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NAHMS Goat 2019 Study Questionnaire Instructions. Presentation Outline. Preparing for VS Visit to the Operation. Preparing for VS Visit to the Operation Before the Visit. Preparing for VS Visit to the Operation Before the Visit. Call the producer to identify yourself and schedule a visit
Preparing for VS Visit to the OperationBefore the Visit • Call the producer to identify yourself and schedule a visit • NOTE: If you are getting a disconnected number, or cannot reach a producer let your NAHMS coordinator or Abby Zehr know right away. We will work with NASS to get you correct information. • *You may choose to follow the Phone Script For Contacting The Producer in Section 3: Page 6 of the VS Manual.
Preparing for VS Visit to the OperationMaterials to bring to the VS Visit • Goat 2019 VS Training Manual • Goat 2019 Producer Education Packet • Promotional materials • Producer Agreement • VS Questionnaires (Initial and On-site Agritourism) • Take 2 copies of each questionnaire: 1 for you to complete and 1 for the producer to follow along • Biologic Sampling Kits • (1 Enteric Pathogen, 1 Parasite A&B, 1 Blood/Swab) • Gloves • Vacutainer needles (if preference other than what kits provide) • Pen/pencil • Calculator (cell phone) • Business cards
The VS Visit: Prior to QuestionnaireReview of Study Purpose and Information • Explain the scope and purpose of the questionnaire • Reminder: Signing the NASS Consent Form does not obligate the operator to participate in the rest of the study. • Give the operator the Producer Education Packet
The VS Visit: Prior to QuestionnaireProducer Agreement: Page 1 • Contract between APHIS and the Producer • Filled out completely and signedbefore administering the questionnaire and completing biologic sampling • Confidentiality (Item 3 & 4): data collected by NAHMS will be kept confidential and will not be used for regulatory purposes • Signatures: • Federal or State representative (sign and date) • Producer or authorized representative (sign and date)
The VS Visit: Prior to QuestionnaireProducer Agreement: Page 2 • Completed after explaining the biological sampling • The Producer will be responsible for collecting and shipping Parasite Kit B samples- make sure the Producer understands what is involved before agreeing to and initialing Item 11. • Item 14 (Nasal Swabs) and 15 (Vaginal Swabs) can only be offered if the Producer agrees to Item 13 (Blood-Serum Collection)
The VS Visit: Prior to QuestionnaireProducer Agreement • Maintain one copy and leave one copy with the Producer. • Retain your copies of the Producer Agreement until notified by NAHMS staff to destroy them.
The VS Visit: QuestionnairesNon-respondent Documentation • If a Producer declines to participate OR cannot be reached: • Complete the “Office Use Only” section • You may copy the final page of the questionnaire to complete for non-respondents
VS Visit: QuestionnairesGeneral Guidelines • Read all questions to the Producer as written • Follow instructions carefully
VS Visit: QuestionnairesGeneral Guidelines • DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTION BLANK unless instructed to skip • If the response is zero (0): enter the number 0 • If the Producer doesn’t want to answer a question: • Respect the request make a note on the questionnaire move on • If the Producer doesn’t know:* • Work with him/her to try to estimate the answer • Use DK or NA when applicable • Write in the margins to explain unusual circumstances or answers *Producer should be given time to consult their records to look up the information or report it by telephone to you as long as timeliness of data submission is not adversely affected.
VS Visit: QuestionnairesGeneral Guidelines • Time periods: • Inventory question: September 1, 2018- August 31, 2019 • Practice or procedure question: previous 12 months from the date of the interviews • Questions that fall outside of these time frames will have the referenced time frame boldedin the question.
