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Homeless: The invisible people in society. Why Do You Consider This Group Invisible?. The homeless are considered an invisible group of people because they are constantly disregarded in society.
Why Do You Consider This Group Invisible? • The homeless are considered an invisible group of people because they are constantly disregarded in society. • Homeless people are seen on a daily basis begging for food, money, and practically anything. They are visible. However, how many people stop to help them? • They are seen as sick, ill, and completely insignificant.
Invisible To Whom? • In society, they’re often neglected by those that are more privileged than they are. • Those that are not homeless tend to feel that those that are do not deserve to be helped. • Generally, the homeless are invisible to those that are not homeless. • “Society historically views the homeless as a class of poverty stricken, unemployed individuals hovering in dirty allies. In reality, the face of homeless people changes drastically. Some are the traditional "shopping cart" pushers portrayed by films and television. Others are families living in an automobile. A percentage of homeless are even employed.” -T.A. Workman, eHow Contributor
Are there social reasons for this invisibility? What prevents them from being seen? • An average, everyday person walking down the street may feel that acknowledging a homeless person is considered “wrong”. The homeless are viewed as worthless and good-for-nothing people. People who are lucky enough to live in a house, own clean clothes, and enjoy nourishing meals daily take these privileges for granted. • Most believe that it is entirely a homeless person’s fault for their unfortunate condition and they should suffer the consequences alone with no one else's help or support. • What prevents this group from being seen? Many think that if we just ignore them and act like they are not there, it will be as if they really do not exist. • Some view the homeless as inappropriate and wrong, rather than viewing them as person who just in need of a little help. People refuse to open their eyes to the truth of the real world because the truth is not as perfect as we expect it to be.
What prevents them from being visible? • Those who are homeless do not receive the amount of help and care that they need. Some people believe that homeless people are lifeless and brought their condition onto themselves. • What many do not realize is that there are many other factors towards a person’s homelessness such as poor economy, loss of job, alienation, etc. • They face hunger and disease because the public refuses to acknowledge the homeless due to their difference, poverty, and lower status in society.
What difficulties does this group face? • Constant struggle for food • Some people have started community gardens for those who would like to grow food but don’t have the land • Most unemployed individuals are tagged as lazy and yet they would do anything to receive a job and earn a living to support themselves • Addictions and mental disorders are a problem among the homeless • They have a hard time receiving health care
What do you want people to know about this group? • The public should be aware that the homeless are in a daily battle for survival in which the majority did not choose to participate in. • Only a small portion of these people ended up on the street because of a lack of effort throughout their lives • Due to this economy most people are losing their jobs back to back and are left with nothing, forced to live on the streets.
Are there actions that could be or should be taken by the community? • Society could help promote civil rights for the homeless by making the group more known to the rest of the community. • Setting up soup kitchens and homeless shelters are other routes of help and support the society should do. • Preparing and distributing hygiene/care packages with daily supplies and essentials will help the homeless in their every day life.
Professor • http://www.youtube.com/user/invisiblepeopletv#p/u/8/XLnTmtnxxYU