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Overview of Far Detector Performance

Overview of Far Detector Performance. IDS-NF ECFA Review, Daresbury Laboratory. Paul Soler, 5 May 2011. ~15 m. 3 m. n beam. 3 m. High granularity detector. High resolution detector. Mini-MIND. B~1 T. Overview of Detector Session. Detector session will cover three talks:

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Overview of Far Detector Performance

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  1. Overview of Far Detector Performance IDS-NF ECFA Review, Daresbury Laboratory Paul Soler, 5 May 2011

  2. ~15 m 3 m n beam 3 m High granularity detector High resolution detector Mini-MIND B~1 T Overview of Detector Session • Detector session will cover three talks: • This talk (P. Soler): Description of far detector baseline (Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector) and performance • A. Bross: MIND detector technology and engineering • R. Tsenov: Near Detector performance criteria and status Near Detector IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  3. detector 50-100 m 50% 15 m wrong sign muon n beam 50% 50-100kT 15 m B=1 T iron (3 cm) + scintillators (2cm) Baseline for a Neutrino Factory: MIND • Golden channel signature: appearance of “wrong-sign” muons in magnetised iron calorimeter Magnetic Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) IDS-NF baseline for 25 GeV NuFact: • Two far detectors: • 2500-5000 km baseline: 100 kton • 7000-8000 km (magic) baseline: 50 kton • Appearance of “wrong-sign” muons • Segmentation: • 3 cm Fe + 2 cm scintillator • 1 T magnetic field IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  4. History of Wrong-Sign Muon Analysis • Latest GEANT3 analysis (2009): NIMA 624, (2010) 601 (arXiV:1004.0358) • New feature – full reconstruction for the first time Charge mis-ID International Scoping Study (ISS) NC background Other important output: full response (migration) matrices for signal and background: sensitivity and systematic studies IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011 Also: ne background ~ 4x10-5

  5. MIND: new GEANT4 analysis • Improvements MIND analysis with full GEANT4 simulation A. Laing, PhD thesis, University of Glasgow • Add quasi-elastics and resonance production (NUANCE) • Non DIS processes dominant at low energies • Should improve low energy efficiency Zeller: hep-ex/0312061 IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011 Benchmark of NUANCE with data

  6. MIND: neutrino event generation • Energy smearing with hadronic energy resolution: • Digitisation and clustering with ~1cm spatial resolution Bending plane Non-bending plane Front x-y view IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  7. Expected neutrino event rates in MIND Event rates 100 kton MIND at 4000 km (for 1021m decays) Need 10-4 bkg suppression anti-numu CC nue CC anti-nu NC nu NC IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  8. Task 2 MIND: likelihood analysis • Curvature error (CC rejection) and NC rejection Num hits > 150 nm-CC nm-CC CC signal nm-CC nm-CC • Kinematic cuts: Neutrino energy (En=Em+Ehad) vs IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  9. MIND: CC and NC background • New analysis with Nuance and GEANT4: anti-numu as numu numu as anti-numu CC background NC as numu NC as anti-numu NC background IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  10. MIND: ne background and signal • New analysis with Nuance and GEANT4: anti-nue as anti-numu nue as numu nue background numu efficiency anti-numu efficiency Signal efficiencies IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  11. nm-CC nm-CC MIND: signal efficiency • Difference in numu and anti-numu efficiencies: effectively only because of Bjorken y distribution (inelasticity) of neutrinos and antineutrinos IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  12. MIND: signal efficiency • New analysis with Nuance and GEANT4: better efficiencies at low energies, due to addition of QES and RES events IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  13. Task 2 MIND: systematic errors • Systematic errors: hadronic energy & angular resolution • Systematic errors: ratio of QES/DIS, 1p/DIS, “Other”/DIS IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  14. MIND: Future directions • Analysis and simulations: • Add ntsignal to wrong-sign muon signal – important for sensitivities • Move to GENIE for neutrino interactions • Improve digitisation, optimise geometry and add toroidal field • Hadronic reconstruction: energy and angular resolution • New multivariate analysis: sensitivity plots • Cosmic backgrounds   IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  15. MIND: realistic geometry • Dipole field not realistic due to cost of implementation • Toroidal field and octagonally shaped detector (as in MINOS) more realistic • Fermilab engineers working towards valid engineering solution and magnetic field map Two detectors M~50-100 KTon See A. Bross next talk IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  16. MIND: since IDR • Tau neutrino simulations using GENIE already implemented • New plots:nt signal right-sign nutau as numu anti-nutau as anti-numu • New plots:nt signal wrong-sign anti-nutau as numu nutau as anti-numu IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  17. MIND: since IDR • Progressing to new simulations using full GENIE simulation • Analysis redone using GENIE • Importance of Parton Distribution Functions and event generator implementation – source of systematic error • Working towards octagonal geometry in simulation: • Implemented geometry • Need to implement toroidal B-field Sneak preview IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  18. 100 m 15 m 15 m 1.5 cm 15 m 3 cm Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Suitable for Low Energy Neutrino Factory: 5-10 GeV muons Ellis, Bross • 35 kton • 10,000 modules • 1000 cells per plane • Total: 10M channels Reduction threshold: access second oscillation maximum and electron identification • Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c • Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T • Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  19. Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) Neutrino CC reconstructed efficiency Muon charge mis-ID rate • Also: preliminary results suggest ~80% electron detection efficiency but still need to work on electron charge identification IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  20. Totally Active Scintillating Detectors (TASD) • Main challenge: magnetisation of huge volume • However, possible magnetisation can be achieved using magnetic cavern concept (10 modules with 15m x 15 m diameter) Use Superconducting Transmission Line (STL) 50 m Bross 0.58 T at 50 kA • R&D needed to develop concept!! IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

  21. Conclusions • Two Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detectors (MIND) at standard Neutrino Factory (25 GeV) is baseline: • 2500-5000 km with100 kton mass • 7000-8000 km (magic baseline) with 50 kton • New analysis with Nuance, Geant4, full pattern recognition and reconstruction achieved, with full migration matrices for GLoBES supplied. • Efficiencies higher in the plateau and lower threshold than previous analyses (mainly due to addition of QEL+RES events) • Engineering realistic concept well under way (next talk) • Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) offers alternative with lower muon threshold and electron identification • Main difficulty: magnetisation IDS-NF ECFA Review: 5th May 2011

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