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Preservation Efforts: Nature2000 in Bieszczady Mountains

Explore the introduction of Nature2000 in 2004, a crucial form of nature protection in Poland under the obligations of the European Union membership. Discover the diverse habitats and species conserved in this area through Special Bird Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Habitat Protection Areas (SAC). Learn about the unique biodiversity and sustainable development initiatives in this Nature2000 site in Bieszczady, Podkarpackie province. Gain insights into the environmental benefits and opportunities for eco-tourism, organic farming, and sustainable forest management.

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Preservation Efforts: Nature2000 in Bieszczady Mountains

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  1. NATURE 2000 in the Bieszczady

  2. Areas ofthe Nature2000 is the youngest of the forms of nature protection, introduced in 2004. Poland as one of the obligations related to the accession of our country to the European Union. Nature2000 sites are created in all Member States forming the European Ecological Network Nature2000 conservation sites.

  3. The Nature2000 is one of the 10 forms of nature protection. Forms of nature protection are: nationalparks; naturereserves; landscapeparks; protectedlandscapeareas; Nature 2000 sites; naturalmonuments; documentationsites; ecologicalareas; nature and landscapecomplexes; protection of species of plants, animals and mushrooms.

  4. Nature2000 areas are divided into: Special Birds Protection Areas (SPA)- determinedthe species of birds listed in Annex I of the EU Birds Directive. Special habitat protectionareas (SAC)- - determinedfor the natural habitats listed in Annex I and habitats of animal and plant species listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive There are also common areas such as Nature2000 Bieszczady PLC 180001

  5. Special bird protection area (SPA)in 2004 he was in the Bieszczady designated under Annex I of the Birds Directive called Bieszczady and PLC code 180001. The proposal habitat area, reported by Poland in 2004. Was approved by the European Commission as an area of Community Importance (SCI) on 25 January 2008

  6. The presentNature 2000 islocated in the province. Podkarpackie. Itsrangecovers the territory of threecounties: Bieszczady, Sanok and Lesko. The ridgesNature 2000 Bieszczady Mountains arelocated in the followingotherforms of natureconservation: - 1 national park, ie. Bieszczady National Park - 2 parks, ie. Cisna-Wetlina and San Valley - 11 naturereserves, ie. On the TiszaGora Jawor, Gołoborze, Olszyna Łęgowa in Kalnicy, Sine Wiry, Woronikówka, Zwiezło, HulskienameStefan Myczkowski, Krywe, Breakthrough Osława under the Duszatyn, Spring Snowstorm in Dwerniczku, Bend.

  7. Items protection the Nature2000 site Habitatsnatural - forest: sycamoreforests; mountainsycamore; bogwoodland; fertilebeech; hornbeamforests.

  8. Items protection the Nature 2000 site Habitatsnatural-nonforest mountain and lowlandbogs; lowland and mountain hay meadows; alpinegrasslands

  9. Items protection the Nature 2000 site • Examples of plants: • (Tozziacarpatica) • (Campanulaserrata) • (Botruchiumsimplex)

  10. Items protection the Nature 2000 site Animals: brownbear(Ursus arctos) lynx(Lynxlynx) wolf(Canislupus) otter(Lutra lutra)

  11. Items protection the Nature 2000 site Animals: aurochs(Bisonbonasus) europeanbeaver(Castorfiber) yellow-belliedtoad(Bombinavariegata) lesserspottedeagle(Aquilapomarina) eagle-owl(Bubo bubo)

  12. On the Nature2000 areas, because of their unique • potential environmental, successfully developed: • agritourismactivities, • tourism, • organic farming - as a system of farming based on balanced plant and animal production, • ustainableforest management.

  13. The main objective of the European Ecological Network Nature2000 is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species that are considered rare and endangered across Europe. The protection of areas within the Nature2000 program is designed to preserve wildlife in accordance with sustainable development, where the key role is to preserve the natural heritage of this area for future generations, taking into account the current needs of its residents.

  14. Angels are silent. Especially those in Bieszczady. Lyrics Old Good marriages are still valid. We all need knowledge about Nature2000. Students entering soon to adult life, respect the rules of environmental protection, tourism representatives, able to treat the Nature2000 as a possibility to extend the offers of travel companies and tourists as a tourist attraction and part of their own development. NATURE 2000 in the Bieszczady

  15. Source materials: -legal and social aspects of the operation of the network Nature 2000 in the Bieszczady -Adam Szary, Ryszard Prędki materials and photosabout Nature 2000,

  16. 1.Paweł Sałosz 2.Piotr Zagaja 3.Karol Żyguła Szkoła:Liceum im. Jana Pawła II Sióstr Prezentek Pierwsza szkoła katolicka w Rzeszowie Klasa: 1 B LO

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