on SRG website, and on the PRISMA Platform (capacitywill be converted in KWh/h) 13:00 15:00 16:30 – 17.00 17:30 17:30 – 18.00 18:30 19:00 21:30 22

  23. Day-aheadcapacity on offer 1° session – Snan Rete Gas offers Firmdaiycapacity firmbundled firmunbundled 2° session – Snan Rete Gas offers Interruptibledailycapacity (Only in case firm capacity is not available or sold out) Interruptiblebundled Interruptibleunbundled

  24. Day-aheadcapacityrequest • Request • Binding • Max 10 bids for eachauction • Maximum Capacity • Minimum Capacity • Price offered (on top of the Reserve Price) • Total economicvalue of bids must be within the Credit Limit • During each day-ahead auction Users can: • submit up to 10 bids for each capacity product on offer (capacity-price); • amend and/or withdraw the bids already submitted; • indicate a minimum capacity amount that Users is willing to be allocated in case the Maximum Capacity is not fullfilled.

  25. AllocationCriteria Uniform Price algorithm: ranking of all bids according to their prices, the highest price ranking first; Users bids are awarded in the given order until the amount of available capacity is reached; the clearing price of the auctions is determined as the price of the last awarded bid; the pro-rata allocation applies only between equally ranked bids that cannot be fully satisfied. The total price that will be charged to each winning User is equal to: the sum of the clearing price and the regulated tariff; or the regulated tariff, in case the total capacity demand is equal or less than the offered capacity. 25

  26. Eventualcapacityinterruption The re-nomination made by 19:00 is open to all Users, also to those Users not participating in the auctions. The capacity not nominated by 13:00 and assigned as interruptible in the second auctions session, can be re-nominated by both the original Users and the Users that have been awarded in the 2°session. If the total nomination will exceed the technical transportation capacity, the interruptible capacity allocated in the 2° session will be interrupted on a pro-rata basis to the awarded Users, taking into account their re-nominations. In case of interruption, the total charge will be applied only on the capacity not interrupted. 13:00 15:00 16:30 – 17.00 17:30 17:30 – 18.00 18:30 19:00 21:30

  27. Allocation results on the Capacity Portal (1/2) On the Capacity Portal of Snam Rete Gas it will be made available a dedicated report through which each User can have access to the following information: auction results for each network point and capacity product; available capacity offered by Snam Rete Gas; submitted bids of its own company; awarded bids of its own company; clearing price and regulated tariff; capacity timeframe; eventual amount of interrupted capacity after the renomination process. 27

  28. Allocation results on the Capacity Portal (2/2) 28

  29. Commercial aspects and applications http://www.snamretegas.it/en/services/Thermal_Year_2012_2013/Conferimento_Transizione_Capacita_inizio_A_T/conferimenti_capacita_giornaliera_day_ahead.html Thankyou for the attention

  30. Shipper Training Session San Donato Milanese, 5 & 6 March

  31. Agenda

  32. Welcome The new platform PRISMA stands for an integrated European PRImary and Secondary MArket

  33. Agenda

  34. Basic principles of PRISMA PRISMA shareholders Following TSOs are shareholders of PRISMA: • Austria: BOG, Gas Connect Austria, TAG • Belgium: Fluxys Belgium • Denmark: Energinet.dk • France: GRTgaz • Germany: Bayernets, Gastransport Nord, FluxysTenp, GascadeGastransport, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services, GRTgaz Deutschland, Nowega, ONTRAS, Open Grid Europe, terranetsbw, Thyssengas • Italy:Snam Rete Gas • The Netherlands: Gasunie Transport Services PRISMA is an open cooperation that allows all European TSOs to participate in the cooperation

  35. Basic principles of PRISMA Background of the initiative Foreseeably in 2015, the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (developed by ENTSOG) will come into force for all European countries. The goal of the platform is an early implementation of the Network Code on CAM • The new platform will serve for the booking of primary capacity products on all IPs of adjacent Entry Exit Systems in accordance with CAM. • Primary market features for points out of the scope of CAM can be envisaged. • In addition the platform will be able to handle regional regulatory specifics of different countries (e.g. FCFS). • The partners are also working on the secondary market functionalities to be offered on the new platform. April 2013, GO-live of initial platform, releases with new features foreseen in the future • Not all of the products will be available right away • Until NC CAM comes into force the platform will also handle regional regulatory specifics of different countries

  36. Basic principles of PRISMA Timeline PRISMA primary PRISMA creation, New websites & Additional registration information on the platform Launch of the European Capacity Platform PRISMA & auction start First Yearly Auction on PRSIMA primary* Registration start for European TSOs Start of rolling Month-Ahead and Day-Ahead auctions* First Quarterly Auction on PRISMA primary* Start of Within-Day Auctions** May June Jan Feb April 2014 2015 2013 * Restrictions of TSOs can be seen in separate Interconnection Point Overview that will beavailable in the download section of the platform** Start of within-day auctions scheduled for 2014 but not fixed yet

