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Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis. Designer : 徐安涛、徐滔、钊超 张慧慧、吴瑕、吴珍. case.

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Chlamydia trachomatis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chlamydia trachomatis Designer :徐安涛、徐滔、钊超 张慧慧、吴瑕、吴珍

  2. case A 19-year-old woman presents for the evaluation of pelvic pain. The pain has progressively worsened over the past week. She has also sexually active, has had 4 lifetime partners, takes oral contraceptive pills, and occasionally uses condoms. On examination, she appears in no acute distress and does not have a fever. Her abdomen is soft with moderate lower abdominal tenderness. On pelvic examination, she is noted to have a yellow cervical discharge and significant cervical motion tenderness. No uterine or adnexal masses are palpated, but mild tenderness is also noted.

  3. A Gram stain of the cervical discharge reveals only multiple polymorphonuclear leukocytes. A direct DNA probe test subsequently comes back positive for Chlamydia trachomatis.

  4. Rabies virus(Negri body) Cytomegalovirus Inclusion body

  5. TE8 • TE55

  6. Tang’ virus 1、filterable120—200nm 2、obligate intracellular parasite 3、a unique life cycle

  7. Elementary body(EB):extracellular ; nondividing 300nm infectious particle; stain –gymsa blue ,macchiavello red Initial body (reticulate body,RB):intracellular ;0.5-1.2µm , binary fission , non-infectious,gymsa and macchiavello blue , no densible nuclear substance ,but has reticular structure

  8. 2、cell wall G-, similar to G- bacteria LPS:contain genusspecific epitope MOMP: Species specific& Type specific epitopes encoding gene and sequence、vaccine HSP60 Species : C.trachomatis C. pneumoniae C. psittaci C.pecorum subspecies :Biovar trachoma LGV Biovar mouse Types :C T (A-K, 14) LGV(L1,L2a,L2b L3;4) Join the bacteria in 1973 1、contain DNA and RNA

  9. No peptidoglycan but sensible to penicillin Resistance :sensible to heat 60℃ 5-10min,-70℃several years; antibiotics

  10. pathogenic factors Endotoxoid substance MOMP : avoid the fusion of lysosome and vacuole of elementary body ; HSP60 Inflammation : necrosis exudation proliferation

  11. pathogenesis 1)Trachoma (A、B 、Ba 、C ) Acute inflammation :weeping,viscous suppurative secretion , conjunctival conjestion Chronic inflammation : scarring , entropiontrichiasis etc.

  12. 2)urogenital-tract infection, It is the main causative agent of nongonococcal urethritis(NGU) In men , urethritis ,epididymitis , In women , urethritis ,cervicitis , pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

  13. 3)Inclusion Conjunctivitis newborn,adult 4)Lymphogranuloma Venereum(LGV) Main invade lymph tissue A painless papule on the genitalia that heals spontaneously

  14. Thank you ! Designer :徐安涛、徐滔、钊超 张慧慧、吴瑕、吴珍

  15. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte Extracelluar gram-negative diplococci Intracelluar gram-negative diplococci

  16. EB Exocytosis Heparan sulfate ;Major outer membrane protein (MOMP) Phagosome 16—24 per ER AAs &ATP etc Primary differentiation EB→RB Secondary differentiation RB→EB RB Binary fission

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