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Dhatus are the most stable compound part of the body. Other than these basic units some undefined elements were also mentioned by many Acharyas. These were named as UpDhatus. According to the ancient Ayurvedic text, Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are the basic units of the body. In the digestion of RaktaDhatu Blood Pitta is produced as Mala part discharged part , called as Vaikruta Dosha and UpDhatu Optional tissue are created called as Kandara ligament and Sira veins . Large nerves that extend the inhibition of organs are called Kandara. Kandara can be understood along with the big Mahatya, Mahasnayu and round shape Vrittasnayu . Muscles and Kandara engaged in the treaties of bones are the middle path of diseases. The Peshi, Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu and Kandara can be considered under musculoskeletal components in Ayurveda. They are responsible for movements, supports, stability and protection of the body. Dr. Jyoti Gangwal | Dr. Sanjay Kholiya | Dr. Vikash Bhatnagar ""Concept of Kandara UpDhatu in Ayurveda"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30061.pdf<br><br>Paper Url : https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/ayurvedic/30061/concept-of-kandara-updhatu-in-ayurveda/dr-jyoti-gangwal<br>
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 Concept of Kandara Updhatu in Ayurveda Dr. Jyoti Gangwal1, Dr. Sanjay Kholiya2, Dr. Vikash Bhatnagar3 1,2PG Scholar, 3Associate Professor 2Department of Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, 1,2,3NIA, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ABSTRACT Dhatus are the most stable compound part of the body. Other than these basic units some undefined elements were also mentioned by many Acharyas. These were named as UpDhatus. According to the ancient Ayurvedic text, Dosha, Dhatu & Mala are the basic units of the body.In the digestion of RaktaDhatu (Blood) Pitta is produced as Mala part (discharged part), called as Vaikruta Dosha and UpDhatu (Optional tissue) are created called as Kandara (ligament) and Sira (veins). Large nerves that extend the inhibition of organs are called Kandara. Kandara can be understood along with the big (Mahatya, Mahasnayu) and round shape (Vrittasnayu). Muscles and Kandara engaged in the treaties of bones are the middle path of diseases. The Peshi, Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu and Kandara can be considered under musculoskeletal components in Ayurveda. They are responsible for movements, supports, stability and protection of the body. KEWWORDS: Dhatus, UpDhatu, Kandara, Mahasnayu, Movements How to cite this paper: Dr. Jyoti Gangwal | Dr. Sanjay Kholiya | Dr. Vikash Bhatnagar "Concept of Kandara Ayurveda" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2, February 2020, pp.485-488, www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30061.pdf Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0) UpDhatu in IJTSRD30061 URL: BY 4.0) INRODUCTION According to the ancient Ayurvedic text, Dosha, Dhatu & Mala are the basic units of the body. Dhatus are the most stable compound part of the body. Other than these basic units some undefined elements were also mentioned by many Acharyas. These were named as UpDhatus. The word UpDhatu has been made by combination of two words i.e Up and Dhatu. 