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Power Management. Προηγμένη Αρχιτεκτονική Υπολογιστών. Κωστή Ελένη Μ 487 Ραπτοπούλου Κλειώ Μ 515 Ψαρρά Τζένη Μ 510. Contents. Introduction Basic definitions Dynamic power management (DPM) Static power Current Power Reduction Techniques Conclusion References. Introduction.
Power Management Προηγμένη Αρχιτεκτονική Υπολογιστών Κωστή Ελένη Μ 487 Ραπτοπούλου Κλειώ Μ 515 Ψαρρά Τζένη Μ 510 Power Management
Contents • Introduction • Basic definitions • Dynamic power management(DPM) • Static power • Current Power Reduction Techniques • Conclusion • References Power Management
Introduction Microprocessor performance has been improving every year: • Semiconductor technology scaling • Larger numbers of smaller and faster transistors. • Innovations in computer architecture and accompanying software • Microprocessors’ performance greater than what would have been possible by technology scaling alone. Power Management
CPU Power Problem • Power consumption for Intel CPUs (following figure). • X-axis: technology generation • Y-axis: maximum power consumption. As indicated by the dashed line in the main part of the curve power consumption has been increasing for each new CPU generation. The points to the side of the main curve indicate newer versions of each processor family. These are implemented in newer semi-conductor processes with smaller geometries that the lead-processor in that family. Power Management
Smaller feature sizes in conjunction with lower supply voltages lead to lower power consumption in the newer versions. However, moving to a new CPU generation in the same process is associated with an increase in the power consumption. Power Management
Architecture Importance Two main reasons why architecture is instrumental in boosting performance beyond technologyscaling: • Technology scaling is often non-uniform • processors are optimized for speed • main memories are mostly optimized for density. • Technology scalingfacilitates higher integration by allowing us to pack more transistors on a chip of the same size. Power Management
Architecture Importance • More transistors and higher frequencies to deliver higherperformance successive processor generations≠ increasing power requirements and density • Microarchitectural mechanisms consumes the power (re)designing to address power concerns focus on power-aware micro-architectural techniques. Power Management
Power Consumption • Nascent problems • Battery lifetime • Heat removal problems • Operating cost • Types of power consumption • Dynamic power: dissipation, whenever a transistor or wire changes voltage - switching • Static power: dissipation, or the power due to leakage current in the absence of any switching activity. • Traditionally responsibility of circuit designers. Power Management
Dynamic vs Static Power • Dynamic Power • With smaller technologies dynamic power per transistor decreases • C, Vcc decreases • f increases • Static Power • Due to the leakage current • Increasing with technology scaling • Vcc decreases linearly • Ileak increases exponentially Power Management
Dynamic vs Static Power Management
Dynamic power management (DPM) Dynamic Power Management (DPM) is a design methodologythat dynamically reconfigures an electronic system to providethe requested services and performance levels with a minimumnumber of active components or a minimum load on such components. DPM encompasses a set of techniques thatachieve energy-efficient compu-tation by selectively turning off(or reducing the performance of) system components when theyare idle (or partially unexploited). Power Management
Model of dynamic powerconsumption Power Management
Model Parameters An effective capacitance, Ceff , can be defined which combines the physicalcapacitance being switched, C, as in previous slide and the activity factor a: Ceff = α ·C The effective capacitance can be found from simulation andmeasurements as: Ceff = Pd / f · V2cc Power Management
Online Algorithms for DPM • The Deterministic Algorithm (the request interrival time probability distribution is not known before hand) • The Probability-based Algorithm (the length of the idle interval is generated by a fixed, known distribution) Power Management
Static Power Even when devices do not change values due to the imperfect nature of semiconductor-based Transistors power is dissipated. This is the static power. In existing designs, static power is relatively small. However,as we move towards smaller transistors and lower voltages, static power increases rapidly. Power Management
Target • To enable architects to consider static power consumption in their design decisions • Problem: most factors affecting static power are decided in circuit level design • Proposed solution: a model whose abstraction level is appropriate for its application • Relative but NOT absolute accuracy Power Management
Simplified Formula A simple four parameter model useful at thearchitectural level: Power Management
