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Alabama State Department of Education.
Alabama State Department of Education Intellectually gifted children and youth are those who perform or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. These children and youth require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Children and youth possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.
Alabama State Department of Education2nd Grade Child Find Process The ALSDE requires that all 2nd grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted behavior checklist provided by the State Department of Education. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that students from all populations and socio-economic groups, as well as students who are limited-English proficient are given the opportunity to be considered for gifted services.
Five Areas of Giftedness General intellectual ability Specific academic aptitude Creative thinking Leadership ability Visual or performing arts
High Achiever vs. Gifted Learner A High Achiever… • Knows the answer • Is interested • Has good ideas • Completes projects • Listens with interest • Absorbs information • Completes assignments A Gifted Learner… • Asks the question • Is curious • May have unexpected ideas • Initiates projects • Draws inferences • Demonstrates strong opinions • Manipulates information
Alabama State Screening & Eligibility Matrix Trussville City Schools Information must be obtained in the following areas: Aptitude. Aptitude should be assessed through an individual or group test of intelligence or creativity. Vision and hearing screening must be completed prior to completing individually administered aptitude assessments (not screeners.) Performance. At least three examples of student performance that indicate the student is performing at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to others of his or her age, experience, or environment must be included. Characteristics. A behavior rating scale designed to assess gifted behaviors should be used.
Identification Procedures • Students who may be eligible for gifted education services are generally identified through: • Second Grade Child Find • Gifted referrals, such as teachers, parents, administrators, or other individuals who have knowledge of the student after the age of six. • Universal screening for grades 4-6
2nd Grade Child Find Process 1st semester- 2nd grade teachers will observe the students in their classrooms and note any gifted behaviors. Following the observation period, teachers will complete the TABs Classroom Observation Checklist for 2nd Grade Child Find and turn them into the Gifted Referral Screening Team (GRST). The GRST will collect Planned Experiences data from every 2nd grader through three visits per second grade classroom. (Transformations, writing samples, & figural analogies)
2nd Grade Child Find Process The GRST will begin the referral process on each student who appears in the top two quadrants of the Second Grade Child Find Quadrant Form from previous data collected. Permission to Screen & Rights in Gifted Education will be sent home, signed by a parent, and returned to the gifted specialist. The GRST gathers data regarding a student’s aptitude, performance, and characteristics required by the Alabama State Screening & Eligibility Matrix.
GRST- Gifted Referral Screening Team Performance: Planned Experiences (Products Demonstrating Different Abilities) Data such as: STAR Global Scholar TABs Other Information is collected and is reviewed by Gifted Referral Screening Team (GRST) GATE Referral Process
Once Permission Is Given… Vision & Hearing Screening Aptitude Screening Is Administered, Additional Data Gathered Achievement Test is Administered, and if deemed Necessary, Additional Data Gathered GATE Referral Process
Gifted Eligibility Screening Determination Form Is Completed Eligibility Determination Team (EDT) Reviews Gifted Eligibility Screening Determination Form Student Qualifies If Matrix score Is 17 & above If eligible, Complete Notification of Eligibility Determination Team Decision & Eligibility Meeting scheduled with parents GATE Referral Process
If the matrix Score is between 14 & 16 points, Further Testing Is considered. Eligibility Determination Team (EDT) Reviews Gifted Eligibility Screening Determination Form Student Qualifies If Matrix score Is 17 & above If eligible, Complete Notification of Eligibility Determination Team Decision & Eligibility Meeting Scheduled with parents GATE Referral Process
If the matrix Score is less than 17 points, after further Testing Eligibility Determination Team (EDT) Reviews Gifted Eligibility Screening Determination Form Student Is Not Eligible Teachers & Parents are Notified about EDT’s Decision. GATE Referral Process
In Trussville City Schools, the needs of identified gifted students are met in many ways. Each school’s service delivery model is different to accommodate for changing needs of gifted students as they move through our schools.