  37. Basic principles of PRISMA Application of ENTSOG Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM) CAM applies to all interconnection points between adjacent Entry/Exit Systems (EE IPs) Standard Products regarding auction calendar: • Annual Yearly (first auction envisaged: May 2013 (extraordinary with some TSOs), March 2014 (ordinary) • Annual Quarterly (first auction envisaged: June 2013) • Rolling Month-Ahead (first auction envisaged: April 2013) • Rolling Day-ahead (first auction envisaged: April 2013) • Within-Day (foreseen first auction earliest 2014/2015) Domestic Points can be marketed on the platform on FCFS Basis, if needed • FCFS process part of the platform Firm and Interruptible Products will be auctioned at EE IPs • Interim period until CAM becomes effective due to national legislation possible

  38. Basic principles of PRISMA Marketing structure Shipper A Shipper B Booking TSO 1 Auction TSO 3 Registration TSO 1, TSO 4 Auction TSO 1 Booking TSO 4 Capacity Platform TSO 1 TSO 2 … TSO N The platform offers two different market models (auctions and first-come-first-served bookings). Additionally, standardized registration, network and contract information services are available.

  39. Basic principles of PRISMA Overview of the functionalities of PRISMA primary PRISMA Platform FCFS Bookings Auctions Shipper registration Booking request to TSO Booking Overview of auctions Execution of auctions Overview of inter-connection points Display of free capacities Capacity Bundling, Upgrade, Surrender Processing of auction results Display of contract positions

  40. Agenda

  41. Role Definitions Platform Roles Platform Operator Platform Admin TSO Shipper Everyone • Guest (unregistered) • Everyone – No registration and login is required. Guests can look at all the published data as well as at all publicly available information. • Shipper User • Shipper role with the right to trade capacities with the TSOs. A shipper can have multiple users. • TSO User • Role for performing non-configurative tasks for the TSOs like activating/deactivating transport customers. • TSO Admin • Admin role for the configuration of TSO specific values and the management of documents. • Platform Admin • Super user of the platform used for support and operations. This user can not trade. TSO Admin User Guest (unregistered) TSO User

  42. Role Definitions Role rights matrix

  43. Agenda

  44. Registration The Registration Process • A single user of a shipper can only acquire transport capacities on the platform and on behalf of their company once they have been activated by the respective TSO. • Users of a shipper who would like to join the platform have to pass the registration process. • If a shipper company is not yet registered, the registration of the shipper takes place with the registration of its first user. A separate registration of the shipper company is not possible. • If no longer needed, the shippers as well as their users can be deactivated • In order to register to the platform shippers need an EIC Code After a registration the user receives a personal account and token. The account must not be shared with other company members and the token is not transferrable to other users!

  45. Registration Registration facts for the new platform Does a shipper already registered to TRAC-X primary have to re-register to PRISMA primary? • Customers successfully registered to the former TRAC-X primary do not have to re-register to PRISMA primary • But: shippers need to submit additional information to allow the platform to comply with European standards for shipper identification • EIC Code (substitutes DVGW-Code as primary key) • VAT Number • IBAN • BIC • After logging in with the usual authentication method (user name, token-code) the platform will ask for the additional information. • An EIC Code can be obtained at the Central Office or one of the national offices. For a full list, see http://www.eiccodes.eu Please note that you will need to enter this information until 15th March 2013, otherwise you will not be able to book capacities on PRISMA primaryfrom 1 April 2013.

  46. Registration Process model Registration request (online) Entering Identification Code Entering extended master data (for a new company) Adding master data (user-based) Accepting PRISMA primary GTCs Selecting TSOs Accepting GTCs of TSO (link to TSO homepage) Filling out and sending TSO specific documents Shipper Manual Evaluation of EIC/other codes no Forwarding customer master data to TSO* Providing TSO specific documents (mandate/ credit rating)* PRISMA primary Does the company already exist on PRISMA? Activating shipper user for TSO on PRISMA primary Adding shipper data in system Checking mandate / credit rating Activation TSO * When requested by TSO

  47. Registration User interface • In case a shipper is not yet registered on PRISMA primary, the registration of the shipper takes place with the registration of the first shipper user. • A separate registration of the shipper company is not possible. 1 Enter EIC Code 2 Information to apply for an EIC Code

  48. Registration User interface • Step 1: Check and complete the company data 1 Enter company data

  49. Registration User interface • Step 2: Check and completion of the contact persons 1 Add more contacts for the shipper company (e.g. Dispatching, Billing). It is mandatory to add at least one contact per category. 2 Enter the details of further contact persons 3

  50. Registration User interface • Step 3: Enter the user details 1 Enter user details 2

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