Different Ways For Lower Static Power • Reducing the Supply Voltage • Reducing the Number of Devices • Using More Efficient Circuits • Using Multiple Threshold Voltages • Power Reduction with Speculation Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Reduce VCC • Not an architectural controllable parameter • Performance less sensitive to latency VCC drops • Reduce supply voltage for entire chip without partitioning • The global clock frequency must be reduced Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Reduce VCC • Partition circuitry into several domains operating at different supply voltage levels • Both static and dynamic power savings are possible • Used for off-chip communication parts • Extra delay on crossing domain boundaries Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Reduce the total number of devices • Very difficult without affecting the performance or functionality • Cache size, number of functional units and issue/retire bandwidth are first targets due to varying degrees of difficulty and performance impact Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Reduce the total number of devices • Turn off devices (when they are unused) rather than eliminating them • Power gating analogous to clock gating • Additional circuitry is used for determination of the unit’s necessity However… Power Management
Reducing Static Power However… • The addition of a gating device reduces performance and noise margins • Latency for turning on a device (two alternative latency cases) • Possible partitions • Decode logic for a rare or privileged instruction • Interrupt logic • Logic to handle rare certain rare exceptions Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Use more static power efficient circuits • kdesign values can be used for static power reduction. • Use choices with lower kdesign • Wide multiplextors higher cost (analogous number of inputs) Tri-state bus with multiple drivers have stacked devices accomplish the same function with lower total leakage So… Power Management
Reducing Static Power So… Instead of wide multiplexors, a tri-state bus with multiple drivers • Associative arrays are approximately three times leakier than random-access memories Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Use multiple threshold voltagesDifferent transistor speeds may be used in different ways. • Employment of fast devices only along critical timing paths • Determining which functional units require the lowest latencies and allocating the budget of fast, leaky devices to these units only. Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Speculation • Speculate the result of a complicated power hungry device using simple power efficient device • Usage of static data reduction methods for selecting the appropriate devices for speculation Power Management
Reducing Static Power • Speculation • Data Speculation on L1 cache accesses (an example) • Majority will be a hit • Retrieve data without checking the tag • Use slower, power efficient circuit to check tag • Use tag in case of mis-speculation Power Management
Current Power Reduction Techniques • Many circuit techniques • Clock Gating • Input Vector Determination Technique • Some architecture techniques • Pipeline Gating • no published techniques for static power Power Management
Clock Gating Clock is the largest contributor to the CPU power Reduce the switched capacitance on the clock will thus have the most impact on total power. Consideration: first digital components that are clocked. This class of components: is wide, and it includes most processors, controllers and memories. Power consumption in clocked digital components (in CMOS technology) is roughly proportional to the clock frequency and to the square of the supply voltage. Power can be saved by reducing the clock frequency (and in the limit by stopping the clock), or by reducing the supply voltage (and in the limit by powering off a component). Power Management
Clock Gating Effective way to do this is: • Partition the clock network and • allow all those portions to toggle that are needed on each cycle. Namely, the clock of an idle component can be stopped during the period of idleness. Power savings are achieved in the registers (whose clock is halted) and in the combinational logic gates where signals do not propagate due to the freezing of data in registers. Power Management
Clock Gating Issues to be concerned: • Disabled block may not power up in time or that modified clocks may generate glitches. • Is the impact on current variations when large blocks are switched on and off. Power Management
Why use clock gating? Clock gating is widely used because: • It is conceptually simple • It has small overhead (clock can be restarted by simply deasserting the clock-freezing signal.) in terms of additional circuits • It has oftenzero performance overhead because the component can transitionfrom an idle to an active state in one (or few) cycles Power Management
Caching Strategies The size and the type of the cache is a step which has big influence on the power consumption. A high hit ratio cache significantly decreases the off-chip memory communications. On the other hand, a cache itself consumes quite a lot of power and chip area (following figure ). At least two types of caches present in the current microprocessors: one for instructions and one for the data Power Management
