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YASP for PSB . Marine Pace BE/OP Shutdown Lecture 2012. Outline. Motivations for a new steering program Why YASP ? Scope of YASP with respect to other APs Status and Plans for 2012 and beyond Responsibilities for deployment / validation / support Demo. Motivations for YASP@PSB.

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  1. YASP for PSB Marine Pace BE/OP Shutdown Lecture 2012

  2. Outline • Motivations for a new steering program • Why YASP ? • Scope of YASP with respect to other APs • Status and Plans for 2012 and beyond • Responsibilities for deployment / validation / support • Demo

  3. Motivations for YASP@PSB • Why a new AP ? • Injection & extraction steering • Current ABS AP (Jean-François) is on critical path for renovation (C/X-Motif obsolete technology) • Easy Trajectory AP: is dedicated to visualization. No correction. • Orbit correction • Lack of AP for orbit visualization and correction • New orbit correctors will be avaliable from 2012. • Orbit optimization may help reducing losses at low energy, especially during the 1stms after injection • DODO AP (Hervé):Visualization only. No correction.

  4. Why YASP ? YASP stands for ‘Yet Another Steering Application’ • YASP = ABS and more • All ABS functionalities covered • Other interesting functionalities available -> see demo • Widely used in CERN accelerator complex • LHC - SPS - CPS - LEIR + transfer lines • Injection coherent oscillations, orbit, trajectory steering + specific • Scalable and flexible AP architecture • One single generic core for main functionalities + GUI • Machine-driven configuration + machine-specific features, if needed • Standardized procedure to integrate a new machine in YASP • Active and evolutive maintenance by JorgWenninger • Homogeneous correction process along the whole accelerator chain

  5. YASP scope versus existing APs • Current ABS AP (Jean-François) • Will be used in parallel with YASP until YASP gets fully validated by PSB OP. At that time YASP will replace ABS. • EASY TRAJECTORY AP (Abdel) • Will be used for a quick check of all trajectories. • DODO (Hervé) • Will be used mainly for MD / expert observations • YASP (Jorg) • Expected to be used as the main OP tool for orbit and trajectory correction

  6. Status so far – 2011 Tests results • Scope • Injection trajectory • PSB.USER.LHCINDIV-type, 220E10 ppp / ring (BI.BCT20) • Two types of tests • Run YASP and send corrections to HW • introduce mis-steering by changing one corrector CCV • Run YASP (Micado) and send correction to HW • Evaluate efficiency of steering • Compare YASP and ABS proposed corrections (Delta angle [mrad]) • introduce mis-steering by changing one corrector CCV • Run on the same cycle the correction process from ABS and YASP • Lock the # of correctors + Micado algorithm for both AP • Compare corrections • Both tests were run on each corrector, H and V plane

  7. 2011 Tests results -2 • Successfully validated • Test 1 => correction sent to HW improved the steering, e.g. decreased trajectory oscillations • Choice of corrector + correction value + correction sign are right • Test 2 => very good agreement between ABS and YASP corrections • Same ‘best’ corrector selected • Same correction proposed (sign and absolute value of angle) • Not tested yet in H plane • Correction with 2 correctors • LTB.DHZ20/30/40 

  8. Plans for 2012 • Injection Trajectory (Priority 1) • Complete validation on remaining use cases – Marine + Bettina • In parallel, start to use YASP in daily operation • Refine optics model to have one optic per ring (now: one single common optics) . Justified by VT splitting. • Extraction Trajectory (Priority 2) • Complete implementation and configuration • Extend YASP correction algorithm to address special cases of combined rings corrections. Action: Jorg • Complete configuration in LAYOUT and LSA DB • BTP: define all data in LSA DB . Jean François + Pascal (CO/DA) • BT : generate optics (Vivien + Bettina) + define all data in LSA DB. “ • Validate YASP correction with beam

  9. Plans for 2012 -2 • Orbit (Priority 2) • YASP planning & priority are conditioned by FGCcontrols • All correctors available for commissioning at start-up (current planning) • Tasks • Complete LSA DB configuration • Use YASP during correctors’ commissioning , if helpful • Later, validate YASP correction with beam • Throughout the year, if compliant with time & priorities, extend the optics model :  • To reflect the machine tune evolution through acceleration (P1) • To reflect the range of operational intensities (P2) • and validate YASP on all use cases

  10. Plans beyond 2012 • Use YASP for PSB injection coherent oscillations • BE/BI plan for LS1: upgrade orbit monitors to measure turn-by-turn acquisitions (copy of CPS instrumentation) • Benefit not yet identified for PSB as functionality not available so far. Functionality intensively used @ CPS.

  11. Responsibilities • Implementation of new features, necessary for PSB Op: Jorg • Integration of new corrections in YASP: Marine • Configuration • LSA DB configuration (layout, mon/corrector, optics): Jean-François • Corrector calibrations: Vivien, Bettina • Optics generation, LAYOUT DB : Vivien, Bettina • Validation: • CO chain integrity check: Marine • Validation with beam: Bettina + Marine then whole OP team • Support • Issue//bug reporting : JIRA • Feedback + new requirements collection: Bettina • YASP contact to discuss requirements: Marine + Jorg

  12. Questions before DEMO

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