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Mastering Lesson Planning for Effective Teaching

Learn the essential components of lesson planning for student success. Discover how to integrate TEKS and TAKS into instructional planning guides, set clear goals and objectives, and create a conducive learning environment. Utilize Bloom's Taxonomy to enhance critical thinking skills.

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Mastering Lesson Planning for Effective Teaching

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  1. Lesson Planning 101 What you need to know about planning for students to learn Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  2. Learning Spiralshows that students keep connecting to material learned to build on cognitive learning Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  3. Lesson Plans • Once completed in detail, teacher learns the components and, with experience, can write down agenda and steps and follow. • Preparation made ahead of time and kept electronically – with a hard copy in your file – allows you to plan ahead and have working documents ready. • Following the IPGs or district matrix is critical – don’t re-invent the wheel! Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  4. TEKS • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills cover the goals and objectives for student mastery at each grade level. • TEKS can be clumped together, such as reading skills and writing skills that connect with the reading selection. • Mastery indicates that a student can complete the skill independently. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  5. TAKS • Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills provides opportunities for students to show mastery of the TEKS. • Exams are usually in February and April, and students must pass specific exams to pass on to the next grade or to graduate. • The Texas Education Agency rates school districts and campuses based on TAKS scores. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  6. Instructional Planning Guides • IPGs are available through most districts, although another name or format may be used. • This “skeleton” provides the information needed for TEKS and TAKS and includes other initiatives such as Principles of Learning (POL), behavior management, assessments, student products, and notes. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  7. Goals • The goal for the lesson states the outcome that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the lesson or unit. A typical goal is: to recognize the parts of a sentence. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  8. Objectives • Objectives are outcomes that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the lesson or unit. • Eg: students will write a complete sentence with 5 different parts of speech in the correct order. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  9. Bloom’s Taxonomy • Active verbs usually begin an objective such as, list, label, draw, recite, tell, recall, define….explain, compare, defend, predict, put in order, summarize… http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/bloom.html Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  10. Bloom’s Taxonomy • change, solve, modify, construct, demonstrate…analyze, classify, research, compare and contrast, construct, evaluate the relevancy of…role-play, invent, write or rewrite, create, organize, construct, rearrange, compose, predict…compare, recommend, solve, summarize, judge, justify, measure, and score. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  11. Rationale • Why should students learn this material, skill, or topic? • When students ask, “Why do I need to know this?,” can you defend the skill and connect it to real life? • Why is this important? Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  12. Lesson Content • What are the skills to be taught? • How can I present this information in a learner-centered way? • How do my students learn best? • Am I addressing learning styles in an age-appropriate way? • Can I provide ways to learn for all types of visual, kinesthetic, and verbal learners? Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  13. Learning Environment • When students enter the room, how can I provide a classroom environment that encourages students to learn? • How can students feel safe and loved? • Are students comfortable? Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  14. Maslow Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs must be met for learning to occur. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  15. Warm-ups • When students enter the classroom, how can we focus their attention on the task at hand? • Having a focus allows students to begin thinking about learning and the specific topic. Eg: What do you know about insects? Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  16. Activities • Few students learn well simply by hearing a lecture. • Mini-lessons of about 10 minutes, with graphic organizers or other visuals, are great ways to get across information that can then be handled by individual students, pairs, or groups. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  17. Pairing • Have students check each other’s work, brainstorm together, solve problems, experiment with manipulatives… • Students love working together… Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  18. Cooperative Learning • Students learn from each other and will learn more from participation in a small group. • Roles, time limits, accountability are all factors that must be planned ahead and taught. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  19. Higher Critical Thinking • Bloom’s Taxonomy provides ways to challenge students to think beyond the fact and understanding facts. • Hands-on activities are easier for students to experiment and learn by doing. • Have questions on a poster that can be asked during any class period. • Let students know that they are thinking! Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  20. Differentiation Does every student learn at the same time? Provide different ways for students to learn the skills. • Students with more ability need to be challenged. • Students need practice in order to master skills. • Students need to have a way to learn material that is missing from their foundation of learning. • Students with special needs will have an IEP that must be followed. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  21. For students who are absent… • Students who are absent need to catch up in order to progress. • Have instructions for activities varied for independent and group work. • Provide makeup work for students and parents. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  22. Checking for Learning Are all students able to demonstrate that they have mastered the objectives? Formative checks: group presentations, students practicing math problems, students following lab procedures, students putting together components of the whole…during the class period. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  23. Summative Checks • By the end of the period or time allowed, have students learned the objectives? • How do you know? • Provide a rubric so students know the expectations. • Modify assessments to meet student needs. • Evaluations can be holistic or specific. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  24. Extensions • For students to extend the skills and knowledge learned to other areas and real-world experiences. • Websites can be provided for additional ways to share knowledge and earn extra points. • Checking books from the school library or teacher library encourages reading at home. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  25. Materials Needed • As you plan, what materials will you need? • Can the school provide the materials? • Can you provide the materials? • Can students provide materials? Have materials available that everyone needs: pencils sharpened, paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, sticky notes, etc. Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

  26. Lesson Planning • Careful preparation leads to student and teacher success. • Every minute of the school day is vital for students to progress and grow! Center for Teacher Certification at ACC

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