Consideration: A combinational circuit whose input nodes are state bits of an overall sequential circuit which will be put in standby mode. Target: We need to choose an input vector for the combinational circuit that causes it to dissipate very low leakage power. The search problem for the vector that gives the least leakage power is a very difficult one because of the potentially huge size of the search space. Furthermore, it is not absolutely necessary to find this minimizing. Input Vector Determination Technique Power Management
Input Vector Determination Technique • Solution: • Development of an algorithm to find such a vector based on a process of random sampling. Randomly chosen vectors are applied to the circuit and the leakage due to each is monitored, and the vector which gives the least observed leakage value is reported. Clearly, the number of vectors to be applied determines the quality of the resulting solution. Power Management
Pipeline Gating An innovative method for power reduction per in high-performance microprocessors without impacting performance. Control rampant speculation in the pipeline. An inexpensive mechanisms for determining when a branch is likely to mispredict, and for stopping wrong-path instructions from entering the pipeline. Power Management
Power Consumption for Pentium Pro chip, broken down by individual processor components (an example) Power Management
Goals and Contributors Control speculation and reduce the amount of unnecessary work in high-performance, wide-issue, super-scalar processors. Contributors: Method to reduce the number of speculatively issued instructions We compare the effectiveness and cost of this design using various confidence estimation mechanisms, and We present results which show a significant reduction in unnecessary work with a negligible performance loss. Power Management
Pipeline Gating Pipeline with a two fetch and decode cycles, showing additional hardware required for pipeline gating. The low-confidence branchcounter records the number of unresolved branches that reported as low-confidence. The counter value is compared against a threshold value(“N”). The processor ceases instruction fetch if there are more than N unresolved low-confident branches in the pipeline.. Power Management
Confidence Estimators Confidence estimation is a diagnostic test thatattempts to classify each branch prediction as having“high confidence”, meaning that the branch was likely predictedcorrectly, or “low confidence”, meaning the branch was likely mis-predicted. • Perfect confidence estimation • JRS Confidence estimator • Static confidence estimation • Saturating Counters • Distance Power Management
Conclusions Power consumption is as important a design criteriaasperformance even if your application is plugged into the wall Low power design starts at the system level a top down approachwill yield greatest results Power management is a system issue that requirescircuit, microarchitecture and software interaction Performance requirements are increasing and somicroarchitectural complexity must go up withoutsacrificing power Power Management
Conclusions • Set your power budget at the start of the designand • measure it as you go • Understand where the power goes in your designs • today and use the data to improve future products • Low power design presents new challenges • reducing mW is much more interesting than increasingMHz! Power Management
Conclusion • Static power dissipation will became an important component in overall power dissipation • Catch dynamic power in two to three generation • Architects will need to address this problem in architectural design level Power Management
References • Micro-Architectural Innovations: Boosting Microprocessor Performance Beyond Semiconductor Technology Scaling, Andreas Moshovos, Gurindar S. Sohi. • J. A. Butts and G. S. Sohi. A static power model for architects. In Proc. 33rd Annual International Symposiumon Microarchitecture, pages 248–258, Dec. 200. • J. P. Halter and F. N. Najm. A gate-level leakage power reduction method for ultra-low-power CMOScircuits. In Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pages 475–478, May 1997. • S. Manne, A. Klauser, and D. Grunwald. Pipeline gating: speculation control for energy reduction. In • Proc. 25th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 132–141, June-July 1998. Power Management
References • Reducing power in high-performance microprocessors, Vivek Tiwari, Deo Singh, Suresh Rajgobal, Gaurav Mehta, Rakesh patel, Franklin Baez. • Microprocessors: Low Power and Low Energy Solutions, Flavius Gruian • System Approaches to Power Management, Dennis Monticelli • A Survey of Design for System-Level Dynamic Power Management, Luca Benini, Alessandro Bogliolo, Giovanni De Micheli. • Competitive Analysis of Dynamic Power Management Strategies for System with Multiple Power Saving States,Sandra Irani, Sandeep K, Shukla, Rajesh K.Gupta. Power Management
References • Scaling principles for low power, T.Njlstad (NTNU) • Power Aware Microarchitecture Resource Scaling, Anoop Iyer, Diana Marculescu • S.-H. Yang, M. D. Powell, B. Falsafi, K. Roy, and T. N. Vijaykumar. An Integrated Circuit/Architec-ture • Approach to Reducing Leakage in Deep-Submicron High-Performance I-Caches. In InternationalSymposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Jan. 2001. Power Management