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To Prevent Dyslexia _Romania. Completeaza tabloul! Complete the picture!. -sa aseze elementele tabloului in functie de indicatiile primite(sus,jos,in fata,la dreapta,la stanga,langa) - place the parts of the picture according to the instructions( up, down, left, right, near, in front).
To Prevent Dyslexia _Romania N. Stanescu, Gradinita cu PN Gornet
Completeaza tabloul!Complete the picture! -sa aseze elementele tabloului in functie de indicatiile primite(sus,jos,in fata,la dreapta,la stanga,langa) -place the parts of the picture according to the instructions( up, down, left, right, near, in front)
Exercitiu de ritmRhythm exercise Copiii vor alege cuvinte alcatuite din 2-3 silabe.Ex. PAPUSA (pa-pu-sa) -pe prima silaba (pa),trunchiul copiilor se inclina spre stanga,concomitent cu o bataie din palme si rostirea silabei “pa” -pe a doua silaba (pu) ,trunchiul copiilor se inclina spre dreapta,concomitent cu o bataie din palme si rostirea silabei “pu” -pe a treia silaba (sa) ,trunchiul copiilor se va inclina spre stanga concomitent cu bataia din palme si rostirea silabei “sa” The children will choose words with 2 or 3 syllables -when they pronounce the first syllable ,the children bend their bodies to the left and clap their hands -when they pronounce the second syllable ,the children bend their bodies to the right and clap their hands -when they pronounce the third syllable ,the children bend their bodies to the left and clap their hands and so on
La gradina zoologicaAt the zoo Copiii au fost la gradina zoologica si acolo au vazut multe animale -tigrul tocmai isi lingea buzele dupa ce a terminat de ros un os, noi putem sa-l imitam -maimuta isi plimba limba prin gura,imitand ca are o bomboana, -ursul mormaia in cusca -sarpele sasaia....sssss The children went to the zoo, where they saw a lot of animals. -the tiger was licking its lips after eating a bone, can we imitate the tiger? -the monkey was pretending to have a candy in its mouth -the bear was growling inside the cage -the birds were singing -the snake was hissing…ssss
Spune cum face!Imitation Copiii vorbesc despre animalele din curtea lor si le imita ,la comanda: :Cum face?-pisica....-cainele.....-rata-vaca The children talk about the animals from their backyard and they are reproducing the sounds made by: -a cat -a mouse -a dog -a duck -a chicken -a cow
Cine spune mai multe cuvinte (Rime)Who can rhyme? -sa gaseasca cuvinte cu sunetul initial modificat-Rime -find words that rhyme
Ce s-a schimbat?What is changed? -sa denumeasca imaginile in ordinea asezarii lor -sa desparta toate cuvintele in silabe -sa inchida ochii -sa deschida ochii si sa citeasca imaginile,inclusiv pe cele intoarse -sa precizeze imaginile care si-au schimbat locul -name each image in order -divide every word into syllables -close your eyes -open your eyes and read the images including the inverted ones -tell which image is in a different place
CU CE SUNET INCEPE CUVANTUL?WITH WHICH SOUND STARTS THIS WORD ? SARCINI: -sa denumeasca obiectele si sa precizeze cu ce sunet incepe cuvantul -sa scrie litera corespunzatoare sunetului -name the object and tell the first sound of that word -write the first letter of the word
CU CE SUNET SE SFARSESTE CUVANTUL?WITH WHICH SOUND ENDS THIS WORD? SARCINI: • -sa denumeasca obiectele si sa precizeze cu ce sunet se sfarseste cuvantul • -sa scrie litera corespunzatoare sunetului final • -name the objects and tell which is the final sound • -write down the final letter of the word
Jocul silabelorSyllables game -sa denumeasca obiectele -sa desparta cuvintele in silabe si sa le reprezinte grafic -name the objects -divide the word into syllables and represent each syllable with a line
Jocul sunetelorThe game of sounds -sa denumeasca obiectele -reprezinta grafic sunetele din care sunt alcatuite cuvintele -name the objects -represent each sound contained by the word
JOCUL SILABELOR SI AL SUNETELORTHE GAME OF SYLLABLES AND SOUNDS SARCINI: -sa desparta cuvintele in silabe -sa reprezinte grafic silabele -sa reprezinte grafic sunetele fiecarei silabe -divide the words into syllables -represent each syllable -represent each sound of every syllable
Cauta sora mai micaFind the little ”sister” -sa citeasca litera mare de tipar -sa incercuiasca litera mica de tipar care ii corespunde -read the capital letter and find their pair
GASESTE PERECHEA!FIND THE PAIR SARCINI: • -uneste litera mare de tipar cu litera mica de tipar care ii corespunde • - unite each letter with the one written in capitals
GASESTE PERECHEA!FIND THE PAIR! SARCINI: • -uneste cuvintele scrise cu litere mari de tipar cu aceleasi cuvinte scrise cu litere mici de tipar. • -unite the words written in capital letters whit the same word written with small letters
Completeaza cuvantul!Complete the word! -completeaza cuvantul cu litera care lipseste -complete the word with the missing letter
Completeaza cuvantul!Complete the word! -sa completeze cuvantul scriind silaba care lipseste -complete the word with the missing syllable
Sa facem o poveste!Let’s make a story! -sa citeasca imaginile -sa aseze imaginile in ordinea succesiunii lor -sa gaseasca un sfarsit povestii -read the images -place the images in order and create a story -find the end of the story