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COLORS OF CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHINGS. We belong to one global family & we are challenged to be in solidarity with our brothers & sisters around the globe.
We belong to one global family & we are challenged to be in solidarity with our brothers & sisters around the globe
world poverty – over 3Billion live on less than $2.50/ day- 18 children die every minute (26,000/day) due to poverty- over 9M people (of w/c 5million are children) die bec. Of hunger & malnutrition- 1.1 billion (18%) do not have access to safe water
Common good Pope John XXIII (Pacem in Terris, 1963): • The common good requires that civil authorities maintain a careful balance between coordinating and protecting the rights of the citizens on the one hand, and promoting them, on the other. It should not happen that certain individuals or social groups derive special advantage from the fact that their rights have received preferential protection. (65) Live in solidarity!
All people are equal & have the right & duty to participate full in the life of their community
Distribution of wealth The richest 20% accounts for 75% of world income The poorest 40% accounts for 5% of world income 20% 40% 40%
Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et Spes, 1965): God destined the earth and all that it contains for the use of all human beings and all peoples... Furthermore, the right to have a share of earthly goods, sufficient for oneself and one's family, belongs to everyone. (69) Sharing instead of accumulating
Life is sacred and the dignity of every person is to be respected
Toxic chemicals in consumer products GMO – growth hormones in our food; biotechnology Agent orange in Vietnam – herbicides (dioxin) Pollution from garbage landfills
Pope Pius XI (Quadragesimo Anno, 1931): Labour... is not a mere commodity. On the contrary, the worker's human dignity in it must be recognised. It therefore cannot be bought and sold like a commodity. (83) Live with dignity!
LABOR EXPLOITATION: • - Child labor/ slaves by NESTLE in their cocoa plantation in Africa • Child labor by Nike; sweat shops by most signature brands • 30% of CONGO children are lost / utilized in MINING to make most electronic gadgets
Live simply! Pope John Paul II (CentesimusAnnus, 1991): In his desire to have and to enjoy rather than to be and to grow, man consumes the resources of the earth and his own life in an excessive and disordered way. Man, who discovers his capacity to transform and in a certain sense create the world through his own work, forgets that this is always based on God's prior and original gift of the things that are.
Consume responsibly! Pope Benedict XVI (Caritas in Veritate, no. 66] It is good for people to realize that purchasing is always a moral — and not simply — economic act. Hence the consumer has a specific social responsibility, which goes hand-in-hand with the social responsibility of the enterprise. Consume responsibly!
GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: • – in Australia/ New Zealand (2009) 45°C hottest in 70/ 155 yrs • DROUGHT : • In Kenya for 2 decades • - in Mexico (2009) worst in 70 yrs, 50,000 cows dead, 7million hectares of crops are wiped out • in Chile / Argentina/ Paraguay/ Uruguay, worst experience in 50 yrs • - in Iraq , experienced 4 consecutive yrs • - in China, worst in 50 yrs affecting 10M hectares • TYPHOON & FLOODING: • Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Central Europe, Bangladesh, Philippines, Vietnam, New Zealand (winter cyclone causing flash floods) • SNOWSTORM (Alaska, Canada, China) • TORNADO/ HURRICANE (usa, Cuba)
We share one planet: we are caretakers of God’s Earth & all of creation
Live sustainably! • Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et Spes, 1965): God destined the earth and all that it contains for the use of all human beings and all peoples... Furthermore, the right to have a share of earthly goods, sufficient for oneself and one's family, belongs to everyone. (69) Live sustainably!
Inequalities in consumption 20% of world’s people in the highest income countries account for 86% of private expenditures The poorest 20% - only 1.3%
Inequalities in consumption 20% 60% 20%
Global consumption: Military spending in the world = $ 780 B Narcotics drugs in the w = $ 400 B Alcoholic drink in Europe = $ 105 B Cigarettes in Europe = $ 50 B Business entertainment in japan = $ 35 B Pet foods in US & Europe = $ 17 B Perfume in US & Europe = $ 12 B Ice cream in Europe = $ 11 B Cosmetics in US = $ 8 B
Global Need Basic education for all = $ 6 B Water & sanitation for all = $ 9 B Basic health & nutrition = $ 13 B
Pope John Paul II (SollicitudoReiSocialis, 1987): Super-development consists in an excessive availability of every kind of material goods for the benefit certain social groups, [which] easily makes people slaves of 'possession' and of immediate gratification, with no other horizon than the multiplication or continual replacement of the things already owned with others still better. This is the so-called civilization of 'consumption' and 'consumerism'... One quickly learns that the more one possesses the more one wants. (28.1) Live simply!
God calls us to show special preference for the poor & weak among us
Pope Leo XIII (RerumNovarum, 1891): It is evident that the public authorities ought to take proper care to safeguard the lives and well-being of the unpropertied class. (34) Live in solidarity!
We work to continue the construction of God’s reign on Earth.