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Discover the significance of 'if' in English language through conditionals. Learn its applications in programming and creative activities like creating a fossil identification program using Scratch.

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  1. conditionals

  2. Journal Entry What comes to mind when you hear the word “if”? What are some ways we use the word “if” in English?

  3. conditionals In English, if is used to state a condition where something might happen if the condition is true. Hence this topic is called conditionals. An example from computing is when a program like Microsoft Word asks you if you want to save your work when you hit close. If you click yes, it saves your changes. If you click no, it discards your changes.


  5. IN CLASS IF CLICK VARIABLE TO CHANGE TO SLIDER Use the these block to have the BEAR state if he is hot or cold . When Flag is clicked. Bear warm if greater than 30 and cold if less than 30. COLD

  6. What IF it is 30 Without adding a if statement have the bear say warm if temp is 30. COLD WARM

  7. Create your own FOSSIL Program You are going to finish a program that will tell you if you are a fossil or back from the dead depending on your y. • if y is greater than 0 your back from the dead • if y is less than 0 your a fossil • Have the dinosaur follow your mouse pointer • Spacebar have the dinosaur tell you what he is I am fossil STARTING POINT: Background and Dinosaur https://tinyurl.com/lindblomfossil

  8. STARTING POINT: Background and Dinosaur https://tinyurl.com/lindblomfossil You are going to finish a program that will tell you if you are a fossil or back from the dead depending on your y. • if y is greater than 0 your back from the dead • if y is less than 0 your a fossil • Have the dinosaur follow your mouse pointer • Spacebar have the dinosaur tell you what he is I am fossil

  9. Everyone open a new project and make this. No one may do anything else till everyone has finished. You may not touch another's keyboard or mouse. Your task is to make a Scratch program that will tell what room you are in when space bar is clicked. Player must be able to move piece. https://tinyurl.com/lindblomclue

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