VS Visit: Questionnaires Initial VS Questionnaire
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection A: Inventory • A1(a-d): Record the number of goats in each age class* that were part of the operation on the interview date. • A1e: Record the total sum (A1a-A1d) • What If… • The Producer has 15 extra goats on the operation that belong to a neighbor whose barn burned down? Do not include these goats • Goats are leased to graze on separate property? Include these goats (even if they may be off site several months at a time) • Some goats were off site today (shows, breeding, etc.) Include these goats (they are part of the herd and normally housed on the operation) *Definitions of each age class can be found in the VS Manual Section 4: Page 49
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices • B5: Vaccination of any goats or kids in 2019 • What If… • The Producer doesn’t vaccinate, but brought some new additions onto the operation that were previously vaccinated? Mark NO and move on according to the skip to item B9. • The Producer doesn’t know the vaccination status of the herd? Ask Producer to consult veterinary records, if they still aren’t sure write in DK and skip to item B9.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices • B6: Vaccine products used in 2019 • Please work down each column designated by a goat age class • First: check the box of any goat age class NOT present on this operation during the specified timeframe- you may draw a line through the rest of the column or leave it blank • Each lightly shaded row indicates a general vaccine group • Use the Vaccine Reference Card to enter a product code in each subgroup • What If… • Nursing kids were vaccinated for tetanus then revaccinated as replacement does? Indicate vaccination in both ‘Nursing kids’ and ‘Adult does’ columns. • The Producer only knows the vaccine trade name? Ask to see the full label to determine the complete vaccine name. If the vaccine does not match one of the listed codes, write out the complete trade name in the margins.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices • B7: Frequency of Clostridium C & D vaccination in adult does • Check the answers for 6a and/or 6c for adult does vaccinated for Clostridium C & D. • If vaccinated: answer B7 • If not vaccinated: skip to B8 • B8: Person administering sore mouth vaccine • Compare to B6n to be sure the use of sore mouth vaccine was answered consistently. • B10: Johne’s disease herd health management plan • Johne’s disease prevention must include certain testing or biosecurity measures in place on the operation
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices • B11: Preventative practices for Johne’s disease • Testing table (if 11g marked Yes): flow chart from leftright and down (a-e) • What If… • All milk and colostrum provided to kids comes from test negative does and/or cows on the same operation? Select Yes for 11f and specify • There are llamas/ alpacas on the operation that are tested for Johne’s? Select Yes for 11f and specify camelid testing
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection B: Preventive Practices • B12: Training for any personnel on goat raising activities • Family members should be considered owners if they are responsible for providing the training • ‘Other’ could include: specialists, government officials, online training courses, etc.
In your table groups, partner up. Have one person be the goat producer and one person be the interviewer. The person acting as the producer will use the Training Scenarios sheet located in the pocket of your manual to answer the questions asked by the interview. Section B: Scenarios
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection C: Kidding Management
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection C: Kidding Management • C2(a-c): Kids born dead or alive • C3(a-c): Kidding Management Practices • What If… • The Producer uses video camera and the kidding area is continuously monitored? Record 0.1 and make a note in the margin describing the monitoring • The Producer uses a homeopathic product to dip for dipping the umbilicus? Select “Never” because that product is not a chlorhexidine or iodine solution.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection C: Kidding Management • C7: Cleaning and disinfecting kidding area • C12(a-g): Sources of first colostrum feeding • C14(a-d): Liquid diet types (AFTER colostrum administration) • Nursing- indicates the kids received milk directly from the dams • What If… • They remove manure only or the waste bedding only? Cleaning is defined as removing all bedding and fecal material and replacing with clean bedding material. If they do not do both, select “Not Cleaned”. • All the kids were allowed to nurse prior to being hand fed colostrum? 12a Doe and Buck Kids=100%
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection D: Parasite Control • D3: Goats tested for internal parasites • D4(a-d): Internal parasite testing performed • What If… • D3: The Producer has 20 goats and each one was tested twice by fecal flotation? Record 20. Count each goat tested just once, even if they were tested several times. • D4 (a-d): The Producer has 20 goats and each one was tested twice by fecal flotation? Record 40 in D4a. Count each test separately. • D4 (a-d): The Producer has 20 goats and each one was tested by fecal egg counts before and after deworming? Record 20 in D4b- this is a fecal egg count reduction test.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection D: Parasite Control • D6: Frequency of deworming during the previous 3 years • D7(a-d): Frequency of deworming during the previous 12 months • Enter the number of adults and kids by the number of times they were dewormed in the last 12 months. • D8(a-i): Products used to treat worms in the last 12 months • Deworming can include herbal, natural, or alternative dewormers • DO NOT include dewormers used to treat Coccidia (this will be addressed in later sections) • Anthelmintic Reference Card- may be useful for Producer to recognize a product • D10(a-c): Top three reasons used to determine goats to deworm
