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TANZANIA HEALTH SECTOR STRATEGIC PLAN III, 2009-2015: MIDTERM ANALYTICAL REVIEW. Leonard E.G. Mboera, PhD, DIC National Institute for Medical Research Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Email: lmboera@nimr.or.tz. Background.

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  1. TANZANIA HEALTH SECTOR STRATEGIC PLAN III, 2009-2015: MIDTERM ANALYTICAL REVIEW Leonard E.G. Mboera, PhD, DIC National Institute for Medical Research Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Email: lmboera@nimr.or.tz National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  2. Background This Mid-term Analytical review is part of the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP III). The review envisages providing information that will guide further implementation of HSSP III and future design of HSSP IV. The primary objective is to review, analyze, and document progress, challenges, and lessons learned from the first half of HSSP III (2009-2012) implementation. National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  3. Background-02 The mid-term analytical report will provide an in-depth analysis and synthesis of all relevant data, including: • health and other household surveys, • census, • health facility and disease surveillance data, • facility assessments, • administrative resources data, • policy data and research studies. National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  4. Background-03 • The analysis focuses on the priority areas of HSSP III 2009-2015 and includes: • data quality assessment, • progress against targets for key indicators • equity by key stratifiers, • comparative analyses with peer countries, • performance and efficiency analysis comparing inputs and outputs at the regional level, and • computation of lives saved through interventions. National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  5. Background-04 The analytical review also aims to meet several other goals: • Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH): assess progress in the implementation of the acceleration plan for MNCH, as well as inform the preparation of a Countdown event in 2013. • Global Fund (GF) review: reviews of tuberculosis, AIDS, malaria, and health overall – to provide feedback to the GF. • Accountability framework: To be part of the implementation of the roadmap towards better accountability for health, with special attention for women and children. National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  6. Background 05 The results of the analytical review will be translated into: • policy briefs • country profile and • other ways that aim to reach a large audience. National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  7. Inception Meeting A preparatory inception meeting was convened in Dar on Feb 05, 2013 The objective was to develop a plan for the analytical and Mid-Term Review (MTR Analytical Review In attendance were stakeholders from MoHSW, WHO, DANIDA, Research Institutions National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  8. Methodology The analytical review is been carried out as: a desk review of technical reports and primary / aggregate data analyses including i) population surveys ii) programme evaluation reports, iii) policy documents and iv) research studies. The approach focuses on analysis and synthesis of existing data sets National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  9. Methodology • The focus of the analyses is on progress made for the key indicators and targets of HSSP III. • The main subject areas include: • Communicable diseases: Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV/AIDS including Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission, Neglected Tropical Diseases • Reproductive, Maternal, Child and Neonatal Health, Immunisation • Non-communicable diseases, Injuries, Disability • Disease Outbreaks • Health system: Financing, Health workforce, Infrastructure, Policy changes, 2008-2012 National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  10. Outline of the Sections Each disease/ health system section will have the following outline, focusing on the period 2008-2013: • Indicator and target of HSSP III: baseline, progress • Summary of achievements in the specific programme/area • Data sources and data quality assessment • Progress analysis towards key indicators, using all available data sources • Additional analyses to inform progress and performance assessment: National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  11. Implementing agents • National Institute for Medical Research • Ifakara Health Research Institute • African Population Health Research Centre (Nairobi, Kenya) • World Health Organization (Geneva and Dar es Salaam) National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  12. Current Status (May 28, 2013) • Scooping and data collection – on going • Preliminary synthesis of some subject areas (Communicable diseases, Non-communicable diseases, Maternal, Child and Neonatal Health, Disease outbreaks)– on going • Specific in-depth studies (mortality and causes of death, infrastructure, equity, facility assessment policy changes, 2008-2012) – on going National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  13. Timeline National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  14. Deliverables National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  15. Acknowledgements All those who were willing to share various report Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the continuing support National Institute for Medical Research www.nimr.or.tz

  16. Thank you for listening

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