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Cell transport

Cell transport. General Biology Name :_____________________. Introduction to Cell Transport. What is “Cell Transport”? Name of the life process in which materials are ___________between an organism and its environment.

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Cell transport

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  1. Cell transport General Biology Name:_____________________

  2. Introduction to Cell Transport • What is “Cell Transport”? • Name of the life process in which materials are ___________between an organism and its environment

  3. What types of materials need to be transported into/out of living cells? • _________ • _________ • Salt • Ions • Lipids • Amino Acids • ___________ • _________ • ___________ • Ions • _________ • Products

  4. All living things are made of one or more cells.In order to maintain ____________, each cell must monitor what is able to pass across the boundary which separates the cytoplasm (inside) of the cell from its environment (outside). Environment (solution outside the cell) Cytoplasm (solution inside the cell)

  5. In all organisms (unicellular or multicellular), materials entering or leaving a cell must cross…. __________________

  6. Permeability - the ability of a substance to pass through the cell membrane ________________: Substance(s) CANNOT pass across the membrane. _______________:Substance(s) CAN easily pass across the membrane. _____________________________: The membrane is permeable to some substances and impermeable to others.

  7. ________________

  8. Fluid Mosaic Model • Because many different kinds of molecules make up the cell membrane and it changes frequently, the model of the cell membrane is called a ___________________. • Special _________molecules “floating” in the bilayer can help with moving certain materials in/out of cells. • ______________on the outside of the membrane help cells identify each other

  9. Lipids of cell membrane • Membrane is made of special kind of lipid • ________________ • Membrane is a double layer • Phospholipid________________ attracted to water Phosphate ‘head’ lipid repelled by water

  10. Video from: http://www.southtexascollege.edu/tdehne/BC_ShockwaveAnimations/08SWF-MembraneStructureAndFunct/08-02-MembraneStructure.swf Only _______molecules are able to pass through the membrane easily on their own. Others require some special handling.

  11. VOCAB _____________ = substance that is dissolved in a solvent to make a solution _____________ = substance in which a solute is dissolved __________ = a mixture of a solute evenly dissolved throughout a solvent http://www.makash.ac.il/h_school/hst/hstsb/chem/luach/dissolve.jpg

  12. Images by Riedell __________________ = amount of a solute in a given volume of solvent Low concentration High concentration The _______ molecules there are in a given volume the ____________the concentration

  13. Practice makes Perfect… • What is the solvent concentration of a solution with a 3% concentration of solute? • What is the solute concentration of a solution with 75% water?

  14. There are TWO major types of cell transport: • ________ • ________

  15. PASSIVE Transport • Does ________require ATP • Moves materials from _____________ concentration • Types: • Simple Diffusion • Facilitated Diffusion (ex. Osmosis)

  16. ACTIVE Transport • DOESrequire ATP • Moves materials from LOW to HIGH concentration, OR moves very large materials in or out of the cell • Types: • Molecular Active Transport • Bulk Transport (Endocytosis / Exocytosis)

  17. Transport summary simplediffusion facilitateddiffusion ATP activetransport

  18. See a video about Passive transport 7-C

  19. Simple Diffusion http://lhs.lps.org/staff/sputnam/Biology/U3Cell/diffusion_1.png

  20. Animatioin from: http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/diffusion-animated.gif Molecules move _______“where there’s _______” ____“where there’s _______”

  21. Simple DIFFUSION across a space Happens anytime there is a __________ in concentration in one place compared to another = ________________________

  22. Simple DIFFUSION across a SPACE Molecules move automatically _____ the concentration gradient _______ an area of _______ concentration ____ an area of ________ concentration • EXAMPLES Food coloring in beaker of water demo, Someone making popcorn/grilling out Strong perfume, Bad smell in room http://leighhouse.typepad.com/blog/images/kool_aid.jpg http://www.swapmeetdave.com/Humor/Farts.htm

  23. Simple DIFFUSION across a space Diffusion continues until the concentration is ________________ in space = ________________________ http://lhs.lps.org/staff/sputnam/Biology/U3Cell/diffusion_1.png

  24. Diffusion can happen ________ a _____________ in a cell, too …as long as membrane will let the molecule _________________

  25. Molecules move from high to low • ____________ • move from _________to ________concentration

  26. CELL EXAMPLE: DIFFUSION automatically moves oxygen from HIGHER concentration (in lungs) to a LOWER concentration (in blood) CO2 automatically movesfrom where there is a HIGHER concentration (in blood) to where there is a lower concentration (in lungs) http://www.le.ac.uk/pa/teach/va/anatomy/case2/2_2.html

