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Tanzanian German Programme to Support Health Phase 3. Principles. Following the JAST DoL Health is one of three priority areas of Tanzanian German Development Cooperation All interventions support and contribute to HSSP 3, NMSF 2 and MKUKUTA
Principles Following the JAST DoL Health is one of three priority areas of Tanzanian German Development Cooperation All interventions support and contribute to HSSP 3, NMSF 2 and MKUKUTA It is expected that the contribution helps to achieve the relevant MDGs TGPSH is embedded in the Tanzanian Health SWAP All German Development Agencies are coordinated in ONE programme
Modalities of delivery 1(Financial Cooperation, KfW) General Budget Support Financial Support to the Health Basket Financial Support to the “health window” of the Local Government Development Grant Financial Programme Support to PSI (social marketing of condoms and FP comodities) and NHIF/CHF (antenatal health services for poor women)
Modalities of delivery 2(Technical Cooperation) Policy and strategic advise (mainly GTZ) Innovative approaches and implementation support (operational and action research, GTZ, DED and associate institutions) Capacity Development and Operational support at peripheral levels (mainly DED and InWEnt) Supplementary Human Resources (CIM) Human Resources Development (mainly GTZ, InWEnt)
Levels of interaction Multilevel approach Public and private actors Development Partners Academic Institutions Non governmental Organisations
Goal the aim of Germany's contribution is to help improve the general health of all women and men living in Tanzania, including particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the population.
Indicators Indicators are drawn from the national programmes
Components and their outputs sexual and reproductive health and rights, and AIDS/HIV (SRHR+A); financing of health care and social health insurance (HFIN); capacity development and human resources; decentralised subsidiary (public and private) health services.
Outputs of SRHR-A (1/2) PMTCT (Mbeya) Minimum Package for LGA Support to LGA Structure for multisectoral response to HIV and AIDS Establishment of a GIS-based information system Essential Health Package for AIDS Mainstreaming HIV
Interventions / Outputs of SRHR-A (2/2) Workplace programmes Male circumcision SRH- Information Platform for Adolescents Comprehensive support package of school-based services Sustainable CBD services Concept to increase professional monitored delivieries
Interventions / Outputs of HFIN Community Health Funds Comprehensive concept for financial management of district and provider services Approach to improve the claiming procedures with regard to NHIF-funds Computer-assisted hospital management National regulatory framework for Health Insurance
Interventions / Outputs of HRH HRH Strategy Capacity building and institutional development of the ZTC in Mbeya and Mtwara Support package or the roll out of the modular training course Human Resource Development Plan in the Health Sector Human Resource emergency plan in Lindi and Mtwara (ikncl. operational research)
Interventions / Outputs of DSHS (1/2) Operationalize HSSP 3 at district and lower levels Hospital Quality Assessment tool Hospital Quality and Management Improvement Teams Health care waste management improvement HCTS-District-Approach Innovative approach to revive supervision in health care
Interventions / Outputs of DSHS (2/2) Accreditation of Health facilities Methodology to make CHSB and FGCs functional Facilitating process for Service Agreements’ establishment Capacity development to CSSC with regard to establishment of Service Agreements.
Cross cutting issues Quality improvement Human rights based approach Gender Performance / results orientation Decentralization
Next Steps Decision maker meeting Short Proposal to BMZ Government Negotiations Proposal to BMZ Commission by BMZ Implementation agreement with MoHSW