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection E: Goat and Herd Health
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection E: Goat and Herd Health • E4: Abortion of bred does • E5(a-d): Steps taken for aborting does • NOTE: disinfect the area means to remove all organic material and then apply a disinfecting solution to, at least, the area where the placenta landed. Obviously, this would be answered only when kidding takes place on solid flooring because disinfecting the pasture isn’t possible. If E5d= Yes (separate aborted does from other does), check the box for item E5d that describes what happens with the majority of those separated does. If returned to the herd during the same kidding season, write in the average number of days separated. • E6(a-h): Cause and diagnosis of abortion in does
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection E: Goat and Herd Health • E7(a-e): Disease occurrence in goat herd (in the last 3 years) • E9: Number of goats and kids with sore mouth that died • Include goats that died due to causes related to sore mouth, such as anorexia and starvation • E10(a-b): Producer and employee infection with Q fever or sore mouth • Possible clinical signs associated with each disease can be found in Section 4: Page 67 • E13: Chemical disinfection of needles
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection F: Antimicrobial Use in Feed and Water
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection F: Antimicrobial Use in Feed and Water • F2(a-d): Specific coccidiostat products used in feed or water • Average # of days treated • F5/7: Use antibiotic code on page 1 of the Antibiotic Reference Card stapled to the end of the questionnaire and in the Reference Card section of the training manual. • If Other is selected, provide the specific trade name and antibiotic class for the drug that was used. • Example of “Other”: treated a group for foot rot, or joint ill, etc.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection G: Health Conditions and Losses • Useful definitions for this section may be found in Section 4: Page 70 • G2: Number of goats dead from nonpredator causes necropsied • If there are no nonpredator losses write “NA” • G3-G10: Health conditions and antibiotic • KEY POINTS: • The remainder of this section asks about health conditions among goat classes. It is possible for a single goat to have had more than one condition, such a diarrhea and abortion. Even if a goat died having experienced two or more conditions during the previous 12 months, the death or removal (culled) should be listed as due to a single primary cause. • Each goat class has it’s own table of health conditions. Indicate the total number of animals that experienced each condition in column 2. Use the values in column 2 as the total for the row to ensure the numbers entered into columns 3,5,6 are less than or equal to the value in column 2. • The number of animals entered in column 5 should not exceed the inventory number that died, reported in item G1. Ensure that these numbers are less than or equal to the number reported for the corresponding goat class in Item G1(a-d) for “Total Head”. • For column 4 use the antibiotic codes on page 2 of the Antibiotic Reference Card that is stapled to the back of the questionnaire and can be found in the Reference Card section of the training manual. If “Other” is selected, provide the specific trade name and antibiotic class of the drug that was used.
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection G: Health Conditions and Losses • G3-G10: Health Conditions and antibiotics • Column 2 header: Total number of different animals affected by all listed conditions • Column 3 header: Total number of different animals treated with antibiotics for listed conditions
VS Visit: Initial QuestionnaireSection G: Health Conditions and Losses • G4: Preweaned kids table • NOTE: G4c: Perinatal refers to the period of 2-4 weeks before and after parturition. • G6: Weaned kids table • Note: A kid was born in September 2018 and weaned December 2018 would be counted in both preweaned and weaned categories • G8: Adult does table • G10: Adult bucks/wethers table • Note: If a buck was castrated on January 1, 2019 you will only count this animal once in G10
VS Visit: Questionnaires This part of the questionnaire applies only to operations that milked goats in the previous 12 months and had at least 5 adult dairy goats (does >1 year of age) on the operation on September 1, 2019. Dairy Operation Questionnaire
VS Visit: Dairy Operation QuestionnaireSection H: Dairy Inventory • There should be no blank responses for the number of head for any question. Record “0” for any categories for which the Producer did not have any animals. • H10: Weighing milk
VS Visit: Dairy Operation QuestionnaireSection I: General Management • Useful definitions for this section may be found in Section 4: Page 76 • I6: Maximum length of lactation • What If… • The longest lactating doe started her lactation in March 2018 and she finished on October 15, 2019? Include the length of her lactation period, even if greater than 365 days as long as it has been completed by the date of the interview.
VS Visit: Dairy Operation QuestionnaireSection J: Kidding Management • Useful definitions for this section may be found in Section 4: Page 78 • J4: Kid feeding protocol (dairy specific) • NOTE: milk refers to both goat milk and any milk replacer products
VS Visit: Dairy Operation QuestionnaireSection K: Milk Marketing • Useful definitions for this section may be found in Section 4: Page 80 • K3(a-e): Goat milk and products sold • Generally any product leaving the operation permanently should be considered “Yes” for this question • K4e: Goat milk premium • You may run into answers involving alpha casein, please put those in the other category, and specify. • K6: Raw milk products