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Social exclusion of homeless people in Germany

Social exclusion of homeless people in Germany. Irina Stuermer Safa Djamshit Abdul Hadi Bilgic Schahram Hosseini. Definition of homelessness.

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Social exclusion of homeless people in Germany

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  1. Social exclusion of homeless people in Germany Irina Stuermer SafaDjamshit Abdul HadiBilgic SchahramHosseini

  2. Definition of homelessness • Homelessnessisdefined as a state in whichhumanshave no fixedabode, and live in public places, outdoors, in sheltersorhospital-stay. "Makedisk" "push" oror "on hisplate," the colloquial term for example in parks, on benches, underbridges, in doorways, constructionsites, railway stations for spending the night. The term "shelter" meansaccommodationorhousing.

  3. Causes of homelessness • Commoncauses of homelessnessare:     * Rent arrears and evictions     * Divorce from yourspouseorpartner'sdeath     * Unemployment and illnessoraddictionsuch as alcoholordrugdependency     * Lack of rehabilitationafterprison     * Mentaldisorders.

  4. Homelessness with children • Commoncauses of homelessnessamongchildren and adolescentsare:     * Materialpoverty and homelessness of the entire family     * Escape from violenceorabuseathome      * Escape from constantconflicts with other family members     * Escape from shelters     * Lack of money in the family.

  5. Number of homelesspeople

  6. Consequences of homelessness • *Lack of medicalcare, inadequatemedicalexaminations, no orsubstandarddrugs; * Lack of hygiene, uncleanliness, lack of washingfacilities, dirty and stinkingclothes; * Exposure to the weatherconditionssuch as heat, cold, rain and snow, lack of physicalrecovery; death by freezing in winter * Inadequate diet, consumption of spoiled food, lack of vitamins and minerals, emaciation; * disease, particularlythroughmiscarriages and malnutrition, immunedeficiency * Violent and sexualassaultssuch as rape, theft, robbery, and sometimesevenphysical • Violence, homicidestoo ; * Changes in the character of the "street life" by addiction to drugs and discrimination by • the rest of the population, • * "Acquisitivecrime" in order to getmoney

  7. Government role in preventing the exclusion of homeless people: • Everycommunity in Germany has to accommodate the homeless. Guaranteedin ourConstitutionisall the basicright to physicalintegrity and itis to protect the role and duty of the municipalitieswithintheirjurisdiction of thisfundamentalright, • mustCities and townssufficientnumber of emergencysheltersready. Due to the increasednumber of homelesspeople , theyshouldcheckif the measurestakenaresufficient. Thisalsoaffects the quality of Emergencyaccommodationplaces.

  8. Institutions and their actions • Evangelische Obdachlosenhilfe [www.evangelische-obdachlosenhilfe.de • Katholische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe [www.kagw.de] • Diakonisches Werk der EKD [www.diakonie.de] • Deutscher Caritas Verband [www.caritas.de ] • Die Heilsarmee [http://www.heilsarmee.de ] • Die Bahnhofsmissionen [http://www.bahnhofsmission.de • Die Tafeln [http://www.tafel.de ] • Rotes Kreuz [http://www.drk.de ]

  9. Katholische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (KAGW): • Iscommitted to the needs of homelesspeople and supportstheir independent advocacy; • Representsthe concerns and interests of itsmembers and memberorganizationsat the federal level; • Promotethe exchange and cooperationbetween the bodies and institutions on a regionallevel; • Cooperatingwith all the homelessmakeassociations and organizations; • Fosterscooperation and networking with otherdisciplines with the goal of full and barrierfreedemand-orientedassistance;

  10. Diakonisches Werk der EKD: • Diakonie stands for the social work of the churches other than the Roman Catholic Church. • Activities in Germany include: • Eldercare • Support fortheunemployed • Youth welfare • Support ofpeoplewithdisabilities • Family welfare

  11. Characteristic of Kurhessen-Waldeck • The origins of diaconal work in Kurhessen-Waldeck date back to the poor foundation of the Middle Ages. • Today, the Social Service Agency in the Electorate of Hesse-WaldeckeV around 210 charities, foundations and non-profit limited liability companies, and 26 church districts, municipal associations and numerous parishes in the Church. • The association represents the interests of currently around 210 members (associations, foundations, nonprofit limited liability companies, Protestant church groups and communities, Protestant nurseries, nationwide church-purpose associations). In its more than 600 institutions currently operate approximately 12,500 full-time staff and countless volunteers.

  12. The work of diakonia is in-patient facilities financed primarily through service charges. These are of the pension, health care insurance or social assistance, and the media - but also paid by the person affected. • You can find this in the facilities of both Diakonia in the form of counseling centers and day visits as well as in various forms of housing. The diverse variety of charitable organizations based on the individual concerns of the Council, and seeking help. Here you will find hospitality, personal attention, compassion, support and solidarity.

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