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Learn about morphemes and constituents of words, free and bound roots, affixes like prefixes and suffixes, and the process of word formation. Explore noun, adjective, verb, adverb formation through affixation. Study the stylistic and morphological aspects of word structure.
Morpheme(s) Constituents of wordsfree boundroots affixes prefixes suffixes infixesstemderivational functionalnative borrowedproductive non-productive
-ably = -able+ -ly -ation = -ate + -ion -ically = -ic + -al + -ly noun-forming:-er -or -ing -ness -ation/ -ion (adaptation, formation, education, translation) adjective-forming:-able (bearable, acceptable, changeable) -less -ful –ic (historic, classic) -ish (girlish, foolish) -y (noisy, silky, sleepy) verb-forming: -ate (legate, advocate, magistrate) -en (deepen, weaken, sadden, blacken) -fy/-ify (beautify, intensify) -ize (organize, mobilize) adverb-forming: -ly -ward (backward, foreward, westward, homeward)
deverbal: -er -ing -ment (movement, entertainment) –able denominal: -less -ish -ful -ist –ism –some (troublesome, irksome, tiresome) deadjectival: -en -ly -ish (greenish, reddish) –ness agent of action: -er -ant (student, merchant, servant, peasant) names of nationality, belonging to smth: -ish -an/-ian –ese collectivity: -age (tonnage, acreage, breakage) -ery (machinery, slavery, poetry, husbandry) -dom absence /presence of quality: -less -ful a special subgroup of feminine suf-es: -ess (hostess, poetess, heiress, tigress, leopardess) -ine(a) (heroine, czarina) -ette ( farmerette, usherette)
diminutiveness: -ie/-y, -ey (Annie, Charley, deary, auntie -let (circlet, oaklet, starlet, booklet) -ling (duckling, wolfling) connotational characteristics: + emotional force, mainly derogatory OE ester: spinestre (та, что пряла) spinster, gangster, youngster -ton: simpleton -ard: stinkard -ie: oldie -ling: kingling worldling earthling Stylistic reference: neutral stylistically coloured -oid, -form, -tron (asteroid, cruciform, cyclotron)
PREFIXATION ~those not correlated with any independent word (either notional or functional) ~ those correlated with any independent word (prepositions or preposition-like adverbs): out- over- up- under- after- in- by- to overpass, over the river, to outline, to take smb.out upstairs, to look up, undercurrent, under the table afternoon, after the breakfast, byroad, by means of deverbal: rewrite, outstay, overdo denominal: unbutton, detrain, ex-president, uplift deadjectival: uneasy, biannual, extraordinary
According to their denotational meaning negative: un- < nat. in- im- ir- non-, ab- dis- < Rom. a- < Gr. non-stop, nonsense, abnormal, abuse, disunion, disaffection, atheist, apathy, anonymous opposition: anti- counter-(contra-, contro-) antitype, antithesis, antitank, counter-attack, counterbalance of time & order: fore- pre- post- ex- foretell, foreknowledge, prewar, postwar, ex-minister repetition: re- locative: super- sub- trans- inter- in- out- superstructure, subdivision, intercontinental, transplant
pejorative: mis- mal- pseudo- miscalculate, misinform, maltreat, pseudoclassical Stylistic reference neutral stylistically coloured ultra- uni- bi- ultraviolet, unilateral, unilingual, bifocal
MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF WORDS • morphemic:unwashedness 4 morphemes: 1 root-morpheme, 3 affixational • girl—1 r-m.→ a root word • girlish—1 r-m. + 1 suf. → a derived word • girl-friend—2 r-m-s (stems)→ a compound word • old-maidish—2 stems + aff. → a compound derivative • 2) derivational: unwashednessa derivative stem with 3 degrees of derivation • 3) Immediate Constituents (IC): • unwashed + ness • un + washed • wash + ed
