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Explore various combustor configurations, fuel injection methods, and design criteria for optimizing gas turbine combustion systems. Understand the impact of factors like combustion efficiency, emissions, and stabilization on overall system performance.
Recap • Problem solutions Ideal case: T2 = 579 K, T4 = 699 K, Wc = 280.6 kJ/kg, Wt = 654 kJ/kg, BWR = 0.43, =0.48 Actual case: T2’ = 624.7 K, T4’ = 579.2 K, Wc = 326.3 kJ/kg, Wt = 582.1 kJ/kg, BWR = 0.56, =0.35 Recuperator case: T5 = 741.57 K, =0.42 • Effect of Pr
Main Job of the Combustor • Raise the temperature of the compressed air to the highest value the turbine can handle, with the smallest hot spots possible and within the prescribed radial profile.
Combustor Types - can annular • CAN-ANNULAR: multiple, single burners (“cans”) evenly spaced around the rotor shaft. • Less efficient, more complex (more parts), expensive, easier to field replace
Combustor Types -Annular Combustor Combustor Liner Injector shaft • ANNULAR: toroidal, single assembly burner where rotor shaft passes through the center • aerodynamic, compact, inexpensive, harder to field replace
Factors for the selection of configuration • Cooling challenges • Pressure loss • Temperature profile • Development Cost • Manufacturing cost • Testing facility • Maintainability in the field • Achieving low NOx with catalytic methods
The fuel injector • Used to introduce fuel into the combustion chamber. • Can be for single or dual fuel • Fuel can be mixed with combustion air either… • in the combustor (standard combustion system) • pre-mixed prior to entering combustor ( lean pre-mix, DLN (dry-low-Nox), DLE (dry low emissions), SoLoNOx) Dry-Low-NOx injector Pre-Mix Barrel Standard injector Conventional vs Lean premixed system injector
Flame stabilization Low pressure region
Combustion efficiency Denominator can be estimated as Heating Value When combustion reactions take place, the chemical bonds between the elements of the fuel/oxidant molecules are broken and new chemical bonds between the fuel and oxidant atoms are established. The difference in bond energies between the reactant and product bonds is released as the heat of the reaction.
Combustor Design Criteria • Reliable Ignition • Proper fuel/air mixing w/ excess available air • Sufficient transient chemical reaction time • Good Combustion/flame Stability • High Combustion Efficiency • Low Smoke • Satisfactory Emissions Levels • Minimum Pressure Loss • Satisfactory Exit Temperature Profile • Low Oscillations • Combustion of wide range of fuels • Life
Caution • Systems not (always) adiabatic • Heat Loss • Gas Compositions Change • Gas Composition not known or incomplete
Why is Combustor Design so Challenging? Many different phenomena to consider: • Aerodynamics • Hydrodynamics • Chemical Reactions • Heat Transfer • Mechanical Durability
Some Combustion fundamentals • Equivalence ratio, Air/Fuel ratio • Diffusion flame and premixed flame • Laminar flame and turbulent flames • Flamespeed • Autoignition Delay times • Adiabtaic flame temperature • Heat of combustion • Heat of vaporization • Liquid fuel atomization • Flame stabilization • Flash back, blow out, flammability limits
Some definitions Equivalence ratio or Air/Fuel ratio Measure of mixture richness or lean-ness CxHy + a (O2 + 3.76 N2) → x CO2 + (y/2) H2O + 3.76a N2 a = (x+y/4) Do calculations for Methane
Some definitions Flame A flame is a self-sustaining propagation of a localized combustion zone at subsonic velocities. Flame speed Flame speed is the rate at which an observer riding with the flame would experience the unburnt mixture approaching the flame. Flows in the gas turbine combustors are turbulent, hence turbulent flame speeds are relevant. Flashback Flashback occurs when the flame travels upstream wherever partially premixed fluid elements have residence times longer than the chemical reaction times, for instance in wall boundary layers or wake regions. Blowout Flame blowout can occur if the flame speed through the burning front is less than the local bulk fuel velocity. To maintain flame stability at a point the velocity of the fuel-oxidizer mixture must be within the flame-propagation speed to prevent blowout. Autoignition delay time Autoignition delay time is defined as the time interval between the creation of a combustible mixture and the onset of flame
Some definitions Flammability Limits A fuel-oxidizer mixture is only flammable within a limited range of compositions. The most relevant for safety purposes is the lower flammability limit, which indicates the fuel vapor concentration that should not be exceeded, in order to avoid any explosion hazard. Heat of formation The standard enthalpy of formation "standard heat of formation" of a compound is the change of enthalpy that accompanies the formation of 1 mole of a substance in its standard state from its constituent elements in their standard states (the most stable form of the element at 1 bar of pressure and the specified temperature, usually 298.15 K or 25 degrees Celsius). Its symbol is ΔHfO. Adiabatic Flame Temperature Adiabatic flame temperature is defined as the equilibrium temperature attained on completely reacting fuel / air mixture without any heat loss.
