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SeismologyVO provides seismic data repository, applications, and services for earthquake analysis and hazard assessment in Southeastern Europe. Explore tools like ELF, FPS, MDSSP-WA, NMMC3D, and SDS. Join to access cutting-edge research tools!

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  1. SEE-GRID-SCI SEISMOLOGYVO Wiki Pages: http://wiki.egee-see.org/index.php/SG_Seismology_VO The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

  2. Vision: converged communication and service infrastructure for SEE The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

  3. Seismology VO (aims) SeismologyVO will offer the researchers: Seismic Data Repository: Earthquakes, stations and sensor information, seismic waveform files from various countries in Southeastern Europe. Seismic Data Server Application Service (SDSAS), A JRA1 development that provides scripts to upload seismic data and iterators to access data. Seismology Applications: Earthquake Location Finding (ELF) Fault Plane Solution (FPS) Massive Digital Seismological Signal Processing with the Wavelet Analysis (MDSSP-WA) Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection (NMMC3D) Seismic Data Server (SDS) Seismic Risk Assesment (SRA) The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

  4. Seismology VO Platform Earthquake and seismic waveform data Earthquake and seismic waveform data Earthquake and seismic waveform data Applications (ELF,FPS,MDSSP-WA,NMMC3D,SDS) Programming tool (SDS data Iterators) Distributed storageand indexing of data on grid (by SDSAS upload scripts) Country n Country 2 Country 1 ...

  5. Partner Institutes

  6. VO Infrastructure(core services)

  7. VO usage/access Helpdesk information: currently N/A A new Seismo VO Support group will be created in https://helpdesk.see-grid.eu/ Howto get membership: https://voms.ulakbim.gov.tr:8443/voms/seismo.see-grid-sci.eu/ accepts applications for membership. VO-admin can process and accept these applications “where to go if error”: Currently Bilal Bektas (bilal.bektas@gmail.com) is handling these Email groups will be created for this purpose

  8. VO usage/access Howto monitor the infrastructure: An SDSAS script will be developed for reporting current inventory of seismic datar Use https://c01.grid.etfbl.net/sam.php for monitoring infrastructure Available UI machine: currently N/A Available developer portal: currently N/A Planning to use portal.grid.org.tr Available tools and services: MyProxy, WMS, RB, BDII, VOMS, AMGA SDSAS

  9. Applications

  10. Earthquake Location Finding (ELF) • This application is based on HYPO71 and finds the location of earthquakes by scanning • seismic waveform data. • This application is not compute intensive , but it is data intensive.The application can • be parallelized by scanning data files in parallel by multiple using worker nodes. • A workflow can be generated automatically by a program corresponding to the time • intervals in which to look for earthquake • Contact: Mehmet Yılmazer , mehmety@boun.edu.tr

  11. Fault Plane Solution (FPS) • Computes earthquake source parameters (strike, slip, dip) • Inputs: • Crust model: layer thicknesses, seismic velocities, densities, q-factor • Actual seismic waveform data (in SAC format) • Output: • Fault paramtheters • Useful for identifying tectonic structures that are not visible on earth’s surface • Computationally intensive application • A typical run that uses data from 50 stations takes 8 hours on a PC • Implemented in Fortran/C • Contact: Mehmet Yılmazer , mehmety@boun.edu.tr

  12. Massive Digital Seismological Signal Processing with the Wavelet Analysis(MDSSP-WA) • Wavelet theory has matured in past years as new mathematical tool for time series analysis. • The continuous or discrete wavelet transforms and relevant plotting of the results in coordinate • system, scales versus time, shows striking similarity of the wavelet images, between different seismic • records, coming from the same source region ornoticeabledifference for records of earthquakes • occurred in different source region. • We assume that, those similar image patterns are due to same underlying geological setting while the • differences (usually for smaller scale) is due to different source mechanism and finer geological • structures. • In the first approximation of geological structure, similarities of the image patterns in domain of large • scale are noticeable even for the records from different source regions. • With massive processing of earthquake records we can define: (i) Common features of the • propagation path for the given seismic source region or to define empirical transfer function of the • media (ii) Calculation of the artificial seismograms, (iii) Determine the source region based on a • single earthquakes record (iv) Determine the more realistic attenuation curve of the selected feature • (parameter), very much needed in seismic hazard and risk analysis, (v) Mapping (coding) of the given • earthquakeprone region in terms of selected parameters (vi)Seismic source parameters • Contact: Ljupco Jordanovski, ljordanovski@gmail.com

  13. Numerical Modeling of MantlE Convection – NMMC3D • The outer part of the Earth consist of moving, rotating and interacting • plates. • The motion of these plates suggest a large convective system in the • Earth's 2900 thick layer, the mantle. • The numerical calculations suggested that the convective cells are • formed by sheet-like elongated downwellings (subduction zones) and • narrow, cylindrical upwellings (mantle plumes, at the hotspots). • The main goal of our research is the quantitative study of the structure • and surface manifestation of mantle plumes and to make systematic • investigation of the parameters influencing the character of mantle • convection in 3D. • Contact: Bálint Süle, suba@seismology.hu

  14. SEISMIC RISK ASSESMENT (SRA) • Seismic Risk Assessment is very important for public safety and hazards • mitigation. • It is also important for the correct determination of earthquake insurance • premiums and also for understanding the social and psychological • effects of earthquakes. • Our aim is to develop an application framework to allow us to embed • alternative (deterministic, probabilistic etc.) models. • SRA application can be grouped into four main categories: • (i) Accessing Earthquake Catalogue, • (ii) Earthquake Source Model • (iii) Seismic Hazard Models • (iv) Producing Seismic Hazard Maps • Contact: CevatŞener, sener@ceng.metu.edu.tr

  15. Seismic Data Server Application Service (SDSAS) • SDSAS is a JRA1 service that serves massive seismic data that are archived from national seismology centers using a high level interface that is easy to use/adapt. It servesofficial lists of earthquakes, stations , sensor information. • Itkeeps the details of where the data files reside are hidden by mapping high level user specifications (dates, hours, location etc.) to appropriate pathnames. • The SDSAS implementation will be done by using scripts to collect and organizing the seismic data by utilizing storage elements, LFC and AMGA . • C++ iterators can be used by applications to access station data, earthquake data and information about seismic waveform files. • Contact: Can Özturan, ozturaca@boun.edu.tr

  16. Seismic Data Server (SDS) • SDS serves seismic data present in AMGA tables (station data, • earthquake data and information about seismic waveform • files - not waveform files themselves) through a web interface • that utilizes kml and Google Earth API. • Contact: Can Özturan, ozturaca@boun.edu.tr

  17. VO application specific information N/A yet since most applications are under development currently SDSAS usage instructions are available on the see-grid-sci wiki

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