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Building blocks making the composed MODCA:P (AFP) documents

Building blocks making the composed MODCA:P (AFP) documents. leif schmidt Nordea l.schmidt@nordea.com. AFP building blocks. Font Raster, Outline (vector) Character set Code page Electronic overlays Formdef Copy groups Subgroups Pagedef Pageformats conditions Segment

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Building blocks making the composed MODCA:P (AFP) documents

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  1. Building blocks making the composed MODCA:P (AFP) documents leif schmidt Nordea l.schmidt@nordea.com

  2. AFP building blocks • Font • Raster, Outline (vector) • Character set • Code page • Electronic overlays • Formdef • Copy groups • Subgroups • Pagedef • Pageformats • conditions • Segment • (IOCA, GOCA, FS12…) AFP byggeklodser

  3. AFP printing environments Development environment Test environment Production environment High volume centralized print Local print AFP byggeklodser

  4. AFP resource liraries Development environment • Font libraries • Overlay libraries • Formdef libraries • Pagedef libraries • Segment libraries Test environment Production environment High volume centralized print Local print AFP byggeklodser

  5. Resource libraries – development tools MVS Overlay Generation Language (OGL) Page Presentation Formatting Aid (PPFA) Font (FSLF) Fontlib Pseglib Overlib Fdeflib Pdeflib AFP byggeklodser

  6. WYSIWYG platform Resource libraries – development tools AFP printer- driver Word doc Clipboard / coding Scanner Font Editor Font Converter Image Editor AFP Designer FONTlib PSEGlib OVERlib OGL PPFA FDEFlib PDEFlib MVS Overlay Generation Language (OGL) Page Presentation Formatting Aid (PPFA) Font (FSLF) FONTlib PSEGlib OVERlib FDEFlib PDEFlib AFP byggeklodser

  7. Character ( set C0..) “Code page” (T1..) FONTs (raster)(X0….) Character editor AFP byggeklodser

  8. Character box -uniform fonts - typographical fonts - placement in box - edit - convert - modify - a.o. AFP byggeklodser

  9. Character setcollection of single characters with common features FGID and GCSGID can be useful values in data exchange and conversion. So do not change values without knowing the consequences AFP byggeklodser

  10. FONTS Create an outline (vector) font and character set Create one raster font and character set Create raster font family with character sets Basic information per font and character set AFP byggeklodser

  11. Segments (images) • Scan • Convert/edit • Draw / paint AFP byggeklodser

  12. OverlayStandard Resources:- fonts- segments (images)Typical elements:- text (alignment) - rules- boxes- circles- path- segmentsTypical commands- position- settext- drawbox- place- drawrule AFP byggeklodser

  13. Formdef O1NGRP0F - Copy group - subgroups - overlays O1NGRP0G AFP byggeklodser

  14. Pagedef- fonts- overlays- segments- Pageformats - printline /layout - conditions - channel - field - text - font - alignment - position - direction AFP byggeklodser

  15. Print resources & data AFP byggeklodser

  16. zOS - DK zOS – Doc repository IBM CM OD Receipt Application system Application system 1 Print records RDMS Print records DSN 5 Receiver job (triggered) Index Output management 2 Output management Update transmit Resources 6 ACIF parms central print ACIF parms Archives Composed documents Archives Index Print Ressource Libraries ACIF ACIF 4 7 Resources Servlet Composed documents 3 Resources Indexed composed documents Local printer Print vendor Print and Post Processing ZIP & FTP AFP byggeklodser

  17. Yellow string = (existing) local print document1) the application write output records to allocated datasets2) according to scheduled plan (Tivoli/OPC) the output dataset is supplied with the correct parametres for execution3) the documents are formatted with a standard ACIF procedure. The output per document logically consists of three elements: index, print resources, composed pages. They can be placed in one, two or three physical datasets. 4) the composed documents including resources and indexes are transmitted to the Swedish LPAR (Life & Pension use Connect Direct). Many of the documents are also printed on a local printer. 5) as soon as the dataset is recognized (from name, class, etc.) on the Swedish platform a receipt is send back and 6) an archive job is started using the parameters belonging to the job. A final update receipt is send back to the origin platform.7) Servlets are used for finding and presenting the archived documents and will not be described here Blue string = (existing) industrial print document1) the application delivers output records to the central document management system, RDMS 2) according to scheduled plan (Tivoli/OPC) the print data are extracted and supplied with the correct parametres for execution3) the documents are formatted with a standard ACIF* procedure. The dataset containing the print resources is placed in front of the documents in the document dataset. The index file is not created – instead internal indexes called TLEs are created along with security marks and envelope codes.4) the dataset is zipped and transmitted for industrial production. If the documents are planned to be archives as well the original RDMs extracted dataset is also used in the yellow string (point 2½ - 6)* ACIF = AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility. AFP byggeklodser

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