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Report by Eva Garea Oya Stella Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain. STELLA PROGRAMME 2013. Report by Eva Garea Oya . Stella Coordinator .Universidade de Vigo, Spain. STELLA PROGRAMME IN 2013. Report by Eva Garea Oya . Stella Coordinator .Universidade de Vigo, Spain.

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  1. Reportby Eva GareaOya Stella Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013

  2. Reportby Eva GareaOya. Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME IN 2013

  3. Reportby Eva GareaOya. Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 “STELLA is a very interestingexperience, yougetmany ideas to improveyourwork” José Luis Rosales, STELLA 2012, PontificialCatholicUniversity of Peru

  4. Reportby Eva GareaOya. Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 KEY FACTS ON STELLA: • STELLA is a mobilityprogrammeaddressed totheadministrativestaff at theCGU’smemberuniversities. • TheSecretariatgathers a list of units/servicesofferedbytheinstitutionsand makesitavailabletoitsmembers. • The CGU grants a number of intercontinental mobilitieseveryyear. • One/twoweeksstaysallowtheparticipants to share experience and gettoknow howtoimprovetheirwork. • Thelatestcallwaslauched in September 2013.

  5. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 NEW IN 2013: BUDGET . As it was announced in the last CGU General Council, in September 2012, in Oulu, the total amount available for the distribution of CGU grants in the current call 2013 was 26.000 €(an increase of 12.000€ in relation to previous editions, as the programme is a priority for the CGU). • . This amount was distributed • among the CGU outgoing staff. • It was agreed to award the • same grant to each participant: • for each mobility 1083€ • (19 CGUgrants in total). • As usual, the money was • transferred to home universities at the end of the present call and only upon reception of the required final reports.

  6. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 • New in 2013: CHANGES IN THE STEERING COMMITTEE Universiyof Oulu announcedin December 2012 thattheycouldnotcontinue as members of thesteeringcommittee. Thus, thesteeringcommitteewas open to new members and thefollowingthree new membershavebeenapproved: • -University of Leon (Spain), Rafael de Paz Urueña. • -Pan-EuropeanUniversity (Slovakia), SlavomirRudenko. • -University of Arizona, Michael Proctor, • whojoinstheexecutivecommitteerepresenting • CONAHEC and the CGU executivecommittee.

  7. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES The FIGURES at call 2013 are the following: -Participating universities: 27 From the CGU (universities from FAUBAI and CONAHEC did not participate in this edition) -Total of offers: 60 -Total of applicants: 32 (20 candidates + 12 substitutes), 5 are from American universities and 14 from European universities. -A total of 24 initialmobilitiesgranted and 19 mobilities accepted by the universities: participants belonging to the CGU HEIs.

  8. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 • SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES • MOBILITIES (Chart): • OFFER OF DEPARTMENTS: • Published in the GCU web page:

  9. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 New in 2013: SELECTION CRITERIA • Weenlarged and adaptedtheselectioncriteriatotheneeds of theprogramme. Thisyeartheselectionprocessduringthe 7th March 2013 has beencomplex and difficult as wehavenotreceivedenoughvariety of offersto host alltheapplicants.

  10. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 SUMMARY OF MOBILITIES Criteriatomatch offers & applicants followed by the Steering Committee (in order to get a balanced mobility): Thecriteriaused has been: 1. Togiveprioritytothepreference of thecoordinator, 2. Togiveprioritytothepreference of thecandidate, 3. Tomaintainanequivalencebetween home and host department, 4. Tokeep a balance betweenEuropean and American mobility, 5. Tokeep a balance betweenEuropean and SpanishcandidatesgoingtoAmerica, 6. Tokeep a balance betweencandidatessent and received at thesameinstitution. 7. Togiveprioritytothoseuniversitiesparticipatingforthefirst time, 8. Togiveprioritytothoseuniversitiesunbalanced in thepreviouseditions, 9. Togiveprioritytothoseuniversitiesreceivingcandidatesnotonlyunder theErasmus Programme. 10. Togive a proportionaldistribution of grants.

  11. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 Balance of mobilities • CGU institutions: • Sends 1 - received 0 • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan • Cadiz University • Jaen University • Leon University • Malaga University • Masaryk University, Brno • Pan-European University • Regensburg University • RoviraiVirgili University • Vigo University • Sends 1 - receives 1 • University of Santiago de Compostela • Sends 1 - receives 3 • Universidad de Guadalajara • Sends 1 - receives 2 • Lleida University (Spain) Sends 2 - receives 6 Universidad de Monterrey *Unbalanced last year: sent 2 -received 1 Sends 2 - receives 2 Universidad Politécnica del Perú Sends 2 - receives 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Sends 0 - receives 2 Universidad Mayor (Chile) Sends 0 - receives 1 UNESP (Brazil) Basque Country University Sends 0- receives 0 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena University of Oviedo Girona University Almería University

  12. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 Participation of the CGU in the EAIE 2013: Workshop on STELLA As required by the members of the CGU executive committee, and with the support of Eva Garea, coordinator of the STELLA programme, the CGU Secretariat submitted a proposal to hold a workshop in the framework of the EAIE conference 2013 that was not finally selected. We will send the proposal again for 2014. • The workshop willbe focused on • ‘STELLA Best Practices for mobility: • How to implement an intercontinental • administrative staff mobility Programme’. • The aim of the CGU is to show how to create and manage an international mobility program for academic staff between universities and networks, taking as reference the 10 years wide experience coordinating the intercontinental STELLA Staff Mobility Programme.

  13. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2013 Disseminationactivities Thomas Buntru, Director of International Programmes at the Universidad de Monterrey (Mexico) and member of the executive committee of the CGU promoted the Stella Programme and our activities during the XV CONAHEC Higher Education Conference in North America (Alberta, Canada, 1st-3rd May 2013) with the objective to encourage more CONAHEC member universities to join the CGU and to participate in the Stella Programme.

  14. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2014 Stella’snew edition2014 will be launchedduringthelastweek of September 2013. • - Universitieshavetosendtheirofferformsincludingtheservice • orunitto be visitedand the • lettersof endorsementby • 31st October 2013 tothe • CGU Secretariat. • - 15th Novemberalltheoffers • willbe available in the CGU website. • - Staff of participatinguniversities can • applytill 31st January 2014. • Home coordinatorssendthe • Applications(1 candidate + 1 substitue • tothe CGU Secretariat) • tillthe 15th February 2014.

  15. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2014 Duringthesecondhalf of February 2014 thesteeringcommittewillcarryouttheselectionprocess. • Mobilitywilltake place betweenMarchand the 15th of December 2014.

  16. Reportby Eva GareaOya.StellaCoordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain STELLA PROGRAMME 2014 NEW PRIORITIES IN 2014: • 1.Increasing theenrollment of North American partners and CONAHEC in ordertoencouragetheparticipation of theEuropeanmembers. • 2. Identifying sponsors tomaintainthenumber of exchanges. • 3. Continuingworkingwithparticipants’ videos buttryingtogetthemdirectly in English orwithsubtitles. • 4. To avoid the difficulties arisen this year to do the match, it is agreed to add to the guidelines of the future editions the two following requirements: • -Candidates will have to compulsorily select three different preferences (offers). • -In case that the match is not possible, the steering committee will allocate the candidate in a placement which suits candidates profile. • 5. Universitiesthathavenotbeengiven a grant in thisedition 2013 willhavepriorityforthe Stella 2014.

  17. Reportby Eva Garea Oya. Stella Coordinator.Universidade de Vigo, Spain

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