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Question 7. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today ?. Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 1.Troy Lund.
Question 7. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?. Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice
1.Troy Lund • I think the most essential skill to success in the workplace today – in the world today, in general – is the ability to understand and navigate technology.
2. Arroe Collins • I do not believe that one person should learn one skill. Being a Jack of all trades makes you incredibly powerful.
3.Eric Medler • I believe that the most important skill that a person can have is the ability to listen.
4. Bernie Beamon • I think one of the most important skills a person needs to learn today is how to use a computer.
5. De Niro • I think the most important skill is the ability to listen to what other people are saying.
6. Morgan Barnhart • The one skill that people need to learn is work ethic, and that is a skill, because there are people that have absolutely no work ethic.
7. Shelby Lanier • I believe that the biggest skill that a person can learn today is communication, because it seems to me that most of the problems in our world come down to a miscommunication or a lack of communication.
8. Daniel G • I would say that interpersonal relationships are perhaps the most important skill that one can possess .
9.Danielle Fornes • I would say for today, one specific skill would be to be computer literate.
1.Troy Lund • I think the most essential skill to success in the workplace today – in the world today, in general – is the ability to understand and navigate technology. If you don’t have that ability, or if you are deficient in the use of computers and understanding of technology, there is simply no way for you to succeed in the modern world, so I think that is certainly top-of-the-list.
2. Arroe Collins • I do not believe that one person should learn one skill. I totally believe that you need to be unique enough in the way of saying, “I’m going to learn this, I’m going to learn this, and I’m definitely going to do this.” Being a Jack of all trades makes you incredibly powerful. Value is everywhere – but if you’re only going to study to be this – and if you become that, then all that time you invested is gone. And you’re not gonna get it back.
3.Eric Medler • I believe that the most important skill that a person can have is the ability to listen. If you wanna be successful, you have to be able to listen. Not just hear what’s going on around you and be aware that there’s a little bit of wind outside, but if somebody’s talking to you, you listen; you take that in. And then you can respond to it instead of react to it. I think it’s very important that people know the difference between responding and reacting. Responding takes thought; reacting is just a knee-jerk reaction. That’s why it’s called a knee-jerk; it’s a primal reaction. And in order to be successful, I think if you...if I’m out shopping for a computer - here’s a good example – I’m out shopping for a computer. I don’t know a lot about computers. There could be the smartest computer genius on the planet as a salesperson, but if he’s not listening to what my needs are – what I need my computer to do – I’m not gonna buy the computer from him. The person who listens to – and this has happened to me – when I went in to buy the computer that I’m using to record this, I talked to somebody. They listened to what I wanted to do with this computer, and they guided me in the right direction. So that person got a sale; they made some money; and I was more than happy to give it to them because they listened to what my needs were, and they took care of that. So that’s – I think listening is the most important thing. To be successful, you have to be able to listen.
4. Bernie Beamon • I think one of the most important skills a person needs to learn today is how to use a computer. Everything is going online constantly, and there’s so many older people that don’t know how to use computers. They’re afraid of them because they’ve never really...been sat down and taught how to use ‘em.
5. De Niro • I think the most important skill is the ability to listen to what other people are saying. They say that more fights and more wars are started because people just don’t listen. They hear what they wanna hear. They start talking before the other person is finished speaking, or expressing his or her opinions, and that’s how trouble starts. I think really good listeners are appreciated so much by other people. When you ask people what’s the nicest thing about somebody else, most of the time it’s because they just take the time to listen to what you say, and to let you really get your thoughts out. It makes you seem like you’re more interested and you’re not as self-centered. And that’s a really nice trait. I think listening is an extremely important trait to develop to be successful.
6. Morgan Barnhart • What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? The one skill that people need to learn is work ethic, and that is a skill, because there are people that have absolutely no work ethic. In fact, I have a friend who has been without a job for about two months; he has no car, no nothing; every time that my other friend tries to get him to do something, he refuses to do it because he just wants to sit at home and browse on the Internet, or you know, whatever; and so his whole life is passing him by because he has no work ethic, because he doesn’t want to do anything with himself, so having a work ethic not only helps you through life but it helps you to succeed and it helps you to, you know, become a better, well-rounded individual, plus it gives you money and everybody likes money and money makes the world go round. So definitely, work ethic is a skill that’s probably the most important skill to have.
7. Shelby Lanier • I believe that the biggest skill that a person can learn today is communication, because it seems to me that most of the problems in our world come down to a miscommunication or a lack of communication. I think if you can explain your position, give reasons why you feel that way, and the other person can understand that, realize what you are attempting to accomplish, I think that two people can find a way to make things better or to make a deal work or whatever their goal is...I think it comes down to communicating and understanding where each person stands on an issue.
8. Daniel G • I would say that interpersonal relationships are perhaps the most important skill that one can possess – whether it’s in one’s business and work life, or if it’s in one’s personal life. We’re always dealing with other people and communicating with them and it is so important to be able to communicate clearly and crisply and really convey our message, and by the same token, listen to what their message is and what they are trying to communicate. Throughout life, we will always be communicating with other people, and we need to be very clear what it is we need from them and they need from us. At work, we need to make sure we understand what our boss expects of us and what it is that we need to deliver to him or her. By the same token, when we hire someone to provide goods and services for us, say, someone to install a carpet, or to purchase an appliance, we need to be very clear on what it is that we want and where we want it and what color, and so on. So, to be able to also interrelate with someone to establish what’s known as a rapport, is very, very key as well, whereby two people can help each other and they can communicate and work with each other, and by the same token, be able to almost be friends with each other. That’s kind of what rapport is – to really understand each other and then give each other what the other wants or needs from us, very, very key skill, and it’s a cross any sort of an occupation in life, whether one is in business, in insurance, in electronics, or a technical field, it really doesn’t matter. Interpersonal relationships cut across all of those. Very, very key.
9.Danielle Fornes • Wow! One important skill that a person should learn to be successful, you know, I would say for today, one specific skill would be to be computer literate. I think it’s harder and harder to exist in this world without a computer and without knowing how to use a computer. So many of the things that we do are online – everything from paying our bills to shopping, people work online, people connect with each other through social websites; I think that the most important skill to be successful in the world today is to know how to use a computer.