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This summary outlines the use of information technology to enhance care services in South East London, addressing key challenges and priorities of the Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP). It emphasizes the digital commitments, work plan, guiding principles, and strategies to improve accessibility, innovation, and interoperability in healthcare delivery.
Using Information Technology to Improve Care Summary Final May 2018
How does this fit with the Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP)? Key Dependencies Our Digital Commitments Our Digital Work Plan STP Challenges and Priorities Overarching Themes Our Digital Strategy What could this mean for care workers and local people Our Guiding Principles
Change how we work together to deliver the services Improve quality and reduce variation across physical and mental health services Develop consistent and high quality, Community Based Care and Prevention Scene Setting - STP Challenges and Priorities Reduce cost through collaboration Challenges Develop sustainable services Demand for health and care services is increasing There is unacceptable variation in care, quality and outcomes across South East London Our system is fragmented resulting in duplication and confusion The cost of delivering health and care services is increasing STP Actions Source: South East London STP October 2016
Overarching Themes Adapted from SEL Digital Roadmap Second Submission 30.11.16
Our Digital Strategy Use technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of care Our Vision “What we aspire to do” • To provide digital solutions support integrated care systems and new models of care that improve quality, outcomes and value Our Mission “What is our purpose” Paper-free at the point of care where appropriate Empower people to manage their health and well being To use information to support decision making Our Aims “What are we hoping to achieve” Work with and for the people we serve and London Deploy solutions that are best done at a SEL level Exploit and build on existing digital capability and IT investments Take advantage of best practice solutions Focus on key initiatives that provide greatest value Work towards a once for SEL offering Our Approach “Our ways of working” Our Overarching Themes “What is going to underpin our work Improve Accessibility Innovation Infrastructure Information Sharing Interoperability National Imperatives Revised Five Year Forward View PH&C 2020 Placemat NHS Roadmap General Practice Forward View Local Priorities SEL Information Portal Local Health & Care Record Exemplar Population Health Management Improved Digital Maturity Shared Infrastructure Shared Care Plans Personal Health Records Review options for SEL IT / Digital delivery Our Workplan “What we commit to do”
Our guiding principles Accurate Faster Integrated Proactive Personalised Accessible
Bold = STP Priorities / Led Light = National or Locally Led (STP co-ordinate / assure) Aligning Digital initiatives to STP objectives Online appointments and patient facing apps Exploitation of theIOT Mobile working • Virtual appointments and consultations Shared Care Plans Self-monitoring, recording and reporting Telecare/Telehealth Wifi access Primary Care Wifi Access Providers SEL Information Portal Integration of LCR and Connect Care Electronic referrals across health; and care continue rollout Interoperability with voluntary sector Integration of LCR/Connect Care with PRM; continue rollout Citizen access to GP record; continue rollout Digital Marketplace • SEL Information Sharing Framework; continue rollout • Population Health Management • Local Health & Care Record Exemplar (Demonstrator Projects) Risk Management and Safeguarding Shared infrastructure Federated systems (EMIS, Vision, SystmOne) Improve digital maturity Shared delivery team • Economy of scale • Staff training & development Universal Capabilities • Revised Five Year Forward View; PH&C 2020 Placemat; NHS Roadmap Key
National Digital Themes+ • To empower the person (and where appropriate their carer) to maintain their own health • To support clinicians in delivering high quality care at all times • To integrate services across health and care so that patients receive support and care in the place that is most convenient to them • To manage the health system in a way that minimises the burden of data collection • To create the future by enabling the NHS to be world leaders in genomics and its integration with healthcare, data driven clinical research • + for greater detail refer to the “Personal Health & Care 2020 ‘Placemat’ slide
Key Dependencies • Adequate resources for engagement at all levels, across the STP, and with local people • Priorities and timelines aligned to the STP and clinical workstreams • Collaborative working and ongoing engagement between the STP, clinical work streams, suppliers and digital teams • Appropriate resources allocated to support implementation, transformation, process redesign and change
“I am able to access information that supports decision making and enables me to manage immediate risks to clients, allowing me to achieve the right outcomes and safeguard the individual whilst sharing the information with other health and care providers” “Whenever I go in the school system I have access to the latest health and care data and update as appropriate” • “I am able to view a complete medical history, including diagnostic results, for my patients rapidly and can book treatment for them as needed and communicate these in real time to colleagues and health and care providers as appropriate • “All residents’ information is updated and available in real time, which improves engagement with care professionals” • “I have access to seamless integrated digital technology that means I can view, update and share data, I can make safer, quicker decisions and refer electronically improving efficiency” What could this mean for the care workers and our local people? 