'Upa" is a prefix attached to the word "Dhatu". The literary meaning of "Upa is near to, towards,by the side of, resemblance, nearness. Dhatus are not accomplished the functions of the body without the support of UpDhatus. Rakta Dhatu (Blood) is an important Dhatu among seven Dhatus in Ayurveda. "Rakta" is gotten from Devanagari word "Raj Ranjane" which determine red shading. Metabolism of RaktaDhatu RaktaDhatu (Blood) is produced in his own Strotas (channels) named as RaktavahaStrotas. Ykrita (Liver) and Pleeha (Spleen) are the Moolsthan of RaktavahaStrotas . In the digestion of RaktaDhatu (Blood) Pitta is produced as Mala part (discharged part), called as VaikrutaDosha and UpDhatu (Optional tissue) are created called as Kandara (ligament) and Sira (veins). Nirukti 1."Dhatubhava Te Upadhatavah |" - UpDhatus are developed from Dhatus. 2."Dhatu Samipe Bhava Upadhatavah |” - UpDhatus are produced along with Dhatus. 3.Dhatubyah Ca Upjayante Tasmat Ta upadhatva” - Those which are derivatives of Dhatus, produced at complimentary, subsidiary level, are known as UpDhatus. 4."Dhatoh Upadanabhutat Jato Anya Dhatuh” - "Upadana" means Samavayi Karana (immediate cause). Dhatu are the immediate cause of UpDhatu. 5."Upagatah Vaikrtyam Prapto Dhatu UpaDhatuh” - Vitiated state of Dhatu is termed as UpDhatu. Definitions of UpDhatu UpDhatus has been defined variously. ?Upmitah Dhatubhi Iti Dhatuh(shabdasthoma mahanidhi). - That which is same or identical to Dhatu is an UpDhatu. ? Gativivarjitam(chakrapanidutta on ch.chi.15:17) - Elements of the body which are not subjected to any transformation are UpDhatu. ?Te Ch Stanyadyo Dhatwantarposhanachsharirposhaka Api UpaDhatu Shabdenochyate. - Structural elements that only support the body and not nourish it are UpDhatus. Physiology of UpDhatu Formation Dhatu metabolism is a nourished pool of all the body components. By this pool all elements including UpDhatus derive their nourishment. UpDhatu are sustained being fed by their nourishing factor. Food after digestion takes two forms viz. the Prasadaja (essence) and the Kitta (Mala part). Depending upon their nourishment from Prasadaja or the @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30061 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2020 Page 485
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 ?ो?णपृ?ट?नबि?धनीनामधोभागगतानां मूध??व??ऽस?प?डाद?नांच| सु.शा.५/११ ?क?डराय?सोलहह?| उनम?सेचारदोन?पैरोम?, चारहाथ?म?, उतनी ह?गद?नम?औरउसी?कारपीठम?भीचाररहतीह? | हाथपैरोम? रहनेवाल?क?डराओंक ेअ??रोह (अ?कुर) ?व?पनखह?| गद?न, ?दयइनक ेसाथलगीहुईऔरनीचेजानेवाल?क?डराओंकाअ? ?रोहमे? (?श?न) ह?| ?नत?बऔरपृ?ठक ेसाथलगीहुईऔर नीचेजानेवाल?क?डराओंकाअ??रोह?ब?बह?| उ?सेआर?भ करतेहुएव?:?थल, अंस-?प?डकइ?या?दयोकाअ??रोहमूधा? (?शर) ह?| ?चत?ोह?तयो?तासांताव??य: पादयो: ?मृता: | ?ीवायाम?पताव??य?ताव??य: पृ?ठस?गता: || भा.पू. २/३१३ Kandara in relation to VataPrakriti- ?बहु?वा?बहु?लापक?डरा?सरा?ताना: | च.?व. ८/९८ - Due to BahuGuna in the Vata, people with VataPrakriti speak more and their Kandara and Siras are more spread in their body. ?Kandara UpDhatus Relation with Dosha:- Related to Vath Dosha. (ejpmrjournal) Kandara in relation to Netra - ??सराणां गुणाःकालात्परः?ले?माब?धनेऽ?णोः?सरायुतः || सु.उ.१/१९ ??सरासेलेकरकालकाि?थपय??तअथा?त्?सराओं, क?डराओं, मेद तथाकालकाि?थइनक ेजोयथो?तरउ?कृ?टगुणह?तथादोन? ने?ो (ने?गोलको ) क ेब?धनम?सहयोगदेतेह?तथाकालकाि?थ क े?नकटि?थत?ले?माभी?सराओंसेयु?तहोकरदोन? ने?गोलकोकोबा?धनेम?सहयोगदेताह?| Dushtilakshan- ??नायौ ?त?भस?कोचख?ल??भ??ि?थ?फुरणसुि?त?भः|| च.सू.२८/२१ -?नायु, ?सराऔरक?डरायेजबदोषसेदू?षतहोतीह?, तो उनम?जकडाहट, संकोच, ख?ल?, ?ि?थ, ?फ़ुरणऔरशू?यता सेमनु?यकोक?