degree of the semantic cohesion Non-idiomatic classroom, medium-sized, theatre-goer, pocket-book, reading-hall, sleeping-car Idiomatic blackbird, football (not a ball but some game), book-keeper, highway (not a way but a broad main road used esp. by traffic going from one town to another)
blackbird—some kind of bird good-for-nothing—not a compliment chatterbox, fuss-pot, blackmail bluebottle:1) flower (василёк) 2) insect (муха трупная) 3) coll. cop
determining & determined partsdeterminant & determinatum • Endocentric maidservant looking-glass green-grocer night-school • Exocentric killjoy scarecrow cutthroat daredevil pick-pocket turncoat start-back die-hard (iron.)—an irreconcilable conservative
pick-up (iron.)—a chance acquaintance, a prostitute blackout—a period of complete darkness hangover Bahuvrihi black-shirt Adj. + Noun fathead highbrow lazy-bones
Criteria (criterion) distinguishing between a compound & a word-combination
Phonological a uniting heavy stress key-hole hot-house mad-doctor bedroom blackbird BUT: all, self—double even stress ′All-′Fools-Day ′self-′control compound adjectives: ′blue-′eyed ′absent-′minded ′light-′hearted
Graphicalsolid or hyphenated spelling BUT: headmaster head-master head master loudspeaker loud-speaker loud speaker matchbox match-box match box textbook, phrase-book, reference book well-, ill- : 34% - separately, 66% - hyphenated man-made : 6% - separately, 82% - hyphenated, 12% - solid.
Morphologicalformal integrity of compounds blackbird’s paw, shipwreck shipwrecks ≠ (the) wreck(s) of (a) ship(s) BUT: sweetheart & sweet heart sweethearts & sweet hearts
Syntactical grass-green very green grass BUT: very ≠ black market black list blue-stocking & blue stocking round-fish & round fish
Semantic the integrity of a compound word tallboy slowcoach BUT: to rain cats & dogs to pull one’s leg
SEMI-AFFIXES man land berry proof worthy like —as the 2nd element ~ very frequent as 2nd elements of w-s for a long time (man, berry, land) ~ are unstressed,- [ə] ~ combining activity is very great seaman airman spaceman policeman horseman gentleman
ladylike, unladylike, manlike unbusinesslike, suchlike, noteworthy, praiseworthy, trustworthy, waterproof, shockproof, bombproof, fire-proof, kissproof(about a lipstick) -monger, -wright (<OEmangere—a tradesman, <OEwyrhta—a worker): fictionmonger, fashionmonger, newsmonger, scandalmonger, warmonger—have a strongly disparaging character; playwright, shipwright, wheelwright.
CONVERSION Eye v & eye n -S, -ED, -ED, -ING -S, -’S, -S’ difference n > difference v counterattack n > counterattack v discomfort n > discomfort v blacklist n > blacklist v inconvenience n > inconvenience v nightwatch n > nightwatch v
to blackmail to honeymoon to tiptoe to nickname to whitewash to outline to hero-worship to shipwreck to week-end to double-cross to streamline to softpedal (смягчать) to spotlight (осветить, поместить в центр внимания)
~If anybody oranges me again tonight, I’ll knock his face off (O’Henry). ~Let me say in the beginning that even if I wanted to avoid Texas I couldnot, for I am wivedin Texas & mother-in-lawed & uncled & aunted& cousined withinan inch of my life (J.Steinbeck, Travels with Charley).
N →V:to hand, to back, to monkey, to stage, to nose, to room, to honeymoon V→N: a must, a chat, a talk, a fly, a jump, a rush, a make Adj→V: to pale, to cool, to rough, to wet, to blind, to dirty, to narrow, to wrong. But he retained my hand, & I could not free it.
