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Lyrics of Song Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman in Maltese

Lyrics of Song Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman in Maltese. When I look at you I can see the fingerprints of God. Meta n ħares lejk nista’ nilmaħ il-fingerprints ta’ Alla. You are a masterpiece of God. Int biċċa arti famuża ta’ Alla.

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Lyrics of Song Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman in Maltese

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  1. Lyrics of Song Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman in Maltese

  2. When I look at you I can see the fingerprints of God. Meta nħares lejk nista’ nilmaħ il-fingerprints ta’ Alla You are a masterpiece of God Int biċċa arti famuża ta’ Alla

  3. You are covered with the fingerprints of God Miksija bil-fingerprints ta’ Alla Never has there been and never again will there be another you Qatt ma kien hawn jew se jkun hawn xi ħadd bħalek

  4. Fashioned by Gods’ hand and perfectly planned to be just who you are Alla b’idejh għamlek u ħaseb perfettament biex int tkun dak li int

  5. What he has been creating since the first beat of your heart is a living breathing priceless work of art Mill-ewwel taħbita ta’ qalbek Alla kien qiegħed joħloq biċċa xogħol tal-arti ħajja, tieħu n-nifs u imprezzabbli

  6. Just look at you, You are a wonder in making, oh, and God’s not through,no in fact He’s just getting started.... Ħares lejk innifsek, int meravilja u Alla għadu ma spiċċax jaħdem fik,fil-fatt għadu se jibda......

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