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SHU TAUI AMEN ND, HHC February 26 th 2012

GODDENING. SHU TAUI AMEN ND, HHC February 26 th 2012. Compact Goddening.

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SHU TAUI AMEN ND, HHC February 26 th 2012

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  1. GODDENING SHU TAUI AMEN ND, HHC February 26th 2012

  2. Compact Goddening Compact gardening requires advance planning. Knowing as much as you can about what you plan to grow, how fast it grows, how it grows, what kind of light is required etc., will help you choose the right things to plant in your garden. The last thing you want to do is go into it without planning and have to restart your whole project!

  3. Compact Goddening The only limits compact gardening have are the limitations of your imagination. With the right level of creativity and advanced planning you can have an incredible compact garden no matter where you live.

  4. Compact Goddening Rather than procrastinating over the lack of space, start thinking about all the great things you can do in the space that you do have and you will be well on your way to having a great compact garden. So stop wasting your time worrying about it and go out there and do it!

  5. PLANTING RITUAL • It’s a simple rite that celebrates the fertility of the planting season, and so it’s one that should be performed on the soil to be used. • Request permission from mother earth to use this part of her earth and request her help to make this a plentiful harvest. • Request that assistance of ancestors who nurtured land and protected the natural resources of mother earth. • Prepare the soil for planting. If you’ve already gotten your garden tilled or mulched, great – you’ll have a bit less work. If not, now’s the time to do so. Use your shovel or tiller to loosen the soil as much as possible. As you’re turning the earth over, and mixing it all up, take time to connect with the elements. Feel the earth, soft and moist beneath your feet. Take in the breeze, exhaling and inhaling calmly as you work. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face, and listen to the birds chattering in the trees above you. Connect with nature, and with the planet itself.

  6. PLANTING RITUAL • When you have finished turning the soil and preparing it, it is time to plant the seeds (or seedlings, if you started them earlier in the spring). While you can do this easily with a shovel, sometimes it is better to get down on your hands and knees and really connect with the soil. If you’re not limited by mobility issues, get as close to the ground as you can, and use your hands to part the soil as you put the seeds in place. Yes, you’ll get dirty, but that’s what gardening is about. As you place each seed into the ground, offer a simple blessing, such as: May the soil be blessed as the womb of the landBecomes full and fruitful to bring forth the garden anew.

  7. PLANTING RITUAL • As you’re performing all the different actions of gardening – touching the earth, feeling the plants – remember to focus on the energy and power of the elements. Get dirt under your fingernails, squash it between your toes if you don’t mind being barefoot outside. Say hello to that worm you just dug up by accident, and place him back in the ground. Do you compost? If so, be sure to add the compost to your plantings.

  8. PLANTING RITUAL • Finally, you’ll water your freshly planted seeds. You can either use a garden hose for this, or you can water by hand with a can. If you have a rain barrel, use the water from the barrel to start your garden. • As you’re watering your seeds or seedlings, call upon the deities of your tradition one last time. Sample: We honor you by planting these seeds.We ask your blessing upon our fertile soil.We will tend this garden, and keep it healthy,Watching over it in your name.We honor you by planting, and pay you tribute with this garden.Ashe

  9. Prepping soil Spring Gardening Tips Soil in Your Garden Needs Refreshing Gardeningin the same location over the years may mean your soil requires refreshing. Rotate your crops (i.e., plant tomato plants where peppers were grown last year) Pre-plant crystals in your garden

  10. Compact Goddening Quartz Crystals • Prepare a power grid in your garden. • Find the center of your garden and the farthest four points or corners. • Bury your largest crystal quartz in the center of the garden, with half of it above the surface and half in the soil. If the quartz has a pointed side, place it so that it is facing up toward the sun and moon. • Do the same thing with four more crystals in each corner of the garden. This will create a positive energy field for your garden plants.

  11. Compact Goddening using Crystals • Place quartz crystals in a circle around an unhealthy plant to give it a boost of positive energy and to support growth and health • You can even bury a crystal 2 to 3 inches from the main stem of a dying or unhealthy plant with the point facing the sun to see whether the sick plant will harvest the energy of the crystal and rejuvenate. • Sprinkle quartz crystal dust or very small pieces of stone as a sort of mulch for your garden. It adds an attractive sparkle and may discourage pests. • Consider adding some black tourmaline to the mix as well. It also will create an attractive sparkle and is a natural source of boron that is sometimes used in pesticides.

