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Life Stages

Life Stages. We have different needs and experiences in each decade of life. Late Adolescence Ages 16 - 20. Leaving home Searching for one’s identity Finding a job/career Developing a life philosophy Attempts at intimacy with others. The Twenties. Moving out or staying home.

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Life Stages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life Stages We have different needs and experiences in each decade of life.

  2. Late Adolescence Ages 16 - 20 • Leaving home • Searching for one’s identity • Finding a job/career • Developing a life philosophy • Attempts at intimacy with others.

  3. The Twenties • Moving out or staying home. • Getting married • Choosing college or working • Choosing a career is meaningful or lucrative • Loneliness occurs between relationships

  4. The Thirties • A questioning of commitments to marriage, career and relationships occur. • Buying a home • Choosing to have children • Men and women feel restricted because of the extra responsibilities • Parenting children

  5. The Forties • Midlife crisis – a feeling that something is missing in life and the questioning of past decisions around marriage and career occur. • Seeking more stimulation and working on becoming healthier, deeper, and freer occur. • Time is slipping away.

  6. Coping with a Midlife Crisis Events that trigger a midlife crisis. Solutions to a Midlife Crisis • Realizing your youthful dreams will never come about. • A spouse has an affair. • Loss of youthful physical qualities • Women confronted with menopause • Victim of age discrimination in the workplace. • The empty nest syndrome • Go back to school and start a new career • Look inward to get answers on creating a new life. • Develop new talents and hobbies. • Take more risks in life to help express your true self; be open to expressing yourself through art, writing, music, poetry, etc.

  7. The Fifties • Adjusting to caring for their parents. • The peak of status and power in the workplace. • Reflecting on how to use one’s time. • May feel boredom, meaninglessness and depression if new challenges aren’t sought. • Preparing for retirement.

  8. The Sixties and Late Adulthood • Increase interest in social and civic activities. • Decreased physical abilities. • Enjoying grandchildren. • Coping with a death of a spouse or parents. • Loneliness and uselessness occur unless they can find a way to give back their wise knowledge and experiences to family or the community.

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