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“Peace and non-violence for the children of the world” 13-21 November 2010

BUZ Ă U COUNTY SCHOOL INSPECTORATE , ROM A NIA. “Peace and non-violence for the children of the world” 13-21 November 2010.

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“Peace and non-violence for the children of the world” 13-21 November 2010

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  1. BUZĂU COUNTY SCHOOL INSPECTORATE , ROMANIA “Peace and non-violence for the children of the world” 13-21 November 2010

  2. The story goes that, once a year, for a week, people all over our continent worship the power and benefits of education underthe auspices of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. The Global Education Week, celebrated between November 13 and 21, is supposed to be a time for reflection. A time for both those who educate and those who are educated to becomepartners, by learning and acting together, by acknowledging the potential of education to solve the major problems of our contemporary society on a global scale.

  3. 2010 is about celebrating peace and promoting non-violence for the children of the world. What an amazing choice - a priority and an opportunity - to devote our attention and interest to the teaching and learning of two important values: peace and non-violence. This year, encouraged by our Inspector for Educational Activities, Mrs Paula Mihai, and our Inspector for English, Mrs Georgeta Oprea, Radu Vladescu Theoretical High School, Grigore C. Moisil Technical School Group and Mihai Eminescu National College decided to welcome GEW together.

  4. Here, at Radu Vladescu High School, we believe that, if our youngest students realize the role and significance of peace, if their elder friends manage to portray the future of their dreams for them, if today’s teenagers and young people take their time to guide, inspire and motivate them…then tomorrow will certainly be a better place to live in.

  5. What does “peace” mean to you?

  6. “ To my mind, peace means there is no fighting. I want peace for my country and all the other countries in Europe, too.” (Teodor Drugea) “ Peace is important to me; without peace there will be lots of wars.” (Cosmina Toma) “ Peace is when there is no war in the world. I want this for my country because I don’t want people to die.” (Radu Neacsu) “ Peace helps the people to become friends.” (Calin Filip) “ I don’t know too much about peace, but I know that, without peace, people die and this is bad.” (Catalin Horjan) “ Peace is when you make up with a friend after an argument.” (Raluca Leonte) “ A day with peace is a serene day.I love peace.” (Marin Gavrila) “ Peace means harmony in my family and sharing everything I have with my brother.” (Bogdan Varlan) “ Peace is very important, without peace, people would do bad things.” (Luigia Spinu)

  7. What does “peace” mean to you?

  8. “ Peace is love, happiness and friendship between people.” ( Eliza Marin) “ Without peace, our country won’t be beautiful any more.” (Laura Breazu) “ Peace is when people don’t fight…they don’t fight and are happy.”(Evelina Zait) “ We like a peaceful life because it makes us feel better.”(Madalin Diaconu) “ When you make up with someone after a conflict,that is peace.” (Maria Dobrica) “ To me, peace means understanding." (Fabian) “ There should be only peace between brothers and friends.” (Magda) “ Peace is the most wonderful thing in the world.” (Catalin Oprea) “ When you don’t fight, when you don’t revenge…that is peace.” (Mihai) “ The best thing in the world is peace; I tell everyone to be calm and understanding.” (Rupi) “ I wish there was peace in all the countries and understanding between all the people. If I were in a fairy-tale, I would like to share the peace myself.” (Alexandra Serbu)

  9. Peace – from words to pictures(A journey of expressiveness and empathy)

  10. “…We’ll show you what peace means…”

  11. This is our future…through our eyes.

  12. Today we may share only a dream,but tomorrow we’ll make this dream come true, for us and for you.

  13. How can we find peace?

  14. We believe that…Peace is the source of all…freedom, happiness, dignity, respect, tolerance, love …and life itself.It makes everything possible.

  15. Peace doesn't cost anything. It starts with a smile and continues with hope, respect and tolerance.

  16. Hoping for a better future, the 12th gradersdedicate a fewpeace poems to their younger colleagues and all the children of the world. The Meaning of Peace Peace is a smile, Peace is a thought, Peace is a bird, Flying in the wind. Peace is a boat, Sailing the waves. Peace is in the sky, In its beautiful clouds. Peace is a tree, Both blossoms and fruit, Like the dove of peace, Carrying an olive branch in its beak, Let’s bring peace to the children of the world. (Florina Radu) What is Peace? Peace is like a light in the night, It is a ray warming a frozen heart, A pure smile, Peace lives inside Any good soul. Peace is the good fairy.(Roxana Gilmeanu)

  17. The Value of Peace By providing peace for everyone I feel an inner sense of calm. By dreaming serenity for the world I find myself helping the poor. By loving with my peaceful heart Friendship and happiness are all around. By being there for somebody in need I know that peace is vital indeed. (Georgiana Stoica) Children of Peace You think about money, You think about great achievements, But you don’t need them. You think about yourself, about beauty, Maybe you think about smart things, But you don’t need them. If you love peace and tolerance, If you love friendship, If you love love, If you hate hatred and leave it behind, Certainly, You were born to be a peace child. (Cristina Anton)

  18. Grow up in PeaceIf your world is free,Open your eyes,Grow up in your country and see,In everything an opportunity.It does not matter where we are born.If you have a special place in your soul,For peace, hope and tolerance,Your future is safe. (Mihaela Cucu) In the Name of Peace The war is a conclusion And peace seems an illusion. It’s like people were beasts with war in their blood, But there’s an angel among us With its white wings, Sharing justice and light… I am sending this peace message with the wind From horizon to horizon To all the children of the world. (Manuela Iancu)

  19. The Best of Us Peace is like a flower, Like a mother for everyone, Like a fairy-tale. For you, the children, Peace is in the air you breathe, The love and respect that you share, Peace is your right and your duty Peace should live everywhere. (Mihaela Cojanu) A Free Soul A free soul like you are, Always carries this thought: Peace and harmony for all… A single thought Which makes a future Worth waiting for. (Roxana Negoescu)

  20. Feelings of Peace Peace is freedom without sadness, Each of us keeps peace inside our souls, And after that, we’d better share it with others ‘Cause life is not possible if we are at war Everyone deserves the heavenly gift of love. (Nicolae Oita) Hoping for Peace We all long for peace- The word-giver of hope. If love existed everywhere, There would be no more pain, no worries, no wounds, no troubles… Only a joyful life. (Larisa Ruptureanu)

  21. A Wor(l)d for the PeoplePeace…What a wonderful word!It makes us better in the world;If we were more tolerant people,Then, we’d all live in harmony,Then, we’d all have more happiness,If we lived in gentleness.So, love more your friends and familyAnd treat the world with respect and dignity.(Cristina Faibes)Peace is on EarthOur most sacred giftWhich ceases to existWhen people hate each other.My advice is to protect it,With love and tolerance.Let it live. (Marina Voica)

  22. Let’s conclude by celebrating and preserving peace …inside our souls, at home, in our families and communities. We hope you have learnt what peace means: smiles, hope, friendship, love, education, joy and dreams come true. Peace means happiness and life. This is the future of this world if we agree to live in peace, together with the children of today’s generation for a better, safer tomorrow.

  23. November 19th, 2010 “Peace for the children of the world” (Painting Exibition) “Performing for Peace” Greatest Love of All - Andreea Dragoi (11th grade) Heal The World – Beatris Sica (10th grade) Imagine – Gianina Ivan (11th grade) Coordinators: Mrs Emilia Frinculeasa Mrs Mihaela Neacsu Special thanksto High school Principal, Ms Nicoleta Albu, Deputy headmaster, Mr Daniel Neacsu and Art teacher, Mrs Elena Codescu.

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