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Ethical basis of the potter box, kant , and rawls

Ethical basis of the potter box, kant , and rawls. Joanne Spoganetz. Ralph Potter, Jr. Professor of social ethics at Harvard Divinity School from 1965 to 2003 Author of the book War and Moral Discourse Created The Potter Box: a guide for making ethical decisions.

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Ethical basis of the potter box, kant , and rawls

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  1. Ethical basis of the potter box, kant, and rawls Joanne Spoganetz

  2. Ralph Potter, Jr. • Professor of social ethics at Harvard Divinity School from 1965 to 2003 • Author of the book War and Moral Discourse • Created The Potter Box: a guide for making ethical decisions

  3. Variations of the Potter Box

  4. Four sections: 1. Definitions/facts 2. Identifying values 3. Identifying principles 4. Choosing loyalties

  5. Immanuel Kant • 18th century philosopher • April 22, 1724 – February 12, 1804 • Known for his work in Metaphysics and Ethics

  6. Kant’s Categorical Imperative • Guidelines should be se and abided by • “You do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.” • We should act as we expect all humans to act

  7. Acting as we expect others to act..

  8. How does Kant’s idea relate to the Potter Box?

  9. John Rawls • 20th century political philosopher • “We are to imagine ourselves in what Rawls calls the Original Position. We are all self-interested rational persons and we stand behind ‘the Veil of Ignorance’”

  10. ‘the Veil of Ignorance” • People behind the veil of ignorance are unaware of their own race, sex, and social background • They are given the task of choosing principles that shall govern the actual world • According to Rawls, the fairness of this procedure will therefore produce fair principles

  11. How is Rawls’ interpretation similar to the Potter Box and Kant?

  12. Jim Deegan of the Easton-Express • Managing editor • Says that relying on your own values and principles in unavoidable as a journalist. • Agree or Disagree? • Adds that a journalist’s work is very independent. It is up to their own judgment to include and leave out certain aspects of a story.

  13. In the media today… • Which ethical model might journalists use? • Do you think Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance is possible today? • Have you used any of these models to answer your own ethical dilemma?

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