  12. Compact Goddening – Crystal Benefits • Crystals will significantly improve water holding capacity of sandy soil...by as much as 400%!!! • They also increase infiltration rates of water through clay soils as they constantly expand and contract when absorbing and releasing water. • This not only keeps your clay soil looser but also makes growing plants in this hard to handle soil a pleasure. • When properly applied, Crystals can reduce the need to water by 50 - 70% in potted plants, 15 - 40% in garden., • Crystals will reduce the stress/dry periods in all plants by increasing the availability of reserve energy stored for them in the crystals.

  13. Harmony of Plants • According to Native records, corn, beans, and squash are three inseparable sisters who only grow and thrive together. This tradition of inter-planting corn, beans and squash in the same mounds, was widespread among Native American farming societies. It is a sophisticated, sustainable system that provided long-term soil fertility and a healthy diet to generations. • Growing a Three Sisters garden is a wonderful way to feel more connected to the land.

  14. Harmony of Plants • Corn provides a natural pole for bean vines to climb. Beans fix nitrogen on their roots, improving the overall fertility of the plot by providing nitrogen to the following years corn. Bean vines also help stabilize the corn plants, making them less vulnerable to blowing over in the wind. Shallow-rooted squash vines become a living mulch, shading emerging weeds and preventing soil moisture from evaporating, thereby improving the overall crops chances of survival in dry years. Spiny squash plants also help discourage predators from approaching the corn and beans. The large amount of crop residue from this planting combination can be incorporated back into the soil at the end of the season, to build up the organic matter and improve its structure.

  15. Harmony of Plants • Corn, beans and squash also complement each other nutritionally. Corn provides carbohydrates, the dried beans are rich in protein, balancing the lack of necessary amino acids found in corn. Finally, squash yields both vitamins from the fruit and healthful, delicious oil from the seeds. • Native Americans kept this system in practice for centuries without the modern conceptual vocabulary we use today, i.e. soil nitrogen, vitamins, etc.

  16. Plants that grow in harmony It has been clearly show that there are plants that do not thrive in the company of certain plants. Roses, fir example, like garlic and chives near them and benefit from them, but they do not like the company of tulip bulbs. This is generally caused by the roots exuding certain substances into the surrounding soil that suits some plants and disturb others. Note: There are some plants that give off stronger energy, while other plants are not as vigorous.

  17. What to plant in a spring garden • Eleven types of seeds to plant this month: beans, beets, carrots, corn, cucumbers, green onions, melons, okra, pumpkins, radishes and summer squash, capsicum(also known as red pepper or chili pepper). • Plant transplants of artichokes, eggplant, peppers and tomatoes.

  18. Beans • Fresh beans are a moderate source of beta carotene, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and carbohydrates.  • Half a cup of beans per day has a cholesterol-lowering effect in many people.  • Beans also appear to have a blood sugar normalizing effect, and may be of benefit to diabetics.  • Beans make you feel full, and consumption of them benefits an individual weight loss program. 

  19. Beets • Beet juice can measurably reduce blood pressure within one hour after drinking it • They contain an antioxidant, betacyanin, which both inhibits tumor growth and prevents the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines. • Aid in the proper function of the digestive system. • Effective at treating irritated skin and dandruff. • Beets are also considered an aphrodisiac. Beets contain boron, which helps in the production of human sex hormones.

  20. Carrots • Cleanse the intestines and to be diuretic, remineralizing, antidiarrheal, an overall tonic. • Stimulate the appetite, reduce colic, aid fluid retention and help alleviate menstrual cramps.

  21. Corn • Regulates intestinal and liver function. • High fiber content promotes intestinal transit. • Sooth minor itching due to an insect bite • Promotes Good Kidney Function.

  22. Cucumbers • Cleaning properties that removes accumulated waste and toxins from our body. • It may improve arthritis since it eliminates uric acid. • Helps in proper regulation of blood pressure and promotes flexibility of muscles.

