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Greetings. Spanish Level 2. Actively take part in daily routine Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sources Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays
Greetings Spanish Level 2
Actively take part in daily routine • Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sources • Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem • Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays • Further develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages • Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of language learning including skills for life and work • Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others and interests of their choice • Ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language • Give a short presentation about a familiar topic • Pronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning clear • Work with others and make a successful contribution to a group presentation in English supported by the target languages Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning • Read aloud a simple text • Read and understand a variety of simple texts • Make comparisons between English and target language (including use of a bi-lingual dictionary with support) • Write about themselves and others and check the accuracy of own writing • Exchange straightforward information in writing using familiar words and phrases
1. Greetings ¡Hola! Hello ¡Hola todo el mundo! Hello everyone! ¡Hola Señorita/Señora! Hello Mis/Mrs ¡Hola Señor! Hello Sir ¡Hola! Hi Hacemos la lista We will take the register Presente Present Aquí Here No está Absent Ausente Absent Adiós Goodbye A dormir Go to sleep ¡Buenas noches! Good night! ¡Buen fin de semana! Have a nice weekend ¡Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow! ¡Felices vacaciones! Have a good holiday Hasta luego See you soon! Buenas noches Good evening Vocabulary
Buenos días is used to greet people during the day until about two o’clock in the afternoon Buenas tardes is then used to greet people from around two/eight o’clock in the evening. Buenas noches is then used (mostly to say goodbye more than hello just like in English) late at night or to say good night when someone is going to bed. ¡Nota! Buenos días, Buenas tardes and Buenas noches
Embedding the language Using the greetings as part of everyday routine in class e.g. ¡Hola! at the start of everyday, ¡Hasta mañana! at the end of the day and ¡Felíz fin de semana! on a Friday at the end of the school day! • Do the register in Spanish each morning – teacher says, “hacemos la lista” and pupils respond with presente or aquí and can also say ausente for missing pupils. • Use a Hola song and/or an Adiós song at the start and end of each day. • ¡Felicesvacaciones! can be used at the start of the holidays. If you would like to ask if they had good holidays it is “?Quétengaisfelicesvacaciones?” • When listening and talking with others, I am developing an awareness of when to listen and when to talk. I am learning new words which I use to share information about myself and others. MLAN 2-03a • I can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information.MLAN 2-13b • I explore simple songs and rhymes and I enjoy learning with others as we talk and listen together. • MLAN 2-05a
Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
¿Buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches? In this activity, pupils look at the clock and write on a whiteboard the correct greeting at this time of the day. This activity can be differentiated by supporting those who need it with a word bank and allowing those who are more secure to write it themselves. • I use my knowledge about language and success criteria to help me, and I can check that I have written familiar words and phrases accurately. • MLAN 2-14a
¿Buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches? Mirad La hora Buenos días, buenas tardes o buenas noches Decidid si es… ¡y escribid la respuesta correcta!
Musical ¡Hola! • Encourage pupils to read the instructions in Spanish together to see if they can work out the meaning. • Pupils walk around the class whilst some Spanish music plays. As they walk around, they should greet each other saying ¡Hola! • Teacher then plays more lively music and everyone skips and mimes wearing a backpack and waving to each other and saying “¡adiós!” to each other. • Music gets even livelier and pupils now dance about saying “¡Felíz fin de semana!” • Lastly the music is sad and they pretend to cry and look sad, waving each other goodbye saying “¡adiós!” • I work on my own and with others to read and discuss simple texts in the language I am learning. I can share simple facts about features of life in some of the countries where the language I am learning is spoken. • MLAN 2-09a • I explore simple songs and rhymes and I enjoy learning with others as we talk and listen together. • MLAN 2-05a
Escuchad la música …andad… …decid hola... ¡y mueve la mano al decir hola!
Escuchad la música… Saltad… …Decid hasta mañana... ¡Y moved la mano al decir hasta mañana!
Escuchadla música… …bailad… …decid buen fin de semana... ¡Y moved la mano al decir buen fin se semana!
Escuchadla música… …saltad de alegría… … y decid buenas vacaciones...
Escuchadla música… …llorad… …decid adiós... ¡Y moved la mano al decir adiós!
Actividad – Mi día normal Assessment Activity! Pupils create a comic of their normal day. Each grid shows the time, a picture of what they are normally doing and their greeting in Spanish. “Buenos días, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches, A dormir”. More challenge could be added by asking pupils to write simple phrases about what they are doing in each of the pictures. Comiclife could be used to create this work. I work on my own and with others to understand text using appropriate resources, demonstrating my understanding by matching written words to pictures and by reconstructing the text in a logical sequence, for example. MLAN 2-08a I can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information. MLAN 2-13b
Greetings display Dictionary Skills! Pupils use dictionary to find as many different greetings in Spanish as they can. These can be used to create a welcome display for the classroom. • I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. • MLAN 2-11a
Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings.
Adiós! – song lyricsThese go with the song on the next slide Es hora de decir “adiós” It’s the time to say “Goodbye” De la clase de Español. To the Spanish class. Muchas cosas aprendí, Lots of things I’ve learned, Por eso, estoy felíz For this, I’m happy ¡Qué alegría me dió estar How happy I am to be here aquí!. .
ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.