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Dr. Heinrich Heinrichs. Leadership. HAMU & RACE Namibia 2006. What is a Leader?. Figurehead Decision maker Makes things happen that are different from the things happening now Needs qualities and tools to fulfill demands on leadership. Demands on leadership.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dr. Heinrich Heinrichs Leadership HAMU & RACE Namibia 2006

  2. What is a Leader? • Figurehead • Decision maker • Makes things happen that are different from the things happening now • Needs qualities and tools to fulfill demands on leadership

  3. Demands on leadership • Personality (incl. clarity, rapidity, comfort) • Clarity • Vision • Passion • Courage • Management of people • Consistency • Talent-spotting and delegating

  4. Personality • More than a figurehead • Must be able to make major decisions • Change ways, make a difference • Stick to decisions (but not to be stubborn) • People expect to be judged by you, sometimes to be comforted

  5. Clarity • The leader must have a clear direction, where he/she is heading • The leader has to be absolute clear in his/her messages, written, spoken etc. • Complex issues have to be broken down to into smaller (understandable) pieces if necessary • Direct and straight communication! • What was said is not always what was understood! • Simplify things! (KISS)

  6. All clear? Or what? “The intellectual capacity of implementing agricultural experts is reciprocal proportional to the volume of subterranean starch supplying tuber plants!”

  7. Vision • If you don’t have a vision, get one! • Vision has to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-relevant) • A vision that is too easy or too difficult demotivates coworkers • A vision has to be a challenging target for the whole institution!

  8. Passion • Like your job! • Passion necessary to stand difficult times • Passion separates leaders from ordinary people • Passion must be accompanied by judgment, analysis of the situation, sense

  9. Courage • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes • Don’t analyse everything to death • Leaders are alone in difficult situations • Leaders have to stick their necks out sometimes, also for colleagues • Make unpopular decisions if necessary • Don’t accept “this can not be done!” easily

  10. Management of people • Be inspiring and motivating • Be fair and reasonable • Make sure that your people feel that you succeed together • Appreciate the work of your people • Have confidence in your people

  11. Consistency • You do exactly what you said • Follow-up: If you ask for something to be done, make sure it is done • Stick religiously to regular meetings, at least once per month • Take clear minutes and make them available to all members; make sure that the minutes contain clear instructions and are followed • Make sure nothing gets lost or forgotten; this gives security to both leader and subordinate • Don’t change your mood from one day to another • Be consistent in your objectives for the institution • Don’t try to do too many things • It is possible to rule by fear, but decency goes the longer way

  12. Talent-spotting and delegating • Give everybody the role and tasks that he/she is good at • When delegating give the outcomes, not the method • Realise that the people around you are better at some technical things than you are • A good leader knows who can do which job

  13. Management Myths • You have to be cool and detached • The longer you work, the more you contribute • You need to make every decision yourself • You need to have lots of ideas to be a leader (you have a team!) • Management is a grey area • I want it done my way • I don’t like him so I can’t work with him • Everyone can be a leader

  14. Myths (cont.) • To be a boss you have to be bossy • Management of change is a nightmare • Money is a great motivator • Put it in writing • A meeting will sort it out • It is beyond our control • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it • It can’t be done

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