टहोताह? - KandaraDistinctly related with Vatavyadhi. ? The main sign and symptoms of a sprain are pain, swelling, and spasm combination of which causes difficult to use the injury parts leading to obstruct normal activities.(ejpmr journal) Kandara in relation to Rogamarga- ?अि?थस?धयोऽि?थसंयोगा?त?ोप?नब?ा?च?नायुक?डराः, स म?यमोरोगमाग?ः | च.सू. ११/४८ -Muscles and Kandara engaged in the treaties of bones are the middle path of diseases. ?UpDhatus Relation with Rogmargas:-Kandara, Sira, Snayu and Sandhi are included in Madhyama Roga Marga, which are intricate for treatment.(ejpmr journal) ?ब?बं, Kitta, the tissue elements of the body are described of two types, the pure once "Prasadakhya" and waste product "Malakya". From Prasadaja portion all the Dhatus are formed in progressive order. UpDhatu are also nourished from this Prasadaja part or are produced from out of the breakdown products of Sthira Dhatu. KandaraUpDhatu- Defination of Kandara- ?मह?य: ?नायव: ?ो?ता: क?डरा.......| ?सारणाकु?चनयो???टम् तासां ?योजनं || भा. पू. २/३१२ - Large nerves that extend the inhibition of organs are called Kandara. ?वृ?ता?तुक?डराःसवा??व?ेयाःकुशलै?रह| सु.शा.५/३९ - All round nerves are called Kandara. Vyutpatti- "Kadi + Aran Tapa Ca |" (ejpmr journal) ?Kandara can be understood along with the big (Mahatya, Mahasnayu) and round shape (Vrittasnayu).(ijrap journal) Synonym:- ?Asthivatsthulshirayam Mahasnayo (Vd shabd sindhu) ?Eh hi Kandara shabden (Chkrapanich.chi.15:17) ?……Sthul sira……. (Sushruta) ?Mahasnayu are termed as Kandara. Cakrapani named it as Sthula Snayu. Commentator of Sarngadhara quotes it as Mahanadya. Cakrapani while commenting on Susruta Samhita quotes it as Sthula Sira. (ejpmr journal) Number of Kandara ?षोडशक?डराः | सु.शा.५/६ ?क?डरा?ता?तुषोडश | भा.पू. २/३१२ Origin of Kandara र?तमसृजः क?डराः ?सराः| च. ?च. १५/१७ - Kandara and Siras originate from Rakta (blood). ?Acharya Charaka, Gayasadass, Chakrapani, Vriddha Vagbhatt, Dalhana mentioned Kandara as a UpaDhatu. While Bhoj, Sharangdhar, Bhavmishra, Trimalla Bhatt, Yadav ji tikam ji not mentioned it in UpDhatu.(ejpmr journal) Parthiv Sharir Bhava- ?त?य??वशेषतः?थूलंि?थरंमू?त?म?गु?खरक?ठनम?गं नखाि?थद?तमांसचम?वच?ःक े श?म?ुलोमक?डरा?दतत्पा?थ?वं ग?धो?ाणंच| च.शा.७/१६ - In the body, especially those who are Sthul(gross), Sthira( stable), Murtimaan, Guru, Khara and Kathina (hard) elements, such as fingernails, bones, teeth, muscles, skin, Purish, hair, beards, and organs like Kloma and Kandara, are all those and Gnadh(odor) and Nasika (nasal) are Parthiv ShirrBhava. About Kandara- ?षोडशक?डराः-तासांचत?ःपादयोः, ताव?योह?त?ीवापृ?ठेषु; त? ?ीवा?दय?नबि?धनीनामधोभागगतानां sthulsnayuruchyate क?डराणां च मेदसः कालक?य च | ?सराक?डरा?यो दु?टाः ि?ल?नि?त मानवम्| ह?तपादगतानां क?डराणां नखा अ??रोहाः, मे?ं, @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30061 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2020 Page 486
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 ?एवमेव शर?रेsि?म?याव?त: स?धय: ?मृता: | ?नायु?भब?हु?भब?दा?तेन भारसहा नरा: || सु.शा. ५/३४-३५ -िजस ?कार बहुत से ब?धन? से यु?त, मनु?य क े ?वारा भल?- भां?त जोडी हुई त?त? क? नौका, अगाध पानी म? डाल देने पर अ?य?त भार संभालने म? समथ? होती ह?| उसी ?कार इस शर?र म? िजतनी सं?धयां ह?, वे सभी बहुत से ?नायुओं ?वारा ब?धी हुई ह?, इसी से मनु?य क?ठन से क?ठन भार उठाने म? समथ? होता ह?| ?The Peshi, Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu and Kandara can be considered under musculoskeletal components in Ayurveda. They are responsible for movements, supports, stability and protection of the body.