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In His Name The Most High. How to write a scientific document? 1. Document’s structure and …. By: M. J. Abedini. Outline of presentation. Clarification on seminar title Document’s structure Document’s building block--Paragraph Document’s title, abstract, and introduction
In His Name The Most High How to write a scientific document?1. Document’s structure and … By: M. J. Abedini
Outline of presentation Clarification on seminar title Document’s structure Document’s building block--Paragraph Document’s title, abstract, and introduction Critical review of the literature Concluding remarks Recommendations Questions and Answers
Road map for upcoming seminars Scientific method Steps involved in writing a clearly written document Writing skills Common errors in grammar and usage Rules for spelling Punctuation Guide to oral presentation Database resources and search strategies
Road map for upcoming seminars Reference management resources Ethics in scientific writing Journal and journal selection process Writing a resume and letter of application
Type of documents Lab report Project report or term paper Proposal Thesis Books Government report Conference paper Journal paper
توليد قيد براي تحقيق بيشتر آب دريا را اگر نتوان كشيد هم به قدر تشنگي بايد چشيد مقايسه علم با هنر نقش كليدي آموزش در امر پژوهش ضرورت فرهنگ سازي سير تكاملي دريافت نقطه نظرات داوران در خصوص نگارش مقاله • چرا اين موضوع؟ سابقه قبلي و اهداف
Nature of feedbacks from reviewers Feedback on our first submission: The grammar, syntax and semantics of the paper are poor and often obscure its message. I have made many suggestions in the margins on how the readability of the paper might be improved. In the event that this paper is revised, I strongly recommend that the authors and/or the journal subject the manuscript to rigorous sub-editing before publication.
Nature of feedbacks from reviewers Feedback on our more recent submissions: I have checked your manuscript and find the English to be well written and perfectly acceptable. This paper is also well written. It has a clear focus and organization. A final comment is that the paper is clearly written by non-native English speakers.
ِDocument’s structure Title Abstract and keywords Introduction Materials and methods Results and discussions Conclusions and recommendations for further … References and reference citing Appendices
Unity A paragraph presents one main idea as well as specific support for that idea. Think of the main idea as a message Coherency Every sentence in the paragraph must relate to its message Every sentence must relate to the sentences before and after it Development Variety Variations in sentence length will tell the difference between main ideas (short) and supporting ideas (long) • ِDocument’s building block: Paragraph
Paragraph structure--SEES Introduction Statement Main body Elaboration Evidence Conclusions Summary • ِDocument’s building block: Paragraph
عنوان يكي از مهم ترين عناصر يك مستند علمياست ويژگي هاي يك عنوان ايده آل: ساده، قابل فهم و واضح باشد اختصاصي باشد جذاب باشد در بر گيرنده واژگان كليدي مربوط به مطالعه باشد مختصر و مانع (و نه جامع) باشد حاوي مخفف و اصطلات پيچيده نباشد • عنوان مستند علمي
هدف از ارائه چكيده مؤلفه هاي يك چكيده ي ساختار يافته: مقدمه: اهميت موضوع مورد مطالعه و ضرورت انجام آن روشها: روش انجام تحقيق يافته ها: يافته هاي اصلي مطالعه نتيجه گيري: تفسير و نتيجه گيري نهائي بكارگيري افعال مجهول و زمان گذشته فاقد هر گونه شكل، جدول و مرجع از لحاظ ترتيب نگارش، آخرين مرحله • چكيده مستند علمي
ساختار كلي و محتواي مقدمه: ارائه زمينه و ديدگاه در باره موضوع و اهميت پرداختن به آن مرور انتقادي منابع علمي مرتبط با موضوع بيان منطق منجر به انجام پژوهش بيان اهداف مطالعه معرفي ساختار باقيمانده ي مستند سير ارائه مطالب در مقدمه زمان نوشتن مقدمه چه موقعي است؟ هنر و تكنيك نوشتن يك مقدمه ي خوب • مقدمه مستند علمي
Critical review of literature Literature Review--Definition Why do we do a LR? What a LR is NOT? Features of a good LR. Purposes of a LR. Nine steps in writing a LR. Content of a LR. Tips on LR structure and write-up
Literature Review--Definition A summary, explanation and synthesis of the complete and current state of knowledge on a topic as found in: Academic books Journal articles Conference Proceedings Government reports Dissertations ….