N→V • the action peculiar to that, denoted by N: to ape, to monkey, to wolf, to hound, to father; • to act by means of that, denoted by N: to chain, to finger, to water, to iron, to knife; • to supply, cover with that, denoted by N: to curtain, to dust, to shelter; • to deprive of that, denoted by N: to dust, to skin; • to place to that denoted by N: to table, to pocket, to house, to house, to barrack
V→N • isolated action: jump, move, look; • an acting object / subject: drill, dig, help, switch, tramp; • a place of action: ride, forge, drive, walk, leak, show; • an object / result of action: cut, find, tear, peel, burn, catch, lift Henry Marchand: mostly derogatory: bore, cheat, flirt, scold, tease
BACK-FORMATION to beg < beggar to cobble < cobbler to burgle < burglar to swindle < swindler to butle< butler to televise < television to baby-sit < baby-sitter to house-keep < house-keeper to thought-read < thought-reader to tape-record < tape-recorder to beachcomb < beachcomber to aggress to automate to enthuse to reminisce
SHORTENING / CONTRACTION lab< laboratory, plane< airplane, sub< submarine, subordinate, subway, subaltern, sublieutenant,subscription, subscriber,substitute
1) final clipping (apocope): advert<advertisement, doc<doctor, vegs<vegetables, ed<editor, fab<fabulous, mike<microphone, coke<coca-cola; 2)initial clipping (aphesis): phone<telephone, cute<acute, cause<because, story<history, chute<parachute, zza, ’rents, ’hood; 3) medial clipping (syncope): specs<spectacles, maths<mathematics, fancy<fantasy, ma’am<madam; 4) border clipping: tec<detective, flu<influenza, fridge<refrigerator;
ABBREVIATION U.N.O. [΄ju:nəu]<the United Nations Organization B.B.C.<the British Broadcasting Corporation U.N.E.S.C.O.<the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization M.P.—the Member of Parliament
ELLIPSIS daily<daily newspaper, weekly<weekly newspaper, sit down<sitdown demonstration, put to sea<put the ship to sea, pop<popular music, pub<public house, vac<vacuum cleaner, prefab< a prefabricated house/structure
BLENDING brunch=breakfast+lunchmimsy=miserable+flimsy Oxbridge=Oxford+Cambridgemotel=motor+hotel smog=smoke+fogsmaze=smoke+haze galumph=gallop+triumpglaze=glare+gaze fruice=fruit+juicezebrule=zebra+mule clash= clap + crash slanguage=slang+language transistor=transfer+resistor disohol=diesel+alcohol sitcom=situation+comedy infortainment=information+entertainment kissogram=kiss+telegram netiquette=network+etiquette
ONOMATOPOEIASOUND-IMITATION babble (журчать) blob (капать) bubble (пузыриться) flush (бить струёй, хлынуть) gush (хлынуть, литься, разразиться потоком) gurgle (журчать, булькать) splash(брызгаться, плескаться, шлёпать по грязи) swish (рассекать воздух со свистом; шелестеть, шуршать) sizzle (шипетьпри жаренье, запекании, сжигании)
whirr1)шуметь (о машинах и т. п.); 2) проноситься с шумом, свистом; 3) жужжать, стрекотать whirl (нестись, мчаться, проноситься) ~ mew / meow bark hiss buzz cuckoo cock-a-doodle-doo ~bang! fie! Hush! Pooh! ~babble (бормотать, лепетать) chattergiggle, titter (хихикать)murmur (шептать, ворчать) whisper mutter (бормотать) grunt (ворчать, мычать) grumble (ворчать, жаловаться) whine (скулить, хныкать, плакаться, подвывать)
SOUND-INTERCHANGE food—feed blood—bleed speak—speech life—live prove—proof full—fill breathe — breath strong—strength long—length broad — breadth
DISTINCTIVE STRESSSTRESS-INTERCHANGE conduct—to conduct accent—to accent compress—to compress import—to import export—to export present—to present contrast—to contrast increase—to increase frequent—to frequent
lady < hlᴂfdige lord < hlaford woman < wifman window < vindauga breakfast < break + fast daisy < dæges eage gossip < godsibb forehead < forheafod kidnap < kid + nap (nab) boatswain < batswegen