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Newspapers drive sales. Summary of effectiveness test findings. Newsbrands drive sales. Advertisers recognise the potency of newspapers to drive sales Retailers use the medium as a shop window on a daily basis Proven sales effect every time
Newspapers drive sales Summary of effectiveness test findings
Newsbrandsdrive sales Advertisers recognise the potency of newspapers to drive sales Retailers use the medium as a shop window on a daily basis Proven sales effect every time 23 sales uplifts across 23 Newsworks effectiveness case studies Independent sales analysis from dunnhumby & TNS Worldpanel Immediate 7% sales uplift Newspapers deliver sustained sales uplift post campaign Higher frequency delivers higher sales uplift Newspapers drive penetration Source: dunnhumby Newspapers stronger than TV at stimulating full price sales (rather than promoted) Source: TNS Worldpanel
“…there was clear evidence that newspapers delivered incremental sales on top of TV and promotions.” Jon Goldstone Vice President of MarketingWalkers (now Premier Foods) “Fundamentally (and importantly!) the ads helped shift boxes of cereal…” Phil TomsProduct Group ManagerShredded Wheat. “Results across two years show that newspapers …deliver a significant return on advertising investment.” Sam MitchellMarketing ManagerPhiladelphia. “… the newspaper campaign boosted sales, bringing in new trialists during the campaign and for a short period afterwards .” Karine ChikMarketing ManagerDairylea Lunchables
Adding newspapers produces 7.0% immediate sales increase Source: dunnhumby based on 18 brands
Newspapers sustain sales increases % sales increase driven by newspapers - 12 weeks post campaign Source: dunnhumby based on 13 brands
6.9% Brand penetration increase Source: dunnhumby, based on 14 brands * Hovis only measured 6 weeks post campaign
11.7% higher sales at 3OTS during campaign Source: dunnhumby based on 11 brands
“dunnhumby’s loyalty programme data has again provided unique insights into the effectiveness of newspaper advertising. In particular we have seen that newspaper campaigns increase sales by driving new customers into the brand, and that multiple exposures lead to stronger effects.” Martin Hayward Director of Consumer Strategy and Futures dunnhumby
Kraft Philadelphia: TV + Newspapers drives sales uplift Apr – May 2006 Mar – Apr 2007 Aug – Sep 2007 £ TV + NP uplift indexedvs 2006 +26% +18.5% +16% 112 100 97 Newspaper deliveryTV delivery Source: TNS Worldpanel; 28 day sales effect
14% 43% 35% 48% 75% 92% 13% 61% 49% 52% 25% 8% Apr/May 2006 Mar/Apr 2007 Aug/Sep 2007 Newspaper advertising influences up to 92% of sales uplift NP Solus TV + NP TV Solus Incremental Philadelphia sales due to advertising, by media exposure 28 day sales effect Source: TNS Worldpanel
Kraft Philadelphia: Newspapers solus drive 43% of extra sales NP Spend Index vs 2006 100 Apr/May 2006 32 Mar/Apr 2007 34 Aug/Sep 2007 NP solus share of total incremental sales 28 day sales effect Source: TNS Worldpanell
Kraft Philadelphia: Newspapers deliver full price sales TV solus Newspaper solus Normal Price On promotion (TV) Normal Price On promotion (NP) Incremental Sales - % normal price vs on promotion Source: TNS Worldpanel
“The ability to segment the 25,000-strong TNS Worldpanel by media use, allows clients to evaluate, in detail, how much each part of their media plan (singly or in combination) is contributing directly to sales. This means that the NMA is able to dig deeply into the impact that newspapers have on the share and value of brand sales and, importantly, is able to demonstrate newspaper ROI.” Simon Skeldon Director - Worldpanel UK TNS
Meaty sales with newspapers • An econometric analysis was undertaken for Bakers Meaty Meals by DDB Matrix on behalf of Nestlé • Newspapers delivered 10% sales uplift for the variant • Plus a further £1million halo effect on total Bakers sales Source: DDB Matrix 2005
Newspapers delivered a 10% sales uplift +10 % for variant 200 180 ‘Natural Growth’ 160 140 £1m halo effect for total Bakers Press GPRs Newspapers Contribution 120 100 Meaty Meals Volume Sales 80 60 40 20 0 5 Mar 05 2 Apr 05 22 Jan 05 5 Feb 05 19 Feb 05 19 Mar 05 Source: DDB Matrix 2005
Newspapers improved Andrex bottom line • Andrex Moistened sales rose 26% in two months as a result of adding newspapers toin-store promotions • Simultaneously 34% more households bought the brand as newspapers created there-appraisal needed to attract new users Source: Kimberly Clark 2005