  23. Scallion - green onions, • Stimulates the respiratory tract and helps in expelling sputum (phlegm). • Esential oils that stimulates the sweat glands and promote sweating. • Normalizes blood pressure. • rich in sulfur, an essential element that kills or inhibits fungus infections.

  24. Melons • Replaces the minerals, lost by the body due to heat and perspiration.  • Cooling effects the mind and body become. • Contains potassium. Used for treating urinary stones scanty urination, metabolic acidosis etc.  

  25. Okra • Stabilize the blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. • Binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver. • lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools.

  26. Pumpkins • Rich in fiber, good for treatment of obesity and constipation • Helps synthesizes proteins. • Helps the development of muscles and scar healing • Prostrate health.

  27. Radishes and summer squash Radishes to treat digestive ailments. It is useful in treating constipation, weak appetite, and respiratory tightness. Summer squash contains vitamin C as well as beta-carotene, folate and fiber. These nutrients make summer squash a tool in preventing cancers, heart disease, anddiseases of inflammation such as arthritis and asthma.

  28. Capsicum, also known as red pepper or chili pepper • Capsicum is used for various problems with digestion including upset stomach, intestinal gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, and cramps. It is also used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including poor circulation, excessive blood clotting, high cholesterol, and preventing heart disease.

  29. Transplant artichokes, eggplant, peppers and tomatoes.

  30. Additional plants in your spring garden • Eight types of seeds to plant this month: amaranth, basil, chamomile, garlic chives, rue, sage, sesame and yarrow.

  31. Amaranth • This plant is valued for the positive chemical composition of seed that does not contain gluten. • Amaranth is very interesting crop from the point of its high production potential. It grows intensively, photosynthesises fast and effectively, does not suffer from major diseases and is tolerant to various extreme conditions.

  32. Basil • Helps ease and remove stomach cramps, vomiting, constipation, headaches, and anxiety. • Digestion - activates peristalsis, enzymes, detergent for poor indigestion.  • Restorative, stimulant, especially for the nervous system.

  33. Chamomile •  Used - as an anti-inflammatory for the skin, as an anti-infective for many common ailments, and as an anti-spasmodic for such problems as stomach cramps and indigestion. • Abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress, wounds

  34. Garlic chives • Used as a antibiotic effect to reduce blood pressure, and strengthen kidneys. • Reduce fatigue, has been used as an antidote for ingested poisons, to control excessive bleeding; leaves and rhizomes are applied to bug bites, cuts, wounds; seeds are used to treat kidney, liver, and digestive system problems.

  35. Rue • Relieve gouty and rheumatic pains and to treat nervous heart problems, such as palpitations In women going through menopause. • Recommends the herb for painful menstruation, stomach trouble, cramps in the bowels, nervousness, hysteria, spasms, convulsions, pain in the head, confusion, dizziness, colic and convulsions in children, sciatica, pain in the joints and gout. It is also believed to resist poison.

  36. Sage • Medications for mouth sores, mouth ulcers, and sore throat. • Moisture-drying properties, and can be used as an antiperspirant. • lower blood sugar in cases of diabetes.

  37. Sesame • Skin Disorders :- A poultice of the sesame seeds can be applied externally over ulcers, burns and scalds. External application of a mixture of equal parts of sesame oil and lime water is also effective in these conditions. The oil is also used as a substitute for olive oil in pharmaceutical preparations for external uses. • Anemia :- Black sesame seeds, as a rich source of iron, are valuable in anemia. An emulsion of the seeds is prepared by grinding and straining them after soaking them in warm water for a couple of hours. This emulsion, mixed with a cupful of milk and sweetened with jaggery. should be given to patients suffering from anemia. • Dysentery and Diarrhea :- Sesame seeds are useful in dysentery and diarrhea. Two tablespoonfuls of the seeds should be lightly roasted on a frying pan. They should then be ground intO fine powder and mixed with one tablespoon of into three parts. Each part should be used with boiled goat's milk thrice daily for six days by the patients suffering from chronic dysentery or diarrhea. It acts as an excellent medicine in these conditions. • Abortion :- Sesame seeds are traditionally used as a medicine for causing abortion. One tablespoonful of the seeds should be ground with equal quantity of palm jaggery and used twice daily in the early stage of pregnancy for this purpose. It excites the uterine contractions and thus expels the fertilized ovum.