  27. ________________ • Movement of materials from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration through a PROTEIN CHANNEL. • No ATP needed (=passive transport)

  28. inside cell inside cell outside cell outside cell Simple vs. facilitated diffusion REMINDER: PASSIVE TRANSPORT = MOLECULES MOVE FROM HIGH TO LOW CONCENTRATION _________________ ________________ lipid H2O protein channel H2O

  29. DIFFUSION across a membrane Happens anytime there is a __________ in _____________ on one side of the membrane compared to the other CLICK HERE: “How Diffusion Works http://student.ccbcmd.edu/~gkaiser/biotutorials/eustruct/passiveanim.html

  30. http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol22000/10Biomembranes/images/membrane.gifhttp://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol22000/10Biomembranes/images/membrane.gif DIFFUSION • No energy required = _______ • Moves _______ concentration gradient from ___________________ • Works for any molecules that can pass through the membrane • Example of molecules that move this way in cells: ________ & ____________

  31. Facilitated Diffusion with CARRIER PROTEINS Click here: “How Facilitated Diffusion Works” Animation from: http://bio.winona.edu/berg/ANIMTNS/facdifan.gif Carrier protein grabs molecule, changes shape, and flips across to other side like a revolving door Glucose moves into the cell using carrier proteins! http://www.gobananas.co.uk/edinburgh-stag-party/enquiry/index.htm

  32. FACILITATED DIFFUSION with CHANNELS ________ proteins in the membrane allow _________ molecules to pass throughcell membrane by facilitated diffusion. http://www.spps.kvl.dk/news/0507/Lund4.jpg

  33. FACILITATED DIFFUSION with CHANNELS The diffusion of water molecules across a cell membrane is called ______________ http://student.ccbcmd.edu/~gkaiser/biotutorials/eustruct/channelanim.html

  34. See a video clip about DIFFUSION

  35. Osmosis • Water is very important, so we talk about water separately • _________________ • diffusion of _______from _________concentration of water to _________concentration of ________ • across a semi-permeable membrane Click me – How Osmosis Works

  36. What if there is a difference in concentration but solute molecules can’t move across a membrane? WATER will move until concentration reaches equilibrium

  37. Animation: http://www.ouhscphysio.org/humanphys/animations/osmosis1.swf Animation http://faculty.etsu.edu/currie/images/osmosis1.jpg

  38. Solute concentration Greater outside than inside Lower outside than inside Equal outside and inside _____________ __________ ___________ What will happen to an animal cell placed in different solutions?

  39. Remember: Cells try to “maintain stable internal conditions = ____________________ http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/biol121/Osmosis/Osmosis.asp So an animal cell in __________conditions stays same size Water entering = water leaving Video Choose Blood Isotonic link

  40. If cells can’t maintain “stable internal conditions” . . . damage can result and cells can die. http://www.the-aps.org/education/lot/cell/Quiz.htm

  41. Animation from: http://www.ouhscphysio.org/humanphys/animations/osmosis3.swf OSMOSIS HYPOTONIC:Concentration outside cell is ________________ inside the cellMore water enters than leaves cell so cellwill ___________________ Choose Blood Hypotonic link Video

  42. Animation from: http://www.ouhscphysio.org/humanphys/animations/osmosis4.swf OSMOSIS HYPERTONIC: Concentration outside cell is ____________________ inside cell More water leaves cell than enters so cell ____________ Choose Blood Hypertonic link Video

  43. http://www.stchs.org/science/courses/sbioa/metenergy/bloodcells.gifhttp://www.stchs.org/science/courses/sbioa/metenergy/bloodcells.gif Animal cells _________ __________

  44. http://www.stchs.org/science/courses/sbioa/metenergy/aplantturgor.gifhttp://www.stchs.org/science/courses/sbioa/metenergy/aplantturgor.gif Plant cells _____ keeps ___________ plant cells from bursting

  45. ________ store _________ http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_vacuole.html _____________________________ = Pressure exerted by the movement of water during osmosis

  46. Some more practice!

  47. SO WHAT? Sitting in the bathtub causes your fingers and toes to wrinkle up when water ________ your skin cells by osmosis Bath water is ________________ compared to you

  48. Grocery stores spray water on their veggies to “plump them up” http://www.painetworks.com/photos/gt/gt0461.JPG

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