H H H H O O O + C + Energy H H O O O O O H C H + => Methane Oxygen Water Carbon Dioxide CH4 + 2O2 => 2H20 + CO2 + Energy Good OK? Very Good Combustion Reactions Desired Exothermic
In reality combustion chemistry is a complex system IMPORTANT ELEMENTARY STEPS : 1. Fuel attack by radicals 2. H+O2→OH+O 3. OH+H2 →H2O+H 4. H+O2+M→HO2+M 5. OH+CO→CO2+H • Types of elementary reactions • Initiation • Chain propagation or branching • Termination
An example from my Ph.D. thesis for ethanol flames PARTIALLY PREMIXED FLAME NONPREMIXED FLAME (XF=0.3, plug-flow strain rate 100 1/s) (φ = 2.3, plug-flow strain rate 100 1/s) C2H5OH + 3 O2 → CO2 + H2O + Heat ?
PARTIALLY PREMIXED FLAME T C2H2+C2H4 CH4 NO*100 C2H6 • Peak Concentrations of • Soot Precursors 16000 ppm • NOx 40 ppm • Acetaldehyde 5000 ppm • Ketene 1600 ppm
NONPREMIXED FLAME T C2H2+C2H4 CH4 NO*200 C2H6 • Peak Concentrations of • Soot Precursors 20000 ppm • NOx 25 ppm • Acetaldehyde 4000 ppm • Ketene 700 ppm
FUEL CONSUMPTION ROUTES Soot precursor aldehyde soot/GHG prompt NOx Partially Premixed Flame, P = 1 atm, Φ = 2.3, Plug-flow strain rate = 100 1/s
CHEMICAL-KINETIC MECHANISM A Sample from San Diego Mech !ETHANOL (C2H5OH) REACTIONS 1. C2H5OH(+M) = CH3 + CH2OH(+M) 5.0E+15 0.0 82000 (This study) LOW /3E+16 0.0 58000/ TROE/ 0.5 1E-30 1E+30 / H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ 2. C2H5OH(+M) <=> C2H4 + H2O(+M) 8.0E+13 0.0 65000 (This study) LOW /1E+17 0.0 54000/ TROE/ 0.5 1E-30 1E+30 / H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ 3. C2H5OH + OH <=> CH2CH2OH + H2O 1.81E+11 0.4 717.0 (Li) 4. C2H5OH + OH <=> CH3CHOH + H2O 3.09E+10 0.5 -380.0 (Li) 5. C2H5OH + OH <=> CH3CH2O + H2O 1.05E+10 0.8 717.0 (Li) 6. C2H5OH + H <=> CH2CH2OH + H2 1.9E+07 1.8 5100.0 (Li) 7. C2H5OH + H <=> CH3CHOH + H2 2.58E+07 1.6 2830.0 (Marinov) 8. C2H5OH + H <=> CH3CH2O + H2 1.5E+07 1.6 3040.0 (Marinov) 9. C2H5OH + O <=> CH2CH2OH + OH 9.41E+07 1.7 5460.0 (Marinov) 10. C2H5OH + O <=> CH3CHOH + OH 1.88E+07 1.9 1820.0 (Marinov) 11. C2H5OH + O <=> CH3CH2O + OH 1.58E+07 2.0 4450.0 (Marinov) 12. C2H5OH + CH3 <=> CH2CH2OH + CH4 2.19E+02 3.2 9620.0 (Marinov) 13. C2H5OH + CH3 <=> CH3CHOH + CH4 7.28E+02 3.0 7950.0 (Marinov) 14. C2H5OH + CH3 <=> CH3CH2O + CH4 1.45E+02 3.0 7650.0 (Marinov) 15. C2H5OH + HO2 <=> CH3CHOH + H2O2 8.2E+03 2.5 10800.0 (Marinov) 16. C2H5OH + HO2 <=> CH2CH2OH + H2O2 2.43E+04 2.5 15800.0 (Li) 17. C2H5OH + HO2 <=> CH3CH2O + H2O2 3.8E+12 0.0 24000.0 (Li) Initiation/ Fuel Pyrolysis step H abstraction Initiation Reaction and Radicals Attack on Fuel molecule
A Sample from San Diego Mech 18. C2H4+OH<=>CH2CH2OH 2.41E+11 0.0 -2380.0 (Li) 19. C2H5+HO2<=>CH3CH2O+OH 4.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Li) 20. CH3CH2O+M<=>CH3CHO+H+M 5.6E+34 -5.9 25300.0 (Li) H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ (This study) 21. CH3CH2O+M<=>CH3+CH2O+M 5.35E+37 -7.0 23800.0 (Li) H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ (This study) 22. CH3CH2O+O2<=>CH3CHO+HO2 4.0E+10 0.0 1100.0 (Marinov) 23. CH3CH2O+CO<=>C2H5+CO2 4.68E+02 3.2 5380.0 (Marinov) 24. CH3CH2O+H<=>CH3+CH2OH 3.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 25. CH3CH2O+H<=>C2H4+H2O 3.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 26. CH3CH2O+OH<=>CH3CHO+H2O 1.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 27. CH3CHOH+O2<=>CH3CHO+HO2 4.82E+13 0.0 5020.0 (Li) 28. CH3CHOH+O<=>CH3CHO+OH 1.0E+14 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 29. CH3CHOH+H<=>C2H4+H2O 3.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 30. CH3CHOH+H<=>CH3+CH2OH 3.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 31. CH3CHOH+HO2<=>CH3CHO+OH+OH 4.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 32. CH3CHOH+OH<=>CH3CHO+H2O 5.0E+12 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 33. CH3CHOH+M<=>CH3CHO+H+M 1.0E+14 0.0 25000.0 (Marinov) H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ (This study) Hydorxy-ethyl and Ethoxy radical consumption Consumption of hydroxy-ethyl and ethoxy radical formed by H abstraction
A Sample from San Diego Mech 34. CH3CHO<=>CH3+HCO 7.0E+15 0.0 81700.0 (Baulch et al.) 35. CH3CO(+M)<=>CH3+CO(+M) 3.0E+12 0.0 16700.0 (Warnatz) LOW / 1.2E+15 0.0 12500.0/ H2/2.00/ H2O/6.00/ CO/1.50/ CO2/2.00/ CH4/2.00/ AR/ .70/ (This study) 36. CH3CHO+OH<=>CH3CO+H2O 3.37E+12 0.0 -620.0 (Atkinson et al.) 37. CH3CHO+OH<=>CH2CHO+H2O 3.37E+11 0.0 -620.0 (Li) 38. CH3CHO+O<=>CH3CO+OH 1.77E+18 -1.9 2980.0 (Marinov) 39. CH3CHO+O<=>CH2CHO+OH 3.72E+13 -0.2 3560.0 (Marinov) 40. CH3CHO+H<=>CH3CO+H2 4.66E+13 -0.3 2990.0 (Marinov) 41. CH3CHO+H<=>CH2CHO+H2 1.85E+12 0.4 5360.0 (Marinov) 42. CH3CHO+CH3<=>CH3CO+CH4 3.9E-07 5.8 2200.0 (Marinov) 43. CH3CHO+CH3<=>CH2CHO+CH4 2.45E+01 3.1 5730.0 (Marinov) 44. CH3CHO+HO2<=>CH3CO+H2O2 3.60E+19 -2.2 14000.0 (Marinov) 45. CH3CHO+HO2<=>CH2CHO+H2O2 2.32E+11 0.4 14900.0 (Marinov) 46. CH3CHO+O2<=>CH3CO+HO2 1.0E+14 0.0 42200.0 (Marinov) 47. CH2CHO+H=CH3+HCO 5.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 48. CH2CHO+H=CH2CO+H2 2.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 49. CH2CHO+O=CH2O+HCO 1.0E+14 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 50. CH2CHO+OH=CH2CO+H2O 3.0E+13 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 51. CH2CHO+O2=CH2O+CO+OH 3.0E+10 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 52. CH2CHO+CH3=C2H5+CO+H 4.9E+14 -0.5 0.0 (Marinov) 53. CH2CHO+HO2=CH2O+HCO+OH 7.0E+12 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 54. CH2CHO+HO2=CH3CHO+O2 3.0E+12 0.0 0.0 (Marinov) 55. CH2CHO=CH3+CO 1.17E+43 -9.8 43800.0 (Marinov) Acetaldehyde Vinoxy radical San Diego Mech: http://maeweb.ucsd.edu/~combustion/cermech/
Egolfopoulos (1992) Ethanol Autoignition Delay Times and Laminar Flame Speeds
Combustion Concepts 70% AIRFLOW 30% 3600°F Conventional Same Turbine Inlet Temp FUEL FUEL Lean-Premixed 2800°F 60% 40% AIRFLOW
Mars Engine Configuration SoLoNOx Conventional • Modifications to Combustion / Controls Systems • Remainder of Engine Unchanged
SoLoNOx 18.0 in. 14.5 in. Conventional Conventional vs SoLoNOx Combustion Systems
Conventional Lean Premixed Lean Limit FLAME TEMPERATURE Part Load Gas Prod. Turbine Inlet Lean Rich FUEL / AIR RATIO Low NOx Combustion
Desired Operating Range CO and UHC NOx Emissions Stoichio- Metric Mixture Lean Rich Fuel/Air Ratio Combustion System Emissions Characteristics
Combustion air/fuel flow Fuel T5 Thermocouple injector
Annular Combustor Design Centerline Gas Temperature Temperature Average combustor exit temperature Axial distance
Radial Profile Tip Turbine Blade Root