(ijrap journal) ?Kandara, Sira, Snayu, Sandhi and Twak are principally involved to design the structural architecture of the body. Kandara & Snayu show anatomical and functional resemblance.(ejpmrjournal) Importance of Kandara (Snayu)- ?न ?य?थी?न न पे?यो न ?शरा न च स?धय: | ?यापा?दता?तथा ह?युय?था ?नायु: शर??रणाम् || सु. शा. ५/३५ - पी?डत हुई ?नायु िजतनी ?याकुलता उ?प?न करती ह?, उतनी पीडा अि?थ, पे?शय?, ?शरा और सं?धय? पर आघात होने से भी नह?ं होती ह?| CONCLUSION:- ?According to Acharyas, UpDhatu are produced from Dhatu, so the Kandara in Gradhrasi disease affects the RaktaDhatu also, when it is affected, due to the excellent treatment of RaktaDhatu, Siravedha or Raktamokshan procedure in Gradhrasi disease can also be done. ?Kandara is an important part of the muskuloskeletal system, so that disturbance in KandaraUpDhatu results, obstruction in the movement and speed of human beings, such as: GradhrasiRoga, Khanja, Pangu. ?VataDosha is predominant in the KandaraUpDhatu, due to which the Kandara is clearly visible in humans of Vata Prakriti and diseases related to VataDosha are caused due to disturbance of the Kandara, such as: Gradhrasi Roga, AkshepakRoga, KhanjaRoga, PanguRoga. ?Due to the predominance of VataDosha, Vatashamak treatment should be given in diseases that are origined in disturbance of Kandara, as in GradhrasiRoga, AnuvasanBasti are given and the AnuTail is given to make the Kandara of cranium strong. REFERENCE:- [1]AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF MUSCULOSKELETAL COMPONENT IN AYURVEDA: A REVIEW ; IJRAP JOURNAL Kandara in relation to Vidradhi- ?बा?या?व??नायुमांसो?थाक?डराभामहा?जा|च.सू. १७/९० -बा?य?व??ध?वचा, ?नायु, औरमांसम?उ?प?नहोतीह?,जोक?डरा क ेसमानऔरअ?य?धकवेदना देनेवाल?होतीह? GradhrasiRoga- ?पाि?ण???य?गुल?नां स??नः?ेपं?नगृ?णीया?गृ?सी?त?हसा?मृता|| सु.?न. १/७४ ?एडीतथा??येकपादा?गु?लयोक?क?डराय?जबवातसे?कु?पत होतीह?तथापैरक े?सारणकोरोकदेतीह?,तबउसेगृ?सीरोग कहतेह?| Treatment of GradhrasiRoga ?अ?तराक?डरागु?फ ं गृ?सीषु?यु?जीत|| च.?च. २८/१०१ ?गृ?सीरोगम?क?डराऔरगु?फ़क ेबीच?सरावेध, अनुवासन तथा?न?हवि?तका?योगएवंक?डराऔरगु?फ़क ेबीचम? अि?नसेदाह??याकरनीचा?हये Symtoms of AkshepakaRoga- ?मुहुरा??प?त पा?णपादंचसंशो?य?सराःस?नायुक?डरा: || च.?च.२८/५१. - कु?पतहुईवायुजबहाथ, पैर, ?सरा, ?नायु, क?डराकोसुखाकर शर?रम?बार-बार?खंचावउ?प?नकरतीह?,उसेआ?ेपककहतेह? | Symtoms of VishvachiRoga- ?तल??य?गुल?नां बा?वोःकम??यकर??व?वाची?त?हसा?मृता || सु. ?न. १/७५ ?बाहुपृ?ठसेलेकरह?ततलक???येकअ?गु?लय?क?क?डराय? जब?कु?पतवातसेयु?तहोजातीह?,तबबाहुक ेसंकोच-?व?तार ?पीकम?का?यहोजाताह?,उसे?व?वाचीरोगकहतेह?| Khanja and Pangu Roga- ?वायुः ख?ज?तदाभवे?ज?तुः, प?गुःस??नो??वयोव?धात् ||सु. ?न. १/७७ -?कु?पतवायुक?ट?देशम?ि?थतहोकरसि?थक?क?डराको आ???तकरदेतीह?,तबमनु?यख?जहोजाताह?,तथादोन?पैर?क? क?डरा, ?सरा, ?नायुऔरना?डय?क ेवधहोनेसेपंगुहोजाताह?| Benefits for Nasya- ??सराः?शरःकपालानांस?धयः?नायुक?डराः| नावन?ी?णता?चा?यलभ?तेs?य?धकम्बलं || च.सू. ५/६० - ?शर: कपालक??सराय?, सं?धया, ?नायु, औरक?डराअणुतैलक े न?यसेतृ?तहोकरअ?धकबलवानहोतीह?. Functions of Kandara (Snayu)- ?नौय?था फ़लका?तीणा? ब?धनैब?हु?भयु?ता| ?नयु?ताsगाधस?लले भवे?ारसहा भृशम् || तु क?डरा याऽ?नला?द?ता | ?सरा ब??यि?नकम? च| ?ु?ो गा?ा?या?ेपकोऽ?नलः| तु क?डरा बाहुपृ?ठतः | क?यां ि?थतः स??नः क?डरामा??पे?यदा | [2]A REVIEW ARTICLE ON CONCEPT OF UPDHATU IN AYURVEDA; EJPMRJOURNAL [3]P.K Sharma, Bhagwan Das, charak samhita (English translation), Chaukhamba Sanskrit series, Varanasi 221001, 6th edition, 2003. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30061 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2020 Page 487
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