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Welcome to Visual Arts. Supplies. You are required to have notebook paper, a pencil, and a black gel pen. It is your responsibility to be ready for class each day. I will not supply these things for you! The media center has black gel pens ,sharpies, and pencils for sale!!!.
Supplies You are required to have notebook paper, a pencil, and a black gel pen. It is your responsibility to be ready for class each day. I will not supply these things for you! The media center has black gel pens ,sharpies, and pencils for sale!!!
Art Room Procedures 1. Enter the room quietly, immediately get out a piece of notebook paper, and write and answer the Warm-Up on the notebook paper. 2. Write your EQ (Essential Question) in your Agenda and have your Agenda open on your desk ready to be signed.
Art Room Procedures 3. ALWAYS clean up after yourself! 4. Write your name on your artwork and turn it into the appropriate location. 5. The teacher, NOT the bell, will dismiss you at the end of the class.
Art Room Rules 1. Talk quietly during class when the teacher is not talking. 2. Look for the quiet signal and listen when instructions are given the first time. 3. Keep your hands to yourself.
Art Room Rules 4. Please respect the Art materials! 5. Stay seated unless otherwise instructed. DO YOUR BEST!
Warm-Ups • When you come into the classroom, you have exactly five minutes to complete the Warm-Up before I begin class. You are to begin each Warm-Up with the date, the actual Warm-Up, and then your answer. • Try to write all of your Warm-Up for the week on the same page. • On Friday, you will turn in your weekly page of Warm-Ups to be graded.
Additional Procedures • When a teacher is talking, wait to raise your hand until she/ he is finished speaking, and then, raise your hand to ask your question. • If you need art materials, I choose helpers based on behavior to help me distribute materials, papers, and click Power points each week. • Only one person to a chair.
Additional Procedures • If you finish you work early, then you may review your vocabulary or if you are in the upstairs art-room, you may raise your hand to get up and go over and draw a “drawing idea” out of the idea jar or if you are in the downstairs art-room, you may ask for a drawing idea packet. You may not do homework or other schoolwork without prior approval. • If someone enters the room, there should not be a sound in this room. • Keep all personal items such as lotions, combs, perfumes, brushes, lip glosses, ipods, and additional clothing accessories such as hats out of the art room. Anything inappropriate that is brought into the Art room may be confiscated till the end of the day.
Additional Procedures • Approximately seven minutes before it’s time to leave we will clean up. No one leaves till the room is clean. • No running in the classroom. • No drawing on the tables, walls, cabinets, or countertops. • If you feel like you are about to be ill, please just go to the restroom. • Quiet conversations with classmates at your table are acceptable, but table to table conversations are unacceptable.
Additional Procedures • You are not allowed in the closet or the office in the back of the art room or anywhere behind my desk. • If we use tools that can be considered contraband, you are not allowed to take them outside of the art room or use them for anything than their otherwise intended use!! • All of your drawings must be APPROPRIATE!
Dress Code It is Douglas County School System School Board Policy that you are to dress appropriately for school.
Tardies No tardies!! Don’t be late!!
Classroom Management Knight Pride Discipline Plan * All offenses will be documented by demerits given in your agenda that MUST be signed by your parents. Failure to do so will result in more demerits.
Ceramics Any student who receives 3 or more demerits will not be participating in the ceramics project with the class. That student will have an alternative ceramic reading assignment, but they will NOT get to put their hands on clay. So, if you get your third demerit in my class, you know you have forfeited your right to do clay.
Crisis Codes Crisis Codes Code Red: Stop!: Inside – Intruder inside the building Outside – Intruder outside the building Total school lockdown. Students and staff remain in the classroom. Students: Move to a safe area away from the windows and doors and remain silent and wait for instructions.
Crisis Codes Crisis Codes Code Yellow Caution!: Possible crisis situation in neighboring area. Extra supervision should be posted at appropriate areas. All outside doors should be checked to ensure all doors are locked. Recess, PE, and other outside activities will be allowed with supervision.
