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Silver Touch Technologies provide Automation solution for Apron Fuel Management System

Silver Touch Technologies provided an automation solution to a major aviation fuel sales client, improving control over product delivery, transparency, stock management, asset tracking, and operational efficiency. The solution streamlined processes, enhanced coordination, and resulted in increased sales for the client.<br><br>Silver Touch Technologies has a track record of delivering successful software solutions. To learn more about our case studies, please check out our website.<br><br>https://www.silvertouch.com/

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Silver Touch Technologies provide Automation solution for Apron Fuel Management System

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  1. AUTOMATION OF APRON FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Aviation Division. CLIENT Sales of aviation turbine fuels for Aviation Industry. BUSINESS SECTOR Public Sector Aviation Company in India CLIENT PROFILE PSU, Aviation WINDOWS PLATFORM OVERVIEW Client Profile : Client provides sales of aviation turbine fuels for major clients in Aviation Industry. Solution comprising : Products Touch screen based all in one data processing units, data capturing devices and data transfer devices,implementation of software. INTRODUCTION AD has Aviation Fuelling Station (AFS) which manages these services as cost center operations at various located airports. Aviation Division (AD) of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL), is to- AFS performs fuelling, defueling services for flights of its scheduled and non sched- uled clients. It does the services through its dispensers and refullers which are specially designed for the services. AD has a full fledged ERP for handling all operations of AFS. BPCL being a leader in theindustry has always been ahead in implementing and nurturing indigenous solu- tions for its entire process. Teams/ Committees are formed to study problem areas, discover possible solutions, conduct trials and implement on success of trails. The client has enormously proved its efficiency in being the first innovators of the ideas for its various operation requirements. SilverTouch Technologies Limited © copyright 1992-2017 all rights reserved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd.

  2. THE PROBLEM AD Plans, organizes, monitors and control the services previously through SAP R3 based upon the manual delivery notes prepared during the fuelling operations. Quantity of delivery was measured through physical meters through mechanical registers which show the volume dispensed through totalizer and batch count. MANUAL OPERATIONS OF THE APRON FUEL DELIVERY KEPT AT LARGE GAP BETWEEN THE SALES AND OPERATION TEAMS. The officer in charge of the fuelling operations had to call the client to verify the zero count on the physical meters and verify the start of fuelling operations. After completion of the operation the data was then manually recorded for the last totalizer reading, batch count, start – end time, flight name, and officer in-charge of the flight in four copies. Signature of the client was sought on the document and a copy of the same was given to client. The second copy was kept with AFS for records. Third copy was send to regional office for records. Fourth copy was send to accounts department for verification of delivery and further process. Manual operations of the Apron Fuel delivery kept a large gap between the sales and operations teams. AFS officers used to enter the data in SAP and generate invoices which where shipped by regional offices to the clients. AFS inputs data of which manages these services as cost center operations at various located airports. Public Sector Aviation Company in India Problem occurs in reconciliation of the entire supplies, against sales, performance, utility, maintenance of assets, and inventory of stocks. Chances of human errors in computing data, its verification, and results become a complicated process. A transparency was needed for the entire solution. SOLUTION As an effort to overcome above mentioned problems, BPCL-AD had decided to go for Automation of Data capture and process solution. Solution was been conceptualized to provide single integrated platform through which quantities of fuel delivery is captured in form of FDN. Looking to the different aspects of service process, requirements of AFS and availability of existing hardware, We have given integrated hardware & software solution which covers and integrates functionality of data capturing from physical meters, communicating the data to a data processing device, receiving schedules, client data from a centralized server, processing the FDN, updating the transaction of server, fetching FDN number from the server, printing the FDN, and reconciliation of data again with server. From our implemented software all fuelling in-charge officers selects client data which is then set for fuelling/ defueling operations, data is captured through a interface device from the meters automatically and updated to the data processing units, which after completion updates to the server and prints FDN. Through a web based interface the client is able to view all transactions completed until the time he has queried the server. Vehicles being valuable assets now can be monitored centrally benefiting for assessment of operations of AFS and control over inventory. SilverTouch Technologies Limited © copyright 1992-2017 all rights reserved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd.

  3. BENEFITS With the help of AFMS solution BPCL AD is able to achieve following benefits  Better control on delivery of product.  Transparency achieved in between client and supplier  Transparency increased in between Stations and head offices for stock purchase and sales  Immediate updation, intimation of sales to hierarchy, stock management, asset management.  Immediate notifications of Cash/Credit sales for accounts department.  Billing process shortened by 8 hours. Extended Benefits to clients  Superior operation convenience  Smoothened routine tasks for ground staff like check in and check out reporting.  Health of assets tracked. Loop holes closed ( meter alignments, vehicle usage)  Fore casting, planning and better asset management achieved resulting in increase in Sales.  Better co ordination/ environment between officer and ground staff. Public Sector Aviation Company in India SilverTouch Technologies Limited info@silvertouch.com www.silvertouch.com © copyright 1992-2017 all rights reserved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. This statement of work is proprietar y of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. and contains trade secrets and confidential infor mation which is solely the property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. This statement of work is intended for inter nal use only. Therefore, it shall not be used,reproduced, copied, disclosed and transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd.

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