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Nanomechanical memory

Nanomechanical memory. Victor Zhirnov Emerging Memory Workshop Emerging Research Devices Meeting April 2, 2008. CNT cross-bar memory. Moving Atoms. Concept. Each memory element is based on suspended crossed carbon nanotubes.

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Nanomechanical memory

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  1. Nanomechanical memory Victor Zhirnov Emerging Memory Workshop Emerging Research Devices Meeting April 2, 2008

  2. CNT cross-bar memory Moving Atoms Concept • Each memory element is based on suspended crossed carbon nanotubes. • Cross-bar array of CNT forms mechanically bi-stable, electrostatically-switchable device elements at each cross point. • The memory state is read out as the junction resistance. Expectations: n=1012 bits/cm2, f=100 GHz Rueckes T. et al., SCIENCE 289 (5476): 94-97 JUL 7 2000

  3. Scaling Law in CNT Electromechanical Devices R. Lefèvre,1 M. F. Goffman,1 V. Derycke,1 C. Miko,2 L. Forró,2 J. P. Bourgoin,1 P. Hesto3Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 185504 (2005) 1Laboratoire d'Electronique Moléculaire, CEA-DSM SPEC, CEA Saclay, France 2EPFL, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland 3Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, CNRS, Université Paris 11, France Correction factor (1.21…1.45) =0.270 =1.456 Young’s modulus L=700 nm, D=10 nm L=700 nm, D=10 nm 500 nm L=480 nm, D=10 nm H=230 nm

  4. Calculation of pull-in voltages for carbon-nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical switchM. Dequesnes, S. V. Rotkin, and N. R. AluruNanotechnology 13 (2002) 120-130

  5. H=1 nm Pull-in voltage increases with size scaling 10 nm 1 nm Dequesnes Lefèvre

  6. [A] J. W. Ward, M. Meinhold, B. M. Segal, J. Berg, R. Sen, R. Sivarajan, D. K. Brock, and T. Rueckes, “A non-volatile nanoelectromechanical memory element utilizing a fabric of carbon nanotubes”, Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, 15-17 Nov. 2004, pp. 34-38 • [B] T. Rueckes et al., Carbon nanotube-Based Nonvolatile Random Access Memory for Molecular Computing, SCIENCE 289 (2000): 94-97 • [C] www.nantero.com • [D] The projections for WRITE voltage and WRITE energy depend on the length of nano-electro-mechanical element. For very small length, the operating voltage might be too high for practical use, as follows from theoretical analysis in: M. Dequesnes et al, “Calculation of pull-in voltages for carbon-nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical switch”, Nanotechnology 13 (2002) 120; R. Lefevre et al., “Scaling Law in Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Devices”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 185504

  7. CNT cross-bar memory Moving Atoms Concept • Each memory element is based on suspended crossed carbon nanotubes. • Cross-bar array of CNT forms mechanically bi-stable, electrostatically-switchable device elements at each cross point. • The memory state is read out as the junction resistance. Expectations: n=1012 bits/cm2, f=100 GHz Rueckes T. et al., SCIENCE 289 (5476): 94-97 JUL 7 2000

  8. Nanoscale memory cell based on ananoelectromechanical switched capacitorAmaratunga’s group, Cambridge Univ. Nature Nanotechnology 3 (2008) 26

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