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Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !

Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !. Violent assaults against babies and children 'have doubled in a year'. Today , in every country throughout the world , there are many children silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence.

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Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !

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  1. Peace and NON violence for the children of the world !

  2. Violentassaults againstbabies and children'havedoubledin ayear'

  3. Today, ineverycountry throughouttheworld, there are manychildrensilentlysuffering theeffectsandconsequencesof violence

  4. This violencetakesmanydifferent forms: betweenchildren in thestreets, at school,in familylifeandin our community. There isphysical violence,psychologicalviolence,socio-economicviolence,environmental violence andpoliticalviolence.

  5. Unfortunately,many childrenintoday'ssocietyareexposedto violenceona dailybasis.A childonlyhas togoas far asthe televisionset towitnessviolence,real or fiction. 

  6. OrtheInternethasinnumerablewebsitesdisplayingviolence of anykind.Some Internetgamestodaydirectedtowardschildren& teenspromotedrugsand extremelygraphic violence.

  7. Ona personal levela childcan beexposed toviolence inhis school,either asa witness ora directvictim. Or a childcan be exposedto violencethrough his friendsand acquaintances.

  8. Or perhaps themost insidiousof all a childcan be avictim of violenceat hishome.This isthe mostinsidious because if thereis one place, where a childmust feelsafe, itis at his home.  Ourhome shouldbe ourone safehaven.  If it is not,this more thananything else canhave severerepercussions on a child'spsychological development

  9. Too manychildren liveina"cultureof violence”

  10. Violence is(and has always been)a partof thehuman condition.From warto child abuse, murder to school-yard bullying, violence takesits toll, often withchildrenbeing theinnocentvictims

  11. Childrenare the world’s future

  12. Protectthechild!

  13. Made byIvanaRomeovaBankova • 10th grade • Foreign Language School • Pleven ,Bulgaria • Head Teacher • GrettaDimova- a teacher of English • Foreign Language School- Pleven, Bulgaria

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