Literature Review--Definition An account of what has been published on a topic by accredited: Scholars Researchers
Why do we do a literature review? To see what has and has not been investigated. To develop general explanations for observed variations in a behavior or phenomenon. To identify potential relationships between concepts To identify researchable hypothesis. To learn how others have defined and measured key concepts
Why do we do a literature review? To identify data sources which other researchers have used. To develop alternative research projects. To discover how a research project is related to the work of others? Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field is essential for most research papers.
What a literature review is NOT? An annotated bibliography Literary review A book review
Features of a good literature reviews Compare and contrast different authors’ views on an issue, Group authors who draw similar conclusions, Criticize aspects of methodology, Note areas in which authors are in disagreement, Highlight exemplary studies,
Features of a good literature review Highlight gaps in research, Raise questions and identify areas to be explored, Show how one’s study relates to previous studies, Show how one’s study relates to literature in general, Conclude by summarizing what the literature says.
Purposes of a literature review Define and limit the problem, one is working on, Place one’s study in a historical perspective Provide an excellent starting point for researchers beginning to do research in a new area, Ensure that researchers do not duplicate work that has already been done, Can provide clues as to where future research is heading or recommend areas on which to focus,
Purposes of a literature review Highlights key findings, Identifies inconsistencies, gaps and contradictions in the literature, Provides a constructive analysis of the methodologies and approaches of other researchers, Formulates questions that need further research.
Nine steps to writing a literature review Step 1: Find a working topic, Think about what interests you, Talk to your supervisor, Read lecture notes, Read recent issues of journal articles, Step 2: Review the literature Use at least two relevant databases, Science citation index, Current contents Canada institute for scientific and technical information (cisti) Read the most recent articles and work backward,
Nine steps to writing a literature review Step 3: Focus your topic narrowly and select papers accordingly. What interests you? What interest others? What time span of research will you consider?
Nine steps to writing a literature review Step 4: Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them. What assumptions do most/some researchers seem to be making, What methodologies do they use? Evaluate and synthesize the research findings drawn Note experts in the field, names/labs that are frequently referenced Note conflicting theories, results and methodologies, Watch for popularity of theories and how these have/have not changed over time. Step 5: Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing sub-topics
Nine steps to writing a literature review Step 5: Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing sub-topics Findings that are common /contested, Two or three important trends in the research, The most influential theories. Step 6: Develop a working thesis Find a focus, Construct a working thesis statement, Consider organization.
Nine steps to writing a literature review Step 7: Organize your own papers based on the findings from steps 4 & 5. Develop headings/subheadings, Organize materials chronologically, thematically and/or methodologically, Summarize major trends in tabular format Step 8: Write the body of the literature review Step 9: Look at what you have written: Focus on analysis and synthesis and not description.
Content of a literature review Introduction Establish the field by: Claiming centrality, Moving from general to specific, Reviewing relevant items of previous research Define a research problem by: Indicating a gap, Raising a question, Continuing a previously developed line of inquiry; Counter-claiming,
Content of a literature review Introduction-continue Propose a solution by: Outlining purpose/setting objectives, Announcing present research (methodology), Indicating the structure of the research. Body Major themes or topics, Important trends, Any findings researchers agree or disagree
Content of a literature review Concluding remarks Highlighting gap in existing literature, Indicating links between previous research and one’s own research project, Indicating direction for future research.
Tips on literature review structure A common error in literature review: Presenting material from one author, followed by information from another, then another Remedy Group authors and links ideas To group authors who draw similar conclusions, use linking words such as: Also, additionally, again, similarly
Tips on literature review structure To group authors who draw dissimilar conclusions, use linking words such as: However, conversely, on the other hand, nonetheless Another major problem with LR: Often written as if they stand alone without links to the rest of the thesis
Tips on literature review structure Another major problem with LR: Proper referencing American Psychological Association style (APA) Council of Biology Editors style (CBE) Chicago style
Everything’s been said before, but nobody listens; so we must start at the beginning and say it all over again. • Concluding remarks
Try to be yourself Try to believe in yourself Try to be honest with yourself and possibly others Encourage team work Encourage independent thinking Materialize critical dialogue • Concluding remarks—cont.
Respect others’ opinion Be consistent on your saying and conduct Encourage hardworking Be hopeful of great future Be stable on your belief whatever they are Be logical and open-minded on your search for truth Seek confirmation from GOD as opposed to from people • Concluding remarks—cont.
برگزاري منظم كارگاه هاي مباني نگارش علمي بها دادن بيشتر به امر آموزش ساماندهي درس 6 واحدي انگليسي ويژه تعريف درس زبان تخصصي ويژه دانشجويان تحصيلات تكميلي تعريف درس روش تحقيق ويژه دانشجويان تحصيلات تكميلي • توصيه به مسئولين