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DRIAS Project: providing Regional Climate Informations over France. Julien Lémond 1-4 , Ph. Dandin 1 , S. Planton 4 , R. Vautard 3 , C. Pagé 2 , M. Déqué 4 , L. Franchistéguy 1 , S. Geindre 1 , M. Kerdoncuff 1 , L. Li 3 T. No ël 3 1 Direction of Climatology, Météo-France 2 CERFACS / CNRS
DRIAS Project: providing Regional Climate Informations over France Julien Lémond1-4 , Ph. Dandin1, S. Planton4, R. Vautard3, C. Pagé2, M. Déqué4, L. Franchistéguy1, S. Geindre1, M. Kerdoncuff1, L. Li3 T. Noël3 1 Direction of Climatology, Météo-France 2 CERFACS / CNRS 3 IPSL / LSCE-CEA 4 CNRM-GAME, Météo-France, CNRS 11th EMS / 10th ECAM Berlin, 13 september 2011
Presentation Outline • Context • DRIAS content • DRIAS web portal
DRIAS: context and rationale • To provide French regional climate data and products for impact and adaptation of our society and environment • A contribution to the French strategy for adaptation • The main modelling groups plus the meteorological service • Under the umbrella of & with funding from the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (GICC programme) • Completion expected June 2012 • A web portal, as a first piece of French climate services • Facilitating access to RCM outputs for various types of users • Namely involved in studies on the impacts of and adaptation to climate change • Institutional communities, scientific communities, local authorities, associationsbusiness, consulting… • Acting between researchers and users, providing a support to each • Contributing to further harmonizing the French modelling and services groups The DRIAS portal will provide a serviceand facilitate the link between users and researchers
The Team Project • The European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation (CERFACS) • Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) • LMD • LSCE • National Center of Meteorological Research (CNRM-GAME, Météo-France, CNRS) • Direction of Climatology, Météo-France Climate modelling groups Meteorology & Climatology Service Coordinator
Presentation Outline • Context • DRIAS content • DRIAS web portal
A variety of outputs available harmonization How to deliver a useful information and represent uncertainty with heterogeneous outputs (various regional models, downscaling methods… various scenarios, parameters, resolution, time periods…) ? 300 km 50 km 25 km 8 km 8 km Résolution Global ModelsIPCC ARPEGE LMDzRegional Simulations Aladin-Climat WRF Quantile-Quantile Correction Statistical Downscaling
From data to products • Definition of 3 levels of data: • Raw data (level 1) available on the native grid of a climate model, access to expert • Corrected data (level 2), conveniently available on a common grid to several climate models. Data obtained after statistical downscaling or quantile-quantile correction • Elaborated data or indices (level 3). Data obtained after computation on corrected data (level 2) • Products: A selection of 30 Stardex indices • Underway: Multi-models ensemble products
Presentation Outline • Context • DRIAS content • DRIAS web portal
Data Acess Support A 3 sections’ web portal DRIAS web portal Discovery
DRIAS web portal: Support section • Description of DRIAS Project • General notions on Climate Change • General resources specific to the service • documentation on the models used, • description of DRIAS products, • Description of services provided by the portal • News, FAQ… The challenge: - Educate to best practices - Provide a scientific and technical hot-line
Discovery section (1/2) • Discovery of the data and products provided by the portal (a quick look access) • Interactive viewing of graphical products (maps and plots) representing different indices • Possibility to switch to Data Access section with choices made during the discovery
Discovery section (2/2) Example of climate products that will be available: charts and plots Heating Degree Days for Febuary on the time period 2031-2050 (from simulation downscaled by CERFACS) Annual mean precipitation for a grid point selected from two differents regional simulations
Data Access section Selection of numerical data on the native RCM grids
Conclusion • DRIAS contribute to assist and support impact studies, without leading them • Providing, through a web portal, data allowing different communities to respond to requests for impact of climate change • A further step in harmonizing scenarios outputs • DRIAS will facilitate the transfer of climate information between users and multi-disciplinary community of climate modelling • Assistance to users (support, documentation, FAQ) • Broad spectrum of climate information (data, products) to respond to as many people • Several hypotheses of emission, several models and several downscaling methods, allowing a first assessment of uncertainty.