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New Nation

New Nation. Chapters 7 & 8. A son of his father’s second marriage Very close to mother Lost father at young age Born into gentry Surveyor Married for $$$ Very ambitious. As you watch, please write 4 notes per section. Washington as President. What do you know about George Washington?.

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New Nation

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  1. New Nation Chapters 7 & 8

  2. A son of his father’s second marriage • Very close to mother • Lost father at young age • Born into gentry • Surveyor • Married for $$$ • Very ambitious As you watch, please write 4 notes per section. Washington as President

  3. What do you know about George Washington? Bell Ringer Monday

  4. I can describe George Washington. SS 8 – 5.1.1 Learning Target 1

  5. Washington as President As you watch, please write 4 notes per section.

  6. What surprised you about George Washington? Bell Ringer Tuesday

  7. I can describe George Washington. SS 8 – 5.1.1 Learning Target 1

  8. Reluctantly accepted POTUS • Martha Washington First Lady – very active in social life Washington as President

  9. Hamilton - Treasury Knox - War Jefferson - State Randolph – Attorney General Washington Washington as President

  10. Farmers did not want the government to play a large role in their daily lives • Merchants wanted to increase trade Washington as President

  11. Fielding Lewis & Betty Washington

  12. Please read the Q & A about George Washington. Please remember I know what reading looks and sounds like.  Bell Ringer Wednesday

  13. I can assess the differences in Jefferson and Hamilton. SS:8 – 5.2.4 Learning Target 2

  14. Group 1 & 4: Settling the Debt (238-240) Group 2 & 5: Jefferson Opposes Hamilton (240-241) Group 3 & 6: National Debate (241-242) Group Reading

  15. Alexander Hamilton - Secretary of the Treasury • DEEP debt! • US Government owed 51 million: • 40 million to states • 11 million France and Spain • State Governments owed 25 million • Hamilton believed that paying off the state debt would allow states to grow • Southerners opposed this because they had no debt Settling the Debt

  16. Hamilton Jefferson Wants nation to pay state debt Promotes manufacturing and business National Bank – government could save, borrow, loan money National mint – print money • Wants Capitol in DC • Promotes agriculture • National bank gave government too much power Jefferson Opposes Hamilton

  17. Federal Reserve Bank & US Mint

  18. What were the main differences between Hamilton and Jefferson? Bell Ringer Thursday

  19. I can explain the major events of Washington’s Administration. SS:8 - 5.1.1 SS:8 - 5.2.4 Learning Target 3

  20. French Revolution • Washington refuses to send troops • Wants US to remain neutral in European Wars US Neutrality

  21. Tax to pay federal debt • Corn farmers in PA hated the tax • Why? • Protested and tarred and feathered tax collectors Whiskey Rebellion

  22. Washington leads 13,000 to put down the rebellion • Protestors left • Only president to lead troops • Demonstrated that states had to follow federal laws Whiskey Rebellion

  23. The US was home to 4 million people • Washington’s Farewell Address appeared in a Philadelphia newspaper • 11 states passed the Constitution • Congress passed a tax on whiskey • The capital was moved to Philadelphia for 10 years • The French Revolution began • Congress enacted the charter for the Bank of the United States • The army of 13,000 men approached PA • New York City’s population topped 30,000 • Washington presented the Neutrality Proclamation Timeline: Place the events in chronological order. Draw 5 pictures to go along with the events.

  24. January 1789 - 11 states passed the Constitution • 1789 - The French Revolution began • 1790 - The US was home to 4 million people • 1790 - New York City’s population topped 30,000 • 1791 - The capital was moved to Philadelphia for 10 years • February 1791 - Congress enacted the charter for the Bank of the United States • March 1791 - Congress passed a tax on whiskey • April 22, 1793 - Washington presented the Neutrality Proclamation • November 1794 - The army of 13,000 men approached PA • September 19, 1796 - Washington’s Farewell Address appeared in a Philadelphia newspaper Key

  25. Why did Washington want to remain neutral in the French Revolution? OR • How did the Whiskey Rebellion illustrate the federal government’s power over the states? Bell Ringer Friday

  26. I can explain the major events of Washington’s Administration. SS:8 - 5.1.1 SS:8 - 5.2.4 Learning Target 3

  27. As you watch the video, write 3 things you think are important to remember about Washington. George Washington

  28. Retire to Mt. Vernon • Refused to remain in power George Washington’s Farewell

  29. What was so significant about Washington’s refusal to run a 3rd term? Bell Ringer Monday

  30. I can describe the major events of John Adam’s presidency. SS:8 - 5.2.4 Learning Target 4

  31. Short • Argumentative • Stubborn • Hard worker • Intelligent • Ahead of his time John Adams

  32. What do you notice about the votes during the 1796 election? How is the nation divided? Are there similarities in election results now and then? Election of 1796

  33. Federalist Party • John Adams • Popular in the north • Supported industry and trade • Wanted a strong central government • Democratic-Republicans • Thomas Jefferson • Popular in the south • Supported agriculture • Capitol in VA (from NYC) • Wanted state’s rights Election of 1796

  34. Why do you think Washington didn’t support political parties? Bell Ringer Tuesday

  35. I can describe the major events of John Adam’s presidency. SS:8 - 5.2.4 Learning Target 4

  36. Are you ready for the most annoying song EVER!

  37. Adams wanted to improve relations with the French • France refused to speak to them • Wanted $250,000 to talk and a $12 million loan XYZ Affair

  38. American citizens – “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!” • Washington – supported a war with France and offered to lead the Army XYZ Affair

  39. Adams refused to go to war • Permanent Military • Alien Sedition Acts – forbid anyone from criticizing the national government • President could deport immigrants • Against 1st Amendment! • Costs Adams a 2nd term Alien and Sedition Acts

  40. How were the Alien and Sedition Acts against the Bill of Rights? Bell Ringer Wednesday

  41. I can describe the major events of Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency. SS: 8 – 5.2.3 SS: 8 – 5.2.4 Learning Target 5

  42. Democratic Republicans replaced the Federalists • Kept the national bank • Worked to cut spending and keep government small Jeffersonian Era

  43. Needed access to Mississippi and New Orleans • Napoleon need $ for war in Europe • Louisiana doubled US territory for $15 million • Constitution? Louisiana Purchase

  44. Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important to the United States? Bell Ringer Thursday

  45. I can describe the major events of Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency. SS: 8 – 5.2.3 SS: 8 – 5.2.4 Learning Target 5

  46. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark • Explore the West • Help from Sacagawea • Work with Natives, find food, and cross the Rocky Mountains Lewis & Clark Expedition (1803)

  47. War between Britain and France (1807) • Britain raided US ships for supplies and British deserters • USS Chesapeake captured and sailors forced to serve in British Navy • Embargo Act - Jefferson forbids trade with Britain and France British Impressment

  48. Please write 2 questions with answers that you think will be on the test. Bell Ringer Friday

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