Crisis Codes Crisis Codes Code Green Go!: Evacuate the building to assigned areas. Students and staff must be at least 500 feet from the building. Emergency vehicles access should be assured. Students: Gather personal items: Book bags, notebooks, jackets, etc. Be prepared to not go back into the building.
Crisis Codes Crisis Codes Code Blue Bomb Threat! : The building should be evacuated immediately! Students and staff should be at least 1000 feet away from the building. Students need to gather personal items such as book bags, notebooks, jackets, etc. Be prepared to not go back into the building.
Crisis Codes Tornado Watch: indicates that weather conditions are such that a tornado may develop. (listen for updates) Tornado Warning: Indicates that a tornado has been sighted and protective measures must be taken immediately. Students: Must remain calm and follow the directions of their teacher.
Grading • As mentioned earlier, all of the warm-ups are collected on Friday. They are then graded and are counted for 20% of the final grade. • Throughout the nine weeks, we have several vocabulary quizzes on Mondays. All of the quiz grades collectively will count for 10% of the student’s final grade.
Grading • We have two types of project grades. We have Major projects and we have minor projects. Minor projects are those that might consist of a reading comprehension, artist biography, or a one day drawing. Minor projects collectively count for 20% of the student’s final grade.
Grading • Major Projects are those that the student has spent a great deal of time on such as a week or more. Those projects will collectively count for 50% of the student’s final grade. • Agenda Messages – 20%Vocabulary Quizzes – 10%Minor Projects–20%Major Projects – 50%
Visual Arts Grading RubricBerry McNair, FSMS A100 (A+) The student has completely followed all of the directions and expectations for project, has managed their time well, has added their own creativity, has gone above and beyond what is expected of his/her, and has outstanding classroom participation. 96 (A) The student has followed all of the directions and the expectations for the project, has managed his/her time fairly well, has added a flavor of their own creativity, and has excellent classroom participation. 92 (A-) The student has followed the directions and expectations for project, has not gone above what is expected of him/her, and has good classroom participation in class. B89 (B+) The student has followed the majority of the directions and expectations for project, has managed his/her time fairly well has better than average classroom participation in class. 86 (B) The student has followed the majority of the directions and the expectations for project, has paid little attention to details, and has better than average classroom participation in class. 82 (B-) The student has followed less than the majority of the directions and the expectations for the assignment, has put in no extra effort, and has better than average classroom participation in class.
79 (C+) The student has followed at least half of the directions and the expectations for project and has average classroom participation. 76 (C) The student has followed half of the directions and the expectations for project and has less than average classroom participation. 73 (C-) The student has followed less than half of the directions and the expectations for project, has less than average classroom participation and is often found off task. D72 - 70 The student has completed minimal work to finish the assignment. The student has followed very little of the directions and the expectations for the project, has put in little to no effort, has low classroom participation, and is often found off task. FBelow 70 The student did not complete the assignment, plagiarized another student’s work, destroyed another’s student’s work, drew inappropriate material, or applied no effort to their assignment. The student has little to no classroom participation.
Absenteeism • If a student is absent, the student will be asked to complete any work that he or she missed. He/she needs to find out the warm-ups that they missed while they were gone. These are always posted on my Website, or they can see me to get a list of the ones they missed while were absent. Otherwise, for everyday of Art that you miss, you need to do one “Free” drawing to bring back to class with you upon your return. This drawing can be on any type of paper using any type of material, but I ask the following… • -The drawing covers the space on the page-The drawing is unique and creative-The drawing is appropriate-You must spend at least 20 minutes on the drawing
Make-Up Work • There will be make-up days before the report cards. Grades in Portal right before progress reports and right before report cards may not reflect your exact grade because I am either waiting for you to complete make-up work, waiting for you to finish a project, or waiting to review a portfolio.
Art Shows and Competitions We have several art shows and competitions this year. We have the Cultural Arts Christmas Card Contest, Youth Art Month Show, Middle School Mania Show, Douglas County Spotlight Show, and Art Honor Society to name a few. Anyone can do Art Honor Society, but it requires a lot of dedication. Everyone participates in the CAC Christmas card contest, and I choose who goes to the rest of the shows. I choose participants based on quality of work ,class participation, and behavior record in that order.Good Luck!