  38. Yarrow • Yarrow is believed to aid in digestion and possibly increase appetite. • Causes the body to perspire, thereby eliminating toxins causing the illness. • Relief from symptoms of stomach cramps, rheumatism, menstrual cramping, hypertension, flatulence, diarrhea, and as a general tonic.

  39. Organizing a Compost Bin Construction Below are instructions for two different compost bins. The first is a very simple, very inexpensive bin that is ideal for those just getting started. The second bin is sturdier and requires more effort to build. The general structure of the two bins is the same so you can take the general plan and build your own to match your needs. If you are creating one of the more complex bins, you may consider completing some of the steps requiring cutting or drilling before the volunteers assemble the compost bin in order to save time and to minimize the number of people using potentially dangerous tools. If you decide to build a bin that is different than the ones we describe, remember that the minimum effective size for a compost bin is 3' by 3' and the maximum effective size for a single bin is 5' x 5'.

  40. Materials Bin 1 - Round Wire Compost Bin 12-1/2 feet of 36" wide 1" poultry wire, or 1/2" hardware cloth, or 16 gauge plastic coated wire mesh 4 metal or plastic clips, or copper wire ties 3 or 4 four foot wooden or metal posts for poultry wire bins

  41. Tools Bin 1 - Round Wire Compost Bin Heavy duty wire or tin snips, Pliers, Hammer or metal file, Work gloves

  42. Building Your Compost Bin Bin 1 - Round Wire Compost Bin In the case of the round wire bin, you are almost there! Roll out and cut 12½ feet of poultry wire, hardware cloth or plastic coated wire mesh using the wire snips or tin snips. If you use poultry wire, roll back three to four inches at each end of the cut piece to provide a strong clean edge which will be easy to latch and won’t poke or snag. Now form the wire in the form of a circle and secure the ends with clips or wire ties. Your bin is now ready go! Bring the bin to the place where you would like it to be and then space the posts around edge inside wire circle. Hammer the posts firmly into the ground while tensing them against wire to provide support. You now have your compost bin!

  43. Using and Maintaining Your Compost Bin What to put in your compost Bin There are four basic ingredients in the compost pile, nitrogen, carbon, water, and air. Nitrogen – The nitrogen in your compost pile comes from green materials such as grass clippings, fresh leaves and twigs, vegetable and fruit trimmings, and coffee grounds and filters. Most any organic material that has moisture or ‘life’ still in it is considered a green material. Carbon – You are adding carbon to your compost by adding brown materials such as dry leaves and grasses, straw, wood chips, corn stalks, shredded newspaper, paper towels, napkins, and cardboard.

  44. Using and Maintaining Your Compost Bin Water – Occasionally adding water to the pile will balance the correct moisture level. The proper moisture should be about the same as a wet sponge that has been squeezed to remove moisture. Air – Oxygen is very important to the organisms that are working in the pile to breakdown the organic material. Bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, and insects need oxygen to breathe and air space in which to move throughout the pile.

  45. Where to locate your bin Place your bin at least two feet away from any permanent structure. It should be partially shaded and near a water source. Don't place it too close to your garden because it might attract slugs, but don’t place it too far away because it won’t be convenient! Make sure that there is a source of water nearby so that you can occasionally moisten the compost.

  46. Composting Dos and Don'ts Do turn your aerobic bin regularly. Once every 6-7 days is ideal, but it can be done as seldom as once a month. This will insure that air is supplied to all parts of the pile, and that all the material gets composted. When turning the pile, put the material from the middle of the pile outside, and vice versa, so that all the material will be composted. Do water your compost pile if it is not moist like a sponge. If it gets too wet, air will not be able to get through the pile, and foul odors may arise. If the pile gets too dry, decomposition will stop. Both aerobic and anaerobic systems need water, but the anaerobic will require less overall. Don’t put any meat, dairy products, fats, or oils into the compost pile. These materials tend to putrefy instead of breaking down, and will attract a wide variety of pests, including flies, rats, raccoons, stray dogs and cats, etc. Don’t put dog and cat wastes into the compost pile. The manure from any animal that eats meat contains several pathogens that survive the compost process, and may affect any fruits or vegetables on which the compost is used.

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