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Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure

Explore the advantages of the phonological rules in the handout compared to those in the book. Discover the differences between the rules on pages 110 and 111. Learn alternative symbols and understand odd results. Simplify with one rule and have fun with morphophonemics.

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Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure Ch 17: Rules

  2. 2. & 3. Any advantages? • Are the formulas on the handout better/worse than those in the book? What do you think?

  3. 2. & 3. Any advantages? • Are the formulas on the handout better/worse than those in the book? What do you think? • I’m biased, but I think the ones on the handout are better because you don’t have to play games with getting rules in the right order…

  4. 4. Q&A • What difference is there between the rules on p. 110 and on p. 111?

  5. 4. Q&A • What difference is there between the rules on p. 110 and on p. 111? • Rules on p. 110 are { } > / / • Rule on p. 111 is / / > [ ] • Watch out! Keep the levels straight!

  6. 5. Alternative symbols • What’s left?

  7. 5. Alternative symbols • What’s left? • Well c is left. But not if you believe it is a dental…

  8. 6. What’s odd here? • Question 1 in the book gives an odd result. Why is it strange?

  9. 6. What’s odd here? • Question 1 in the book gives an odd result. Why is it strange? • Note that the morphophonemic shape of one morpheme (a root ending in K) creates allomorphy in another morpheme (the diminutive suffix)

  10. 7. Let’s make things simpler! • What one rule could you give in answer to question 2?

  11. 7. Let’s make things simpler! • What one rule could you give in answer to question 2? • Let’s use  for “obstruent” l# > l#/ if  = t or d > # …

  12. 8. Fun with morphophonemics • Let’s do this on the board…

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