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Bullying O u r s c hoo l is a:

Bullying O u r s c hoo l is a:. Denair U n i fi ed S c hoo l D i s tri c t P o li c y. •. DUSD is a w a r e o f t he ser i ousnes s o f bu l l y i ng DUSD f o ll o w s t h e l a w Bu l l y i n g is a g a i n s t t h e l a w. • •. S e t h ’ s. L a w. •.

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Bullying O u r s c hoo l is a:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying Ourschool is a:

  2. Denair UnifiedSchool District Policy • DUSDisaware ofthe seriousnessofbullying DUSDfollows the law Bullyingisagainst the law • •

  3. Seth’s Law • “Seth’sLaw”isanewlawthatmakes stateanti-bullyinglawsstrongerto helpprotectallCaliforniapublic schoolstudents.

  4. Types of Bullying • Hitting,Kicking, Pushing • Stealing, Hidingor damaging someone's things • Making someonedo somethinghe orshe doesn't want todo PhysicalBullying

  5. Verbal Bullying Types of Bullying Name calling Teasing Insulting Threats

  6. Relationship Bullying Types of Bullying Spreading liesand rumors about Someone Making someone feel left out

  7. Cyber Bullying: Cell phone or Internet Types of Bullying • Sending mean texts, emails, or instant messages • Posting insulting pictures or messages about others in blogs or websites • Using someone else’s user name to spread rumors or lies about someone

  8. About Bullies –Bulliesenjoyhavingpower others. over –Bullieslike tofeelstrongand superior. –Bulliesusetheirpowertohurt otherpeople.

  9. Whatto do if you are bullied- – – – – – – – Becalmandavoidunsafesituations Firmly tellthemtostop Usehumor Walkaway;rememberitisnotworth Askafriendoradulttohelp Youhavearight tonot bebulli Rememberit isthe Law! gettinghurt ed

  10. Consequences Warning/Counseling Family Contact Home consequences Referral Time Served Citation Suspension Expulsion Law enforcement for Bullying

  11. Bea friend Behelpful Befriendly not a bully • • • • • Saynice things aboutothers Always be respectful Include others when you play

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