6 11 5 • The School Nurse The Social Worker The Home Care Manager 8 The Hospital Doctor THE A&E Consultant • “I am able to research and commission innovative and collaborative services that improve patient experience and spend money better where needed. I have access to population health data to support decision making” Social Services Accident & Emergency “Community and Acute mental health information is efficiently and effectively shared between care providers, resulting in a seamless patient experience based on complete data” School 12 Acute Hospital • “I have access to seamless integrated digital technology that means I can view, update and share information, I can make faster referrals electronically. I can provide technology enabled consultations and services” Care Home 2 The Commissioner 10 • “I have access to my health records, and NHS and Social Care services through digital and more traditional methods. I can self monitor my health as appropriate and review and send information to health and care providers” The GP The Mental Health Practitioner 4 Mental Health 7 Ambulance 111 / Urgent Care “I have access to up-to-date health and care information and can update data as required. I receive prescriptions electronically and manage safer dispensing and self-care advice ” GP Practice CCG 3 • “No matter where I am, I am connected and able to access and update the data I need. I am paper-free, fully mobile with a connected device that allows me to fully communicate with my colleagues in health and social care” “I can access and update medical records quickly to provide appropriate immediate care and relay information to acute care as needed” 1 The Paramedic Pharmacy The Pharmacist The Patient Patient’s Home 9 The Community Nurse • Best viewed in ‘Slide Show’ • Click the bubbles (in order) to see supporting text • See slide 15 for ‘easy read’ / printable version
Personal Health & Care 2020 ‘Placemat’ Manage the System Effectively Empower the Person+ Integrate Services Create the Future Support the Clinician Will Smart Juliet Bauer Will Smart Tim Donohoe Simon Eccles WHO Urgent & Emergency Care SRO: Sam Shah 5. Clinical Triage Support 7. Access to Service Implementation Data Transformation SRO: Tim Donohoe 25. Data Services Platform 26. Data Content & New Data Collections NEW – Data Strategy Cancer SRO: CCIO Primary Care SRO: Morfydd Williams 9. General Practice systems & services 11. GP Transformation 12. GP Data Implementation Live Services & Infrastructure WHAT Genomics SRO: CCIO Products / Services SRO: Juliet Bauer 2. NHS.uk NEW - NHS Online NEW – Patient Online Integrating Care Locally SRO: Simon Eccles 13. Integration Projects 14. Interoperability Digitising Providers SRO: Paul Rice 21. Provider Digitisation 22. Digital Child Health NEW – Digitising Maternity Trust & Security SRO: Katie Farrington 32. Data & Cyber Security 33. National Opt Out NEW – Emergent Cyber Security Priorities Artificial Intelligence SRO: CCIO Digital Ecosystem & Platforms SRO: Juliet Bauer 1. Citizen ID 3. Health Apps Assessment & Uptake NEW – Service Integrations NEW – Innovation Pilots Elective Care SRO: Steve Firman 20. Digital Referrals & Consultations Bioinformatics Institute SRO: CCIO Strengthening our Workforce SRO: Patrick Mitchell 24. Building a Digital Ready Workforce Social Care SRO: Simon Eccles 15. Social Care Digital Standards SRO: Juliet Bauer 4. Widening Digital Participation 16. PHR NEW – Development & Approval NEW – Standards & Assurance (central, local & regional) Life Sciences SRO: CCIO HOW Local Health and Care Records SRO: CCIO Value from Medicines SRO: Keith Farrar 17. Digitising Community Pharmacy & Medicines 18. Pharmacy Supply Chain 19. Integrating Pharmacy across Settings Infrastructure Projects SRO: Juliet Bauer 31. Wifi Services: Digital Referrals Service e-RS, TAL, Pathways Services: Electronic Transfers Prescriptions (eTP) Architecture & Core Services: Cyber Security Service, Standards Development Rob Shaw Legacy & Knowledge Service: LSP, SLCS, Local Digital Roadmaps, CDM Social Care: CPIS Data & Secondary Uses : SUS, Information & Analytics , Systems & Service Delivery, DID, PBCL, NMAS Architecture & Core Services: 28. Spine 2, 29. NHSMail2, 30. HSCN Other Services: Services Outside Domains , IBC (* Includes £8m funding for infrastructure and platforms) + refer to the “NHS England Empower the Person Roadmap” slide
NHS England Empower the Person Roadmap Key: Strong alignment (Included in workplan) Opportunity - Education and Training Opportunity – to include in workplan
12 • “I am able to view a complete medical history, including diagnostic results, for my patients rapidly and can book treatment for them as needed and communicate these in real time to colleagues and health and care providers as appropriate” What could this mean for the care workers and our local people? THE HOSPITAL DOCTOR 11 • “I have access to seamless integrated digital technology that means I can view, update and share data, I can make safer, quicker decisions and refer electronically improving efficiency” THE A&E CONSULTANT 3 1 2 10 • “I have access to seamless integrated digital technology that means I can view, update and share information, I can make faster referrals electronically. I can provide technology enabled consultations and services” • “I have access to my health records, and NHS and Social Care services through digital and more traditional methods. I can self monitor my health as appropriate and review and send information to health and care providers” “I have access to up-to-date health and care information and can update data as required. I receive prescriptions electronically and manage safer dispensing and self-care advice ” “I can access and update medical records quickly to provide appropriate immediate care and relay information to acute care as needed” THE PARAMEDIC THE PATIENT THE PHARMACIST THE GP 4 9 “Community and Acute mental health information is efficiently and effectively shared between care providers, resulting in a seamless patient experience based on complete data” • “No matter where I am, I am connected and able to access and update the data I need. I am paper-free, fully mobile with a connected device that allows me to fully communicate with my colleagues in health and social care” THE MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICIONER THE COMMUNITY NURSE 5 7 8 6 • “I am able to research and commission innovative and collaborative services that improve patient experience and spend money better where needed. I have access to population health data to support decision making” “Whenever I go in the school system I have access to the latest health and care data and update as appropriate” • “All residents’ information is updated and available in real time, which improves engagement with care professionals” “I am able to access information that supports decision making and enables me to manage immediate risks to clients, allowing me to achieve the right outcomes and safeguard the individual whilst sharing the information with other health and care providers” THE SOCIAL WORKER THE HOME CARE MANAGER THE COMMISSIONER THE SCHOOL NURSE
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following partner organisations/groups for their input and contributions into the production of this Digital Strategy+ • + As members of the “Local Digital Roadmap